Chip Eichelberger, CSP

Chip Eichelberger will be THE energy source for your event!

Formerly Tony Robbins international point man, Chip is a proven pro that will do the homework necessary to customize his message with your theme and business model. He specializes in customized, high energy, engaging, humorous and interactive opening, after meal and closing presentations. Watch his demo and other videos on this page.

Chip’s presentations are an interactive experience, not a one-way speech! Your people will be engaged and actively participating, not snoozing. Using an interactive customized handout, he works with the audience to look at what they’re doing now, find more effective options, and commit to change-change that creates productivity and value for your organization.

Chip has “Switched On” over 1000 conventions for companies like Apple, Hyatt, Astra Zeneca, GM, Equitable and RE/MAX. A proven pro, he has been making meeting planners look like a genius for over 27 years. Chip will be THE energy source for your event and bring a positive energy that will resonate with your audience.

His highly interactive sessions engage people at a deep level and gets them involved in his presentation. He shows individuals how to get Switched On and be the best version of themselves. He does NOT DO A SPEECH!

Chip understands audiences are NOT craving another speech. They are craving the energy and engagement that he brings to EVERY presentation. Chip’s contagious energy will change entire atmosphere of the room! Chip’s talks are customized to fit the theme of the meeting and the business situation of the client.
