Connor Boyack

Renowned as a visionary author and entrepreneur, Connor Boyack Keynote Speaker stands at the forefront of educational innovation with his acclaimed Tuttle Twins series. These books have not only revolutionized children’s literature by distilling complex economic, political, and civic concepts into engaging narratives for young minds but have also empowered them to navigate the world with critical thinking and independence. The series’ monumental success is evidenced by over five million copies sold, a testament to its resonance with parents and educators alike.

A self-made entrepreneur, Connor not only talks the talk, but walks the walk as the founder and president of Libertas Institute, a multistate policy reform organization responsible for changing over 100 laws around the country. His leadership had led Libertas to innovative over a dozen legal reforms that were the first of their kind, attracting multiple awards for their work and changing the lives of millions of people. From education reform and business regulation to privacy and parental rights, Connor’s legislative prowess shows how to put into practice the ideas he teaches to audiences around the country.

Connor’s diverse expertise and dynamic storytelling make him an attractive speaker for a broad range of audiences. He loves to speak to entrepreneurs and business or corporate audiences from a variety of sectors, sharing his journey on what it takes to build a business to the point of selling over five million units — and he can share a leadership secret or two.

He of course loves to speak to educational groups of all kinds — school boards, colleges and universities, teachers associations, and elementary schools, too. Parental groups, freedom groups, public policy and think tanks — there is a vast array of organizations that can benefit from a Connor Boyack talk, presentation, panel appearance or as the headlining keynote speaker.

Whether addressing business leaders, educational forums, or advocacy groups, Connor Boyack delivers compelling narratives that ignite change, challenge conventions, and inspire action.

Oh! We should mention Connor has been interviewed by podcasters and MSM outlets as well, such as Tucker Carlson, The Babylon Bee, Fox News, The Blaze, Epoch Times, Free the People, Reason, Newsmax, John Papola, Tom Woods, and more.



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Carol Roth

Carol Roth is a “recovering” investment banker. She’s also an entrepreneur, a TV pundit and host, and of course a keynote speaker; If that’s not enough, she’s also an economic, business, and financial commentator as well as  a content developer… AND she’s a New York Times bestselling author: Her books include The Entrepreneur Equation, The War on Small Business and now, You Will Own Nothing  (Broadside Books, available 7/18/2023)

Carol Roth has more than a quarter century of business advisory experience, which began at investment banking firm Montgomery Securities in San Francisco (subsequently Banc of America Securities- no, that’s not a typo), where she rapidly rose internally to become one of the youngest officers of the company by age 25. Her experience has encompassed a wide variety of products and services, including initial public offerings (IPOs), secondary offerings, private equity placements, private debt placements, buy-side M&A, sell-side M&A, LBOs/MBOs, recapitalizations, valuations, fairness opinions, licensing, marketing services, franchise work, start-up advisory and general strategic advisory work. She has completed licenses and joint ventures between her clients and a variety of high profile companies including Paramount, Disney, Fox, Hasbro and even the pop singer Katy Perry. 

All this serious business aside – Carol isn’t without a wry sense of humor and fun. She has coined a number of terms and phrases ranging from “Cirque-du-So-Lame” (something that is beyond pathetic and pitiful) to “jobbie” (a hobby disguised as a job, career or business) to “Business Beer Goggling,” (No explanation needed there) and deemed Harvard to be a hedge fund with a university attached to it. Offering thoughtful and witty political commentary, she advocates for small business, small government, and big hair.  She has an infectious energy on stage and is a dynamic keynote speaker. 

But back to serious business: Carol’s latest talk (Though she prefers the Q&A / Fireside Chat format) is based on her latest book, “You Will Own Nothing”. This book is based on her research into why certain globalist think tanks have been touting this mantra of owning nothing, and what that will mean for your financial and personal life. If you will own nothing, you can rest assured that you’ll be renting something from somebody who does. This is a can’t miss talk that will give your audience a framework for “Owning” their lives again – so more of us can live a rent free life, full of abundance. Hopefully her next book will be “You Will Own A Lot”! 


The Book

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Keean Bexte

Keean Bexte is a journalist and the editor-in-chief of The Counter Signal, a news website known for its fearless and relentlessly honest reporting, and daring to cover the stories the MSM might not; reflecting the ethos of Keean himself.  Keean is also now a documentary film maker & keynote speaker, sought after for his observations and insights on complex global issues.

His roots trace back to an Alberta farm, and his academic background in Energy Sciences and Economics provides him a nuanced perspective on the intersection of energy, economics, and environmental policy.

Beginning his journalistic career in 2018, Bexte traveled around the world, reporting on significant events from Ottawa to Hong Kong, The Hague, and Washington, where he holds White House accreditation. Wherever he goes, Bