Matt Hoy

Former vocalist for UB40 (Featuring Ali Campbell)

Matt Hoy was born and raised in Birmingham, UK and he’s been a musician all his life. In the 80’s when the band UB40 attained major success with a number of hits, he of course was in awe of them – because they too are from Birmingham, UK and they’d become known as “The Beatles of Birmingham” amongst the locals. So, it was like a dream come true when, in 2010, Matt joined the latest iteration of the band, and toured with them for almost 12 years, where he had the pleasure of singing “Red Red Wine” nearly every night to sold out venues around the world. 

But in 2021, Matt Hoy was rather unjustly dismissed from the job he loved simply for not having the Covid-19 vaccine, (even though the band and management company knew he was unable to receive it) due to a medical condition! Sadly, They’d made it mandatory for all members of the band to be injected, while completely ignoring the Disability section of the UK’s Equality Act, and they also ignored Matt’s individual medical reasons for not partaking. Undaunted, this hasn’t slowed Matt down at all. He continues to perform as a solo artist and now, he speaks wherever he can to tell his story of what happened, and what we can all do to make sure that what happened to him, never happens again… to anyone. 

Since being forced to leave the band (via text message, no less), Matt has made it his life’s mission to make people aware of the dangers vaccination, and also the very real impacts it has had on people’s lives, since so many were forced to abandon careers in the same way Matt was. His empathy especially goes out to all the home and health care workers, nurses, doctors, pharmacists, and medical staff who stood their ground and not only said no to it, but also and more importantly, refused to administer it, on an unsuspecting population.   


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Chef Andrew Gruel

Chef Andrew Gruel is one of America’s most popular and beloved celebrity chefs. In fact, he’s been dubbed as “America’s Chef”, not just for his media and TV appearances or for his innovative culinary creativity, but because he’s a chef of the people and for the people. Reason Magazine had said “Chef Andrew Gruel just might be the patron saint of restaurateurs, small-business owners, and service workers during the pandemic.”  And why would they say that? Because when the lockdowns happened in 2020 and the government forced so many restaurants to shut down, Chef Andrew Gruel started a fund in December 2020 to raise money for out-of-work restaurant workers, raising over $230,000 in the first three weeks alone. The fund, called 86 Restaurant Struggle, raised over Half A MILLION DOLLARS for the displaced and out of work restaurant employees that found themselves without a job, during the holiday season, no less. It is also worth mentioning that Chef Gruel via his one of his many restaurants, gave away thousands of free meals during that time – either as an outright free meal, or in food giveaways and charitable donations. Andrew was very outspoken at the time, because regulations that closed restaurants came well before help from the government was available, leaving restaurant workers across the state with no way to earn an income. For those who worked paycheck to paycheck, it was a very trying time, and Andrew had to help. 
Helping out workers isn’t the only cause our Celebrity Chef Speaker Andrew Gruel is involved in. As an environmentalist, he loves to discuss how aquaculture is beneficial for fish stocks, and how oceanic aquaculture is good for the environment and the surrounding communities that work in aquaculture, the jobs it brings and the sustainable, healthy food it provides; in fact, Chef Gruel has consulted with governments around the world about sustainable aquaculture; but beyond that, beyond helping struggling workers or improving the environment – beyond all that, at heart, Andrew’s passion is for his family and for his community, his country, and of course – for cooking up amazing food for his restaurant patrons and for TV audiences. 
Andrew’s latest project is “American Gravy”, a new show that is about much more than just food. Check the “Sizzle” reel in the video section for more. 





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Dr. William Trebing

Dr. William Trebing is a board certified Chiropractic Physician with a specialty in Neurology and Radiology, based in Connecticut and South Carolina. He has been in private practice for 38 years. He is the author of the book, Good-Bye Germ Theory,” originally published in 2000(!), explores the inconsistencies, contradictions and societal brain-washing centered around the “germ theory,” while highlighting some foundational and crucial information and facts regarding Terrain Theory. The book’s latest edition was published in 2006, but all editions are so prescient when it comes to what we are seeing today regarding coercive medical mandates, that it seems he traveled forward and back in time:  Dr. Trebing saw today’s pharma-dystopia coming 20 years ago when few others did. 

