J.J. McCullough

One look at that hair tells you this guy is not your father’s “un-left” quasi-conservative type. J.J. McCullough is an ex-pundit turned youtuber (with over 775k subscribers!) who defies all the stereotypes about what it means to be a… quasi-conservative Canadian Youtuber with a hip and decidedly funky edge.

J.J.’s unique west-coast perspective, unobstructed by the conventional wisdom of the country’s eastern “media elites”, J.J. calls Canada as he sees it, and what he sees is a nation often in denial about its unique problems.  From discriminatory bilingualism to a broken parliamentary system to the strange cult of Canadian anti-Americanism, immigration, Covid Policy and more, J.J. isn’t afraid to tackle the sacred cows too often deemed immune from criticism in Canada. Because really, as J.J. says… someone’s got to. Politics aside though, J.J.’s success lies in the fact there are a myriad of topics that he speaks about, and he has a sense of fun that separates him from other speakers, pundits and journalists. Over the past year, JJ has been speaking out against the Canadian Governments new Bill, Bill C-11. In fact, his expertise on the subject of this Bill is profound; so much so that he was invited to, and then delivered, his testimony at a Canadian Senate Hearing on the effects Bill C-11 will have, and why it will have a deleterious effect on all Canadians – not just those of us engaged on Social Media.

Also, you can now find J.J. writing about Canada in the Washington Post, as a global opinion contributing columnist. To see more of J.J.’s youtube videos, you can check out a number of his videos below, or go to his amazing Youtube channel, where he covers topics as “Speaking English” to the “History of American Ice Cream” to the Queen of England, and much, much more!
