Vikram Mansharamani

Dr. Vikram Mansharamani is a global trend-watcher who shows people how to anticipate the future, manage risk, and spot opportunities. He is the author of the recently-released THINK FOR YOURSELF: Restoring Common Sense in an Age of Experts and Artificial Intelligence and BOOMBUSTOLOGY: Spotting Financial Bubbles Before They Burst.  He has been a frequent commentator on issues driving disruption in the global business environment. Vikram’s ideas and writings have also appeared in Bloomberg, Fortune, Forbes, The New York Times and a long list of other publications. Linkedin twice listed him as their #1 Top Voice for Money, Finance and Global Economics and Worth has profiled him as one of the 100 most powerful people in global finance. Millions of readers have enjoyed his unique multi-lens approach to connecting seemingly irrelevant dots.

Vikram recently wrote on Linkedin: “As I’ve stressed before, uncertainty and change are unavoidable realities of life. Yet all of us are asked to make decisions in the face of ….fluid dynamics. What’s the best way to do so? Sadly, there is no one correct answer, but I believe we must look through the day-to-day noise to have any chance of identifying signals. Long-term trends that drive seemingly disconnected developments offer a compass to guide us through the numerous cross-currents that plague our lives; and as I’ve noted several times in the past, I believe this approach is at least marginally more useful than my Ouija board or Magic 8 ball.”  Vikram is not without a sense of humor, too; which of course helps to navigate uncertainty, especially when making bold predictions about the future.


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Todd Buchholz

Economist Todd Buchholz “lights up economics with a wickedly sparkling wit,” says the Associated Press.

The former White House senior economic advisor, Tiger hedge fund managing director and best-selling author has jousted with such personalities as James Carville and Ben Stein. His lively and informative speaking engagements have earned him a place in Successful Meetings Magazine’s “21 Top Speakers for the 21st Century, and his best-selling books on economics and financial markets have been widely translated and are taught in universities worldwide. As a frequent commentator on the state of the markets, Todd Buchholz brings his experience as a former White House director of economic policy, a managing director of the $15 billion Tiger hedge fund, and a Harvard economics teacher to the cutting edge of economics, fiscal politics, finance, and business strategy.  Buchholz is a frequent guest on ABC News, PBS, and CBS, and he recently hosted his own special on CNBC. Buchholz has debated such luminaries in the field as Lester Thurow and Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz.

Buchholz has authored numerous critically acclaimed and best-selling books on the economy and leadership, many of which he has developed into successful lectures and speaking events. His books have been translated into a dozen languages and are used in universities worldwide, including at NYU, Duke, and Princeton. Author Buchholz is praised for his examination of economics, business and entrepreneurship in the context of global society.

The Sunday TIMES (UK) called The Price of Prosperity: Why Rich Nations Fail and How to Renew Them “highly entertaining, far-sighted and enjoyably acerbic.” The Wall Street Journal named the book to its exclusive list of “Eight Summer Must-Reads” for 2016. Market Shock: 9 Economic and Social Upheavals that Will Shake Our Financial Future, was released to rave reviews and dubbed “outstanding” by the Wall Street Journal.

Buchholz has also published the best-selling New Ideas from Dead Economists, New Ideas from Dead CEOs, From Here to Economy, and Lasting Lessons from the Corner Office, which garnered high praise from The New York Times and Financial Times. Named by Publishers Weekly as a “top ten” book for 2011, his book Rush: Why You Need and Love the Rat Race has been praised by the Financial Times, Toronto Globe & Mail, Los Angeles Times and the BBC, among many others. Buchholz has penned articles for the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Forbes, and Reader’s Digest.


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John Robson

John Robson is not your ordinary columnist, pundit, historian and documentary filmmaker. With a sharp wit and enthusiastic cadence, his keynote presentations enlighten audiences by bringing a historical perspective to the financial, constitutional, foreign policy, social and “Climate Change” mess we are in.

His talks always bring his unique perspective and wry sense of humour to so many issues of the day, from unfunded social programs to the “Zoom” parliament. He does this so the “PeopleKind” of Canada can analyze for themselves just what is actually going on in the political arenas of the country.

