Efrat Fenigson

Efrat Fenigson is an Israeli journalist, podcaster and public speaker, featured by The Wall Street Journal as one Israel’s 2022 top tech leaders. She’s a marketing expert and former Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) of global companies with a strong technology background for the past 20 years, who turned into a journalist when the void left by the mainstream media and their lies became too big to bear.

Efrat strives to uncover the hidden truth from Israel and report it to the world, while bringing the world’s hidden reality to uninformed Israelis. As a freedom activist and granddaughter to Holocaust survivors, she’s been a dissident voice to the Israeli government, including its response to the Israel-Gaza war, Covid, and other human rights violation.

Efrat writes on her Substack and for Bereshit – one of the only uncensored papers in Israel, covering topics such as the growing global control regime, monetary changes & CBDC, mind-control & propaganda, digitalization, climate agenda, Covid and more. She hosts two podcasts, in English and in Hebrew, Twitter Spaces, and her channels reach 150K+ subscribers with a monthly average of 4-5 million views. Efrat’s podcast, “You’re The Voice” reached more than 1 million views to date, in less than 6 months. Notable guests include MEP Christine Anderson, Eva Vlaardingerbroek, Dr. Simon Goddek, Jennifer Sey and James Corbett.

Efrat was featured by StartIsrael’s 2021 as one of the most promising marketing leaders, and was awarded “CMO of the year” for 2019. For the past 6 years, Efrat is also a co-founder of G-CMO (Global CMO forum), a community of Israel’s top CMO’s, consisting of 150 CMOs.

Efrat is a dual citizen of Israel and Australia, and is available to speak all over the world. 





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Connor Boyack

Renowned as a visionary author and entrepreneur, Connor Boyack Keynote Speaker stands at the forefront of educational innovation with his acclaimed Tuttle Twins series. These books have not only revolutionized children’s literature by distilling complex economic, political, and civic concepts into engaging narratives for young minds but have also empowered them to navigate the world with critical thinking and independence. The series’ monumental success is evidenced by over five million copies sold, a testament to its resonance with parents and educators alike.

A self-made entrepreneur, Connor not only talks the talk, but walks the walk as the founder and president of Libertas Institute, a multistate policy reform organization responsible for changing over 100 laws around the country. His leadership had led Libertas to innovative over a dozen legal reforms that were the first of their kind, attracting multiple awards for their work and changing the lives of millions of people. From education reform and business regulation to privacy and parental rights, Connor’s legislative prowess shows how to put into practice the ideas he teaches to audiences around the country.

Connor’s diverse expertise and dynamic storytelling make him an attractive speaker for a broad range of audiences. He loves to speak to entrepreneurs and business or corporate audiences from a variety of sectors, sharing his journey on what it takes to build a business to the point of selling over five million units — and he can share a leadership secret or two.

He of course loves to speak to educational groups of all kinds — school boards, colleges and universities, teachers associations, and elementary schools, too. Parental groups, freedom groups, public policy and think tanks — there is a vast array of organizations that can benefit from a Connor Boyack talk, presentation, panel appearance or as the headlining keynote speaker.

Whether addressing business leaders, educational forums, or advocacy groups, Connor Boyack delivers compelling narratives that ignite change, challenge conventions, and inspire action.

Oh! We should mention Connor has been interviewed by podcasters and MSM outlets as well, such as Tucker Carlson, The Babylon Bee, Fox News, The Blaze, Epoch Times, Free the People, Reason, Newsmax, John Papola, Tom Woods, and more.



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Dr. James Thorp

Dr. James Thorp is a highly credentialed, double board certified specialist in maternal fetal medicine, who has become a national hero during the Covid era, for standing up and speaking the truth. Passionate and direct, he’s been on hundreds of programs, including Tucker Carlson, trying to warn America’s mothers not to take them!

He’s seen the results of what they can do to expectant mothers – and they are heart breaking. He is to this day, baffled as to why what has happened to so many women, isn’t front page news in the main stream media. 

Since he parted ways with his last employer, (because he wouldn’t sign the non-disclosure agreement in exchange for a small fortune), Jim is now working with The Wellness Company with a number of other doctors who continue the fight for freedom and truth in medicine.

However, this decision to not take the money and retire quietly speaks to the integrity of his convictions, which as you will see, are evident in his keynote presentations. He would not sell out, because had to speak out. 

On December 7th 2022 he testified in the Senate with Senator Ron Johnson and others, about what he has seen… Most recently Dr. Thorp has focused his research efforts on the covid19 pandemic and has published over 70 articles and papers, and has new book on the way, documenting the dangers of the vaccine in women of reproductive age and in pregnancy.


