Chris Mathers

Chris Mathers is a professional public speaker and trainer, and the author of the bestselling book, Crime School: Money Laundering.

Chris spent most of his life working undercover for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the US Drug Enforcement Administration, and the US Customs Service.  Posing as a gangster(!), a drug trafficker, and even as a money launderer, Chris takes audiences into the underworld that only he can describe, letting people in on the stunning stories and secrets harboured by terrorists and those involved in organized crime.

Touching on issues from cyber security, hiring decisions and background checks to money laundering schemes, corporate fraud, bribery, blackmail, extortion and more, Chris offers insights on human character and organizational culture that can help you to spot and avoid the perils of white collar crime. Chris is a unique, humorous, and fascinating speaker.

Also a popular media commentator and speaker, Chris has served as a consultant on several feature films and documentaries relating to organized crime, espionage and money laundering. He has appeared on television and radio interviews on CNN, PBS, MSNBC, all of the Canadian national news networks as well as media outlets in Asia, Africa, Europe, Australia and the Caribbean.



In 1995, following a twenty year career with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Chris joined the Forensic division of the international accounting firm, KPMG.

In 1999, he was appointed to the position of President of KPMG Corporate Intelligence Inc. where he was responsible for international due diligence, asset recovery operations and the investigation and prevention of organized crime, money laundering and terrorist financing.

In May 2004, Chris established CHRIS MATHERS INC., a private crime and risk consulting firm in Toronto, Canada.  Some of the company’s most recent assignments have been:

  • Providing technical assistance, mentoring and training to the Nigerian government’s anti-corruption agencies on behalf of the UK government’s Justice For All Program.
  • Independent testing of Anti-Money Laundering/Terrorist Financing (AML/TF) practices and creation of appropriate compliance programs at numerous Canadian and foreign financial institutions.
  • Designing and delivering training on AML/TF to domestic and foreign financial institutions.
  • Conducting an offshore asset tracing and money laundering investigation on behalf of the Independent Inquiry Committee into the United Nations Oil-For-Food Programme.
  • Providing expert evidence on behalf of a Canadian financial institution at the Federal Competition Tribunal on money laundering/terrorist financing practices.

Chris is a popular media commentator and speaker on organized crime and terrorism, appearing regularly in Canada and the US major media outlets.  He has served as a consultant on several feature films and documentaries relating to organized crime, espionage and money laundering.  He is the author of the bestselling non-fiction book, CRIME SCHOOL: Money Laundering. To learn more click here.



Imagine a world where every telephone call is monitored, every email and text message read.  A world where all of your most personal information can be stolen by cyber-criminals and offered for sale to the highest bidder.

How much risk are you taking each time you turn on your computer, surf the Internet or participate in social media?  We are all bombarded every day with emails designed to trick you into downloading malware onto your computer or your corporate network.   Who are the people that are working so hard to steal your identity?  What can you do to keep them in check?

How do we protect ourselves and our businesses from an invisible enemy? As technology proliferates, what choices should you make?

How much of your privacy will you be willing to give up for the sake of security?  Convenience?  Social Interaction?

Where will be as a society in 25 years?  What impact will the choices we make today have on privacy and security in the future.  And how will our government protect us?

Chris’ insights into the world of organized crime and foreign intelligence and how the Internet is the new crime scene, will shock, inform and entertain you. Chris explains the intricacies of the world of high tech criminals in a non-technical, straight forward and sometimes unsettling way.


Have you ever wondered about the seedy underbelly of the business world? Chris Mathers will provide you with a glimpse of the business world of crime and espionage in this keynote address. As a veteran undercover agent at the RCMP and intelligence officer at one of the world’s largest forensic accounting firms, Chris has seen it all and is able to offer unique insights on this topic with his larger-than-life personality.