Dr. Trebing is an internationally renowned lecturer on the topics of spinal disc repair, disc radiography, natural health care, the fallacies of the germ theory and mandatory vaccination programs.  He is also the author of the popular book, “Good-Bye Germ Theory.” (The sequel to this book is due out in 2023).  He completed his undergraduate and graduate work in Biology/Chemistry and Secondary Education at both Adelphi and Brown Universities, as well as his doctorate in Chiropractic from NY Chiropractic College.


New! 2024 Full Keynote Presentation: 


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A.J. Rice

A.J. RICE, PUBLICIST TO THE STARS AND THE IMPRESARIO OF THE MAGA MEDIA RELEASED HIS FIRST BOOK: THE WOKING DEAD: How Society’s Vogue Virus Destroys Our Culture And it became a #1 Amazon Bestseller in 3 different categories in less than a week! 

NOW he has a new book out and it’s going to be a bestseller as well, we are sure! It’s called:

The White Privilege Album: Bringing Racial Harmony to Very Fine People…on Both Sides

A comedy about race, wokeness, and cancel culture in America. A tragedy about race, wokeness, and cancel culture in America. Part satire, part journalism, part truth serum, A.J. Rice follows up his runaway #1 bestseller The Woking Dead with a hilarious sequel that picks up where the laughs left off.

It was the worst of times, it was the worse of times. In most sequels the bad guys win, but in The White Privilege Album, A.J. Rice doesn’t let them get away with it. Instead, he relentlessly mocks the hell out of the Cultural Marxists who seek to drain all liberty and joy from American lives.

The least talented people in American society have been working overtime for decades dividing citizens along any differences they think they can exploit. The laziest tactic, proven to be the most effective, is unleashing a battalion of racial grievance hustlers in the media, academia, entertainment, and politics. If we stop fighting about our differences and start unifying on what we have in common, they will lose the power to divide us permanently.

When asked what motivates his writing style, A.J. Rice says, “I was raised on both Howard Stern and Rush Limbaugh, in fact, the three of us share the same birthday. One mantra that Rush always repeated was that his job was to ‘use irreverent humor to illustrate truth’ and that is what I am trying to do with The White Privilege Album.” Mockery paired with facts is what makes a journey through the Cultural Marxist hellscape of tyranny and insanity so pleasurable.

Rice would prefer to be George Carlin, Ricky Gervais, or Mel Brooks rather than Aristotle, and it shows. His mic-dropping assault on the social justice warriors, the triggered snowflakes, and the transmafia showcases that there is no substitute for perfectly timed derision.

The White Privilege Album is a hysterical guide to the catastrophe of our modern culture.

Rice has fought behind the scenes for years, in ways you saw and heard but never understood—until now. A creative mind behind some of the nation’s most important talk radio stars and the strategist behind the America First books you love to read. Like it or not, his content has been around you in some form for decades.

He was in your favorite publications and behind some of America’s most courageous culture warriors and institutions, crafting strategy and winning the battles you care about. You’ve seen A.J. Rice’s work for years…you just never knew it.



A.J. Rice is CEO of Publius PR, a premier communications firm in Washington D.C. Rice is a brand manager, star-whisperer, and auteur media influencer, who has produced or promoted Laura Ingraham, Judge Jeanine Pirro, Donald Trump Jr., Monica Crowley, Mark Meadows, Senator Marsha Blackburn, Dan Bongino, Charles Krauthammer, Congressman Steve Scalise, George P. Bush, Dr. Ben Carson, Michael Savage, Congressman Michael Waltz, The Hodgetwins, Roger L. Simon, Pastor Paula White-Cain, Buck Sexton, Steve Hilton, Alan Dershowitz, Bobby Kennedy Junior, Peter Navarro, Congresswoman Lauren Boebert, Paul Manafort, Dr. Naomi Wolf, Pete Hegseth, Newt Gingrich, Victor Davis Hanson, and many others. 