Dr. Thorp is a Board-Certified Obstetrician Gynecologist and Maternal Fetal Medicine Physician 44 years of obstetrical experience. While serving as a very busy clinician his entire career he has also been very active in clinical research with over 250 publications. Dr. Thorp has seen about 27,500 high risk pregnancies in the last 4.5 years. He has served as a reviewer for major medical journals and served on the Board of Directors for the Society of Maternal Fetal Medicine for four years, and served as an Examiner for the American Board of ObGyn. He served in the United States Air Force as an Obstetrician Gynecologist having been awarded a Health Professions Scholarship for his medical school education. Dr. Thorp testified in the US Senate under the Bush administration in 2003 for his expertise in treating the fetus as a patient with in-utero therapies. 

Jim’s next book is set for release in 2024. Click here for more info.

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Peter St. Onge, PhD.

Dr. Peter St Onge — @ProfStOnge online — is being talked about everywhere because he is many things: A dynamic keynote speaker par excellence, Peter St. Onge a former MBA professor and PhD economist, a Fortune-500 corporate marketer in Mexico, Brazil, and Japan, a nightclub manager, and…an ex-bartender. 

His corporate experience includes some of the biggest companies in the world in both consumer goods and large-scale infrastructure manufacturing.

His topics and areas of expertise include, but are not limited to: the Economy; Scenario Planning; Future Technologies; Entrepreneurship; Marketing; Liberty and Freedom. 

He is available for Custom Briefings for executive and CEO Roundtables, looking at trends, opportunities and risks in specific industries. As Peter says “We’re at an inflection point in history, from economy to society to business. Those who see what’s coming can protect themselves. Those who don’t will wonder what just happened.” 

At this point, many of you might be asking – who is this guy with the ridiculous shirts whose videos are all over Twitter? Well – Peter St Onge has quickly become wildly popular for his common-sense and humorous explanations of major events impacting the economy, business, our individual rights and freedoms, and what that means.

So whether it’s a conference on investing and strategy, a Bitcoin conference, or a liberty festival, Professor St Onge has become an in-demand keynote speaker and a bona fide online superstar. 

In fact, Peter says he’d once been called “The most interesting Economist in the World” although with his classic wry wit, he ventures the person was probably drunk.

Peter has spoken at dozens of conferences and is a frequent guest on national TV including Charles Payne on Fox Business and Jesse Watters on Fox News

For those of you who follow Peter’s economic and political commentary, you know that he weaves humor and passion into his analysis, and he brings levity, clarity, and call to action to very serious topics at all his talks. Peter will always tailor his message and keynote presentation appropriately for the audience he is speaking to. 

Peter speaks near-native French, Spanish, Japanese, and Philadelphian, and is happy to deliver keynotes in those languages as well.


Recent Videos as of May 2024 – We’ll be updating these a lot: 


Peter St. Onge is a dynamic and passionate Keynote Speaker, first and foremost. He is also a Ph.D. Economist, former MBA professor, ex-bartender, entrepreneur. Now the rest: 

Peter St Onge received his Bachelor of Arts from Canada’s McGill University in Economics and Political Science, then his Master of Arts and Doctorate in Economics from George Mason University. He started his career in strategic marketing at Harris Corporation, covering Latin America.

At age 25 he put his life savings in dot-coms and retired a year later, backpacking around the world for 2 years until the dot-com crash, when he went to work as a bartender in Japan then joined toy giant Takara Corporation in international marketing. He left Takara to pursue the PhD, then worked as an MBA professor at Taiwan’s Feng Chia University before returning to North America to work as an economist at the Montreal Economic Institute, then at the Heritage Foundation in Washington, DC. He is a fellow at the Ludwig von Mises Institute, and the single politician he likes is Ron Paul. To learn more click here.

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Mariana Atencio

Mariana Atencio is on a mission to help people supercharge their careers, their workplace cultures, and their happiness by embracing the power of authenticity. Coming to America from Venezuela as a young girl, Mariana learned first-hand how feeling self-conscious about being different kept her from engaging. After graduating Columbia University, Mariana wanted to take that experience into her journalism career and tell stories that build bridges and foster understanding. She became a national news anchor and correspondent, earning a Peabody Award for reporting which took her from Haiti to Hong Kong to the Syrian border. The success of her TEDx talk, “What Makes YOU Special?”, viewed over 23 million times, catapulted Mariana into a new storytelling outlet: speaking. Her first book, Perfectly You: Embracing the Power of Being Real, is a bestselling call to action to unleash the magic of personal and professional authenticity to find purpose and break barriers. Currently head of her own media production company, Mariana pursues stories that capture her curiosity. She also continues to deliver inspiring keynotes and moderate/host at major events.