John Robson is perhaps one of the most under rated speakers in Canada today. His political radio commentary, as well as his “Ask The Professor” and “This Day in History” video series are unparalleled in their accuracy and intellectual veracity; further he recently completed a massive and widely comprehensive documentary that brings into question the validity of… man made climate change.  He also is the Executor Director of the Climate Discussion Nexus, which “Offers a forum for more open debate on all aspects of climate change, especially better use of scientific information in public discussion and policy formation.”


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Peter Merrick

Since the early 1990s, Peter’s career in business succession consulting and post-secondary financial education is unparalleled in depth and experience. He is considered one of the leading experts in business succession planning, risk management, estate and trusts, cross border planning and executive benefits and pensions in North America. Peter is sought out for his keynote speaking, his expertise in project management for business succession, his legal expert witness testimonials and his tax minimization planning solutions by some of North America’s largest public and privately held businesses, property owners, financial institutions, accounting and legal firms. 

Peter’s current project is his fourth and recently released book called “The King of Main Street.” The theme of this book is business succession planning through mentoring of our next generation of societal leaders.



  • Consulting
  • M&A
  • Finance
  • Insurance


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Christy Clark

As the longest-serving female Premier in Canadian history, and the only woman in Canada ever to be re-elected as premier, Ms. Clark worked relentlessly to grow the economy, control spending, and create more opportunities in her province. Some of her achievements while in office are astounding: She brought the province from over a billion dollars in deficit to 5 consecutive balanced budgets, approved and started work on the $8 billion Site C dam, moved BC from 9th in economic growth to 1st, while moving BC to it’s best annual job creation record. (First time that’s happened since 1963!) She also signed almost 500 co operation and revenue sharing agreements with First Nations.  Ms. Clark is now available for select speaking engagements – and she talks passionately on topics like leadership, women in politics, the economy, and much more. 


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Daniel Hannan – Lord Hannan of Kingsclere

Daniel Hannan, former MEP, now in the British House of Lords, is known in the U.K. press as “the man who brought you Brexit”, having founded the Vote Leave campaign.  He wants to use Brexit to galvanize the world trading system and sees new opportunities for countries on every continent.  Dan has been a member of the European Parliament for 17 years, and is an author and journalist, advocating passionately for free markets and trade.  In fact, once Brexit becomes a reality, Dan will have succeeded in eliminating his own job. However, in 2018, recent political event in the U.K. are threatening to undo Brexit, and Dan may indeed have to return to work.

Dan’s keynote presentations are customizable; he discusses the global and European economy, trade, politics, and what is happening both in Britain and around the world since March of 2020.

Lord Hannan has spoken at events around the world, and will fully customize his talk for your country. He especially loves to speak in the US and Canada.


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Conrad Black

Author. Historian. Columnist. Investor. Intellectual Force. Founder of the National Post. Television Host. Member of the British House of Lords. There is only one man who could possibly fit all these descriptions, and it is one of Canada’s most distinguished figures: The iconic Lord Conrad Black.

Having just published his most recent books, “The Political & Strategic History of The World, Vol.1” in 2023, as well as “Forgotten History – Civil Rights in Canada”, “The Canadian Manifesto” in 2019, “Donald J. Trump: A president like no other” in 2018 and in 2016, “Backward Glances”, a collection of his articles and essays spanning his entire career, – on topics such as politics, culture, economics, and more – Lord Black is a must hear keynote speaker.

Whether the topic is judicial reform, geopolitics, or overcoming adversity in business and life, Lord Black is sure to inspire, educate and yes, entertain. He says exactly what he thinks, does not mince words, pulls no punches, and will defend his opinions with tenacity. A keynote or Fireside Chat with Lord Black could best be described as a talk about current events that blends in geopolitics mixed with historical perspectives, infused with a global point of view.

His latest endeavor in this regard is the “Scholars & Sense” show, a brand new bi-weekly podcast where he shares the mic with legendary conservative voices Victor Davis Hanson and Bill Bennett.  

UPDATE! Lord Black is now available for live and in person events in the United States. 


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