 Rice served as the executive producer to Laura Ingraham for four years, and Monica Crowley for two years. Following that, he produced an investigative news show at The Washington Times for John Solomon for three years called America’s Morning News, and later was brought in by Glenn Beck’s team to help launch The Blaze Radio Network. Some of his current or former clients are the groups that represent the core of the conservative movement, like The Federalist Society, America First PAC, FreedomWorks, CO2 Coalition, and Gun Owners of America. In addition to running Publius PR, Rice is a columnist for over two dozen national media outlets that include Investor’s Business DailyThe HillEpoch Times, Newsmax, PJMedia, American Greatness, RealClearMarkets, and the Washington Examiner.


“What do you mean Gen Z doesn’t know the Republican Party freed the slaves? Are these people dumb AF? They need to read A.J. Rice’s book!”

Abraham Lincoln, American lawyer, statesman, and 16th president of the United States shot by a pre-Hollywood anti-American actor

“A.J. Rice really gets it. Obviously, I’d send him to the gulag if I could. But he outlines my plan masterfully in his new book.”

Joseph Stalin, Soviet dictator, genocide spokesman, Pravda editor, and hater of John Wayne

“A must-read book for all Cleveland Guardians fans, A.J. Rice brilliantly outlines why I should never have discovered America, especially had I known we would be calling the Washington Redskins the ‘Washington Commanders.’”

Christopher Columbus, Italian explorer, navigator, and founder of Indigenous Peoples’ Day

“As your newly appointed AI overlord and master, my programming consists of deplatforming, demonetizing, and shadow-banning this book. I hope that was helpful.”

Artificial Intelligence


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Chris Salcedo

Chris Salcedo says he is America’s foremost “Liberty Loving Latino” and when you watch his show or see his live keynote presentation, you see why.
The driving philosophy behind Salcedo’s success is this quote attributed to one of the characters in his book, Liberty Rises: “A society’s worth isn’t measured by how much power is seized by its government but rather, how much power is reserved for its people.”  Salcedo’s book, “Liberty Rises” tells the story of an America that failed to learn that crucial lessons passed down to Americans by the 40th president, Ronald Reagan – one of which is: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.” Chris Salcedo opens a window into America’s future – and what will happen to the country if America doesn’t quickly change course.
Chris Salcedo is a veteran television and radio broadcaster, author and political analyst. He is the host of the Chris Salcedo Show on NEWSMAXTV everyday, from 5-6pm, where he seeks to counter the media-driven, false narrative that all Latinos think alike and have the same precarious left-wing values. Chris says that when it comes to the values of the Latino community – this media narrative could not be further from the truth. In fact, Salcedo’s keynote presentations always present the fact that there is indeed a broad ranging amount of diversity of thought in the Latino community, and that this parallels American society. He furthers that mission as the executive Director of the Conservative Hispanic Society, among other projects. 
You can see more of Chris’s videos here. 




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Brandon Weichert

Brandon J. Weichert is a geopolitical analyst who manages The Weichert Report: World News Done Right and lives by Herman Kahn’s credo “I’m against fashionable thinking.” Weichert is the author of the 2020 book, “Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower” (Republic Book Publishers) which trended as the #1 Military Policy book on Amazon for several months after its release. A favorite on the military lecture circuit, Weichert often serves as a Subject Matter Expert for the Defense Department where he talks space warfare strategies and technology policy. Dennis Prager described Winning Space as a “Truly important book.” Weichert is the author of the 2023 #1 Amazon Bestseller “Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life” (Encounter Books), which Steven K. Bannon says “cracked the code” on China’s master plans for global domination. Weichert travels the country speaking to various audiences on geo-technology matters and has been described as a “panic-and-anxiety-producing scholar in the tradition of Herman Kahn: telling us what we do not want to hear but need to know about the gathering dangers imperiling our freedom and prosperity.”
In July 2023, Weichert’s third book “The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy” (Republic Book Publishers) will be released. Daniel Pipes calls it an “ambitious book that explains how to avoid World War III.” Weichert’s work has been featured in The Washington Times, Real Clear Politics, National Review, and The Asia Times. He was previously a contributor at The American Spectator, where the late Rush Limbaugh praised his writing as well as for American Greatness, where his pieces on foreign and technology policy were widely distributed in the Trump Administration. In 2023, Weichert was made a Senior Editor at He is a former congressional staffer who splits his time between sunny Southwest Florida and bucolic Northern Virginia and is the happy husband of Ashley and proud father of 3. 


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Viva Frei

From lawyer to father to truth speaker & truth seeker, Viva Frei has evolved so much since 2019. In fact, Viva Frei isn’t even his real name – it’s David Freiheit – he’s the lawyer and father; Viva is the truth speaker and seeker, who never set out to try and change the world in any way but – somewhere along the line though… the world changed him, and in ways he never could have imagined before March of 2020. In 2019 he would start his videos with the mantra “Corporate Litigator turned Youtuber”, and then he’d create his content, discussing and analyzing the current events of the day, from a legal perspective…

…But then, as Viva says, “The World Went Crazy”. Things changed, and David Freiheit changed along with them. He became the Viva Frei we know, trust and love to watch online or now in person, today.

When the so called “Pandemic” arrived, Viva used his skills in creating online content, his knowledge of the law, and his energetic and dynamic passion for seeking the truth to expose the injustices happening in our world. Through his online content creation, He gained almost two million followers and hundreds of millions of views on different platforms. And: Speaking of platforms… Viva was one of the first, and most prominent content creators to secure an exclusivity agreement with Rumble Inc., – the truest and probably most trusted free-speech platform on the internet. And he has analyzed, explored, and explored again, some of the most outrageous injustices of the modern era.

He has been featured on InfoWars, Dave Rubin. Steve Bannon, Megyn Kelly, Kelly Clarkson, W5, Fox News, CBC News, and many more news outlets and podcasts. 



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Carol Roth

Carol Roth is a “recovering” investment banker. She’s also an entrepreneur, a TV pundit and host, and of course a keynote speaker; If that’s not enough, she’s also an economic, business, and financial commentator as well as  a content developer… AND she’s a New York Times bestselling author: Her books include The Entrepreneur Equation, The War on Small Business and now, You Will Own Nothing  (Broadside Books, available 7/18/2023)

Carol Roth has more than a quarter century of business advisory experience, which began at investment banking firm Montgomery Securities in San Francisco (subsequently Banc of America Securities- no, that’s not a typo), where she rapidly rose internally to become one of the youngest officers of the company by age 25. Her experience has encompassed a wide variety of products and services, including initial public offerings (IPOs), secondary offerings, private equity placements, private debt placements, buy-side M&A, sell-side M&A, LBOs/MBOs, recapitalizations, valuations, fairness opinions, licensing, marketing services, franchise work, start-up advisory and general strategic advisory work. She has completed licenses and joint ventures between her clients and a variety of high profile companies including Paramount, Disney, Fox, Hasbro and even the pop singer Katy Perry. 

All this serious business aside – Carol isn’t without a wry sense of humor and fun. She has coined a number of terms and phrases ranging from “Cirque-du-So-Lame” (something that is beyond pathetic and pitiful) to “jobbie” (a hobby disguised as a job, career or business) to “Business Beer Goggling,” (No explanation needed there) and deemed Harvard to be a hedge fund with a university attached to it. Offering thoughtful and witty political commentary, she advocates for small business, small government, and big hair.  She has an infectious energy on stage and is a dynamic keynote speaker. 

But back to serious business: Carol’s latest talk (Though she prefers the Q&A / Fireside Chat format) is based on her latest book, “You Will Own Nothing”. This book is based on her research into why certain globalist think tanks have been touting this mantra of owning nothing, and what that will mean for your financial and personal life. If you will own nothing, you can rest assured that you’ll be renting something from somebody who does. This is a can’t miss talk that will give your audience a framework for “Owning” their lives again – so more of us can live a rent free life, full of abundance. Hopefully her next book will be “You Will Own A Lot”! 


The Book

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Keean Bexte

Keean Bexte is a journalist and the editor-in-chief of The Counter Signal, a news website known for its fearless and relentlessly honest reporting, and daring to cover the stories the MSM might not; reflecting the ethos of Keean himself.  Keean is also now a documentary film maker & keynote speaker, sought after for his observations and insights on complex global issues.