Mariana’s talks are ideal for groups looking for the following topics: The Power Of Authenticity • Inspiration & Motivation • What Makes You Unique? Increasing Engagement • Embracing Change • Leadership/Teamwork/Resilience • Empathy & Understanding • Belonging & Inclusivity Breaking Stereotypes • Building Community & Trust • Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Women’s Empowerment • Moderating/Hosting • Inspiring/Mentoring Others


Mariana Atencio Intro Sizzle Reel! 

On Leadership: 




“Mariana provided some wonderful lessons and insights into her journey and how each of us can celebrate and share what makes us different. It was a fantastic opportunity for our employees to be inspired and to learn more.”

– Director, Global Executive & Employee Communications, Microsoft



“Mariana was powerful on stage, engaging, thought provoking and the perfect speaker for our flagship global annual conference held in Miami. She was such a pleasure to work with that she ended up interviewing and moderating two very critical panels for the agenda. Mariana’s experience and professionalism will make any company that chooses to work with her look great.”

– Director, Marketing & Communications Head, Citi Private Bank



“In a time when dramatic change has brought about immense uncertainty, Mariana’s C.O.N.T.R.O.L. framework provides tangible guidance on how to move forward with intention to build a life that honors our unique purpose. This complete framework helps you evaluate your life with clarity, empower yourself to break through ruts, and make meaningful progress. It’s a true gift to be able to share this framework with our employees.”

– Director of Practice Management & Co-Founder of Latinos @SAP Concur



“Given the uncertainty of the post-pandemic world, you and your organization are in the best hands by hiring Mariana and her GoLike team. We have booked Mariana for motivational keynotes aimed at employees, voice-over work, community programs, and social media campaigns and she has over delivered every time. Her creativity and attention to detail will make your brand stand out in a unique way! She is very dynamic and great at keeping the audience engaged.”

– Senior Manager, Ford Motor Company



“Mariana Atencio brought such energy and honesty to our company-wide event. Mariana’s authenticity allows her to connect with others almost immediately. Thank you for providing us with the tools to be resilient and proud of what makes us Perfectly Unique!”

– Director, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Rapid7



“For the last two years, Mariana has been the host of AT&T’s annual Hispanic Heritage Month events, celebrating employees’ authenticity and contributions toward the customers and communities we proudly serve. Mariana brings employees’ stories to life through her unique engagement and connection with our teams while creating a welcoming, energetic, and memorable atmosphere. Her dynamic stage presence, storytelling, and facilitation skills have positively impacted our events and attendees. We appreciate her commitment to amplifying our brand’s values as well as her partnership and collaboration in delivering unique experiences that support our mission of connecting people to greater possibilities!”

– Chief Strategy and Development Officer, AT&T Inc.



“Mariana’s authentic, relatable, engaging style enabled her to immediately connect with our audience. Through a series of stories, she shared uplifting, relevant, and empowering learnings that all of us can embrace as leaders.”

– VP, Google Cloud Consulting




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Dr. David Martin

Dr. David Martin’s background is as varied as they come. From finance, academia, media, consulting, medicine, to research, business creation, economics and advisory, his C.V. is as long and impressive as it is diverse, with a gravitas that is almost unparalleled and that few can replicate. In short, there is no one quite like Dr. David Martin. How many keynote speakers have on their resumes that they’ve advised governments on mining and trade policy, to now creating documentary films, podcasting, and most recently, starting up an energy company that focuses on eco friendly and sustainable solutions for the hydrocarbon industry? Not many. None in fact.  

On the surface, it would have seemed easy to know what David Martin is about – he was often on CNBC prior to 2020, since he created their CNBC IQ100 index powered by M-CAM, his company; (The IQ100 is a quantitative index of America’s top 100 Innovative companies), and he appeared regularly on the network giving business and economic commentary; so the assumption that he was “strictly business” would be a natural one. But that would be an incorrect and very incomplete assessment.

Since 2020, Dr. Martin has become well known to a far wider audience, because he asks the dangerous questions and treads where others wouldn’t dare, about what we’ve all experienced over the past few years. But it’s more than that – he shares his suspicions that something more profound has happened to America: He asks out loud if the social contract with the people has been breached, and how that was even possible: So – Is American history instructive here? Could it be that the leaders of business, politics, medicine, government and education throughout the evolution of the United States, brought us to this point in time? What happened? What was the bump in the road that made the unimaginable past few years a reality? 

