Kim Moody

The antithesis of the status quo, Kim is driven to innovate new and better ways to do things for the clients he serves, the advancement of the firm, and other professionals in tax. His relentless obsession with getting to know everything in the Tax Act makes him a highly sought-out resource for peers and clients. In March 2020, Kim published his first book, Making Life Less Taxing: Pay Attention To Your Taxes So You Can Pay Less Tax and Build a Strong, Smarter Canada – an Amazon bestseller in a number of categories.

Kim’s primary area of expertise is tax and estate planning for owner-managers of private corporations and executives, particularly those who have entered into the tax complexities that come with being affluent. Though admittedly not one himself, Kim works with many professional athletes (a guy has got to dream after all). Kim also has expertise in trust and estate taxation and enjoys solving the complexities that arise in developing a well-thought-out estate and succession plan and dealing with testamentary taxation matters.

Deciding years ago that sleep was highly overrated, Kim makes time to share his immense knowledge through writing, speaking, teaching, and being an active, national leader in the tax profession. In 2016, he fulfilled his long-standing goal of receiving admission into law school and is currently exploring ways to fit this ambition into his busy schedule.

Kim’s unique ability is being a loyal, transparent, and honest intellectual rebel who always does the right thing. His passion to lead, teach, never settle, and both seek and speak the truth aid in his contributions to the tax landscape. Kim desires to be an inspirational example for those around him to continuously grow. And in that vein, Kim is now writing a weekly column for the Financial Post, discussing tax matters mixed in with a little political commentary. (It seems the two go hand in hand). 


*Re the video below, the name of Kim’s law firm is now “Moody’s Private Client, LLP”.

Kim’s topics centre around tax, and of course on “Making Life Less Taxing”, and all the other things that taxes affect. He asks (and answers) a number of questions in his keynote presentations, such as: 

– Does Canada’s tax system need to be so complex? How much simpler can we make it so the average Canadian can understand it better?  Why should you care? Well, when the taxman cometh…
– Politics and income tax….the never ending inextricable link.  Is there a way to reduce political interference / content in tax statutes? 
– Is there a better way to increase government revenues than personal and / or corporate income taxes?  What about value-added only taxes as the main revenue generator? 
The case for comprehensive tax reform in Canada.  Why should Canadians care? (This is a keynote presentation that Kim loves to give – the need for expansive tax reform in Canada is urgent).
– Should the tax system incentivize / encourage private business? What happened in 2017 regarding taxes and small businesses? 


Making Life Less Taxing: Pay Attention to Your Taxes So You Can Pay Less Tax and Build a Strong, Smarter Canada by [Kim G C Moody]

Making Life Less Taxing is written with the taxpayer in mind. It is your guide to become better informed about your tax situation and truly understand your tax system. Kim argues that every day should be tax day, not just April 30th!

The book will:

  • Clear up the misunderstandings out there about taxes
  • Make an argument for tax reformation and how it can benefit Canadian society on a larger scale
  • Distill the complex (and often overwhelming and scary) world of taxes into easy-to-understand material
  • Help the reader to lay out a plan of attack and consider all the what-ifs