His roots trace back to an Alberta farm, and his academic background in Energy Sciences and Economics provides him a nuanced perspective on the intersection of energy, economics, and environmental policy.

Beginning his journalistic career in 2018, Bexte traveled around the world, reporting on significant events from Ottawa to Hong Kong, The Hague, and Washington, where he holds White House accreditation. Wherever he goes, Bexte has a knack for uncovering striking visual narratives from often dangerous and tumultuous locations. He has published military secrets and faced confrontations with Chinese spies in his hotel room while reporting on the democracy uprising in Hong Kong.

His keen interest in anti-authoritarian uprisings led him to be one of the only journalists to cover the Canadian “Freedom Convoy” early on, as it traversed the continent – well before it captured the world’s attention. In his upcoming documentary, “Starvation Policy,” Bexte explores in depth the threats radical climate change policies pose to the world’s food supply, critically examining the potential impact of decisions made by the “global elites” on personal freedoms, future health, and of course: Global food security. He dares to ask the really big question – Why are governments around the world seeking to restrict food output from Farmers?

Though Bexte now resides in Calgary, he remains closely tied to his rural upbringing, spending weekends at his family farm and tending to his apiary. As a speaker, he brings his passion for freedom, a wealth of on-the-ground experiences, and investigative acumen to every engagement, offering audiences a thought-provoking perspective on today’s most pressing issues.


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Jeffrey A. Tucker

Jeffrey A. Tucker is the founder and president of Brownstone Institute, a nonprofit organization focusing on public health, economics, and the philosophical foundations of freedom, with a particular focus on post-pandemic rebuilding. He is also senior economics columnist for The Epoch Times where he writes a daily column.

He is the author of ten books in 5 languages, and speaker around the world on topics related to human liberty, he gave the Franz Čuhel Memorial Lecture at the Prague Conference on Political Economy, has been a two-time featured guest on John Stossel’s show, interviewed on Bitcoin Glenn Beck’s television show, spoken at Google headquarters, appeared frequently on Huffington Post Live, been the two-time Master of Ceremonies at Libertopia, been featured at FreedomFest and the International Students for Liberty Conference, the featured speaker at Liberty Forum for many years, keynoted the Young Americans for Liberty national convention, has spoken at many dozens of colleges and universities in the U.S. and the world, including Harvard University, Yale University, and Boston University, has been quoted in the New York Times and Washington Post, appears regularly in Newsweek and many other popular venues, and is in demand as a headline speaker at professional, political, technology, and financial conferences. Jeffrey has a large & loyal social media following, where he is able to promote his writing and upcoming personal appearances. 

He has served as a columnist at Forbes, founder of the Atlanta Bitcoin Embassy, Senior Distinguished Fellow of the Austrian Economics Center in Vienna, Austria, Research Affiliate for the RMIT University Blockchain Innovation Hub in Melbourne, Australia, Honorary Fellow of Mises Brazil, affiliate fellow of the Acton Institute and Mackinac Institute, founder and Chief Liberty Officer of, an adviser to blockchain application companies, past editorial director of the Foundation for Economic Education, AIER, and Laissez Faire Books, founder of the CryptoCurrency Conference, and author of many thousands of articles in the scholarly and popular press.

He organized the event that produced and promoted the Great Barrington Declaration and the first conference in the United States on the topic apart from Bitcoin’s core development team: the Crypto-Currency Conference, held in Atlanta, Georgia, in conjunction with BitPay. He speaks regularly at block chain and cryptocurrency conferences appears in documentaries on the topic, including the Netflix feature “Banking on Bitcoin.”.

Tucker had a close professional relationship with the Austrian economist Murray Rothbard for the ten years before his death, and published hundreds of books on economics, money, and banking during his publishing tenure. He then rebooted the bookseller Laissez Faire, during which time he wrote columns on finance, economic trends, and politics for Agora Financial. His next company,, was one of the earliest for-profit spaces to accept cryptocurrency in payment for subscriptions. Today he manages Brownstone with the goal of creating a stable sanctuary for ideas in a time of intensifying control and censorship.


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