And now, David asks, do we have a chance now to re-make the country and create the future in ways we’d never imagined?  David says you bet we do, but it’s not about paying down the national debt or voting for this or that party – it’s about how we reclaim our humanity in a world obsessed with anything but. 



Late Feb 2024: 

November 2023 Dr. David Martin with Russell Brand:

His firm, M-CAM, was responsible for leading investigations and supporting prosecution of some of the largest financial frauds in the history of the USA, as a contractor for the US Department of the Treasury. His C.V. boasts founding companies, appointed directorships, and advisory positions too numerous to list here. His most recent company that he is both the founder and CEO of, is called “RASA”, whose goal it is to provide “Environmental Solutions For the Hydrocarbon Industry”, with clean, eco friendly solutions for recycling, as well as providing an amazingly green and sustainable reagent for the oil sands energy sector. 
David also has recently started his own media company, having both produced and appeared in numerous documentaries about the world, pre-and post 2020. As a keynote speaker, he has spoken to groups of all kinds, such as investment firms, parliamentary committees, associations, and more. To learn more just click here.

The Book


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Matt Hoy

Former vocalist for UB40 (Featuring Ali Campbell)

Matt Hoy was born and raised in Birmingham, UK and he’s been a musician all his life. In the 80’s when the band UB40 attained major success with a number of hits, he of course was in awe of them – because they too are from Birmingham, UK and they’d become known as “The Beatles of Birmingham” amongst the locals. So, it was like a dream come true when, in 2010, Matt joined the latest iteration of the band, and toured with them for almost 12 years, where he had the pleasure of singing “Red Red Wine” nearly every night to sold out venues around the world. 

But in 2021, Matt Hoy was rather unjustly dismissed from the job he loved simply for not having the Covid-19 vaccine, (even though the band and management company knew he was unable to receive it) due to a medical condition! Sadly, They’d made it mandatory for all members of the band to be injected, while completely ignoring the Disability section of the UK’s Equality Act, and they also ignored Matt’s individual medical reasons for not partaking. Undaunted, this hasn’t slowed Matt down at all. He continues to perform as a solo artist and now, he speaks wherever he can to tell his story of what happened, and what we can all do to make sure that what happened to him, never happens again… to anyone. 

Since being forced to leave the band (via text message, no less), Matt has made it his life’s mission to make people aware of the dangers vaccination, and also the very real impacts it has had on people’s lives, since so many were forced to abandon careers in the same way Matt was. His empathy especially goes out to all the home and health care workers, nurses, doctors, pharmacists, and medical staff who stood their ground and not only said no to it, but also and more importantly, refused to administer it, on an unsuspecting population.   


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Dr. William Trebing

Dr. William Trebing is a board certified Chiropractic Physician with a specialty in Neurology and Radiology, based in Connecticut and South Carolina. He has been in private practice for 38 years. He is the author of the book, Good-Bye Germ Theory,” originally published in 2000(!), explores the inconsistencies, contradictions and societal brain-washing centered around the “germ theory,” while highlighting some foundational and crucial information and facts regarding Terrain Theory. The book’s latest edition was published in 2006, but all editions are so prescient when it comes to what we are seeing today regarding coercive medical mandates, that it seems he traveled forward and back in time:  Dr. Trebing saw today’s pharma-dystopia coming 20 years ago when few others did. 

Dr. Trebing is an internationally renowned lecturer on the topics of spinal disc repair, disc radiography, natural health care, the fallacies of the germ theory and mandatory vaccination programs.  He is also the author of the popular book, “Good-Bye Germ Theory.” (The sequel to this book is due out in 2023).  He completed his undergraduate and graduate work in Biology/Chemistry and Secondary Education at both Adelphi and Brown Universities, as well as his doctorate in Chiropractic from NY Chiropractic College.


New! 2024 Full Keynote Presentation: 


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Dr. Robert Lustig

Dr. Lustig is the author of the NY Times Bestseller “Fat Chance: Beating the Odds Against Sugar, Processed Food, Obesity, and Disease”, and his YouTube speech video called “Sugar: The Bitter Truth” has been viewed over 5 million times.  His latest book, “The Hacking of the American Mind: The Science Behind the Corporate Takeover of Our Bodies and Brains” gets into what any pleasure seeking is doing to us; not just the bad food. 

Dr. Lustig’s keynote has many takeaways: You will learn why all calories are not created equal; you will learn, astonishingly, about the record rates of obesity (and childhood obesity!) we are now facing in North America, and how this came to be. Now, with his latest research, it seems that between the sugar, processed food and the new technology, we are addicted now not just in body, but in mind, too. Will they get our souls next? Have Dr. Lustig speak at your next event to find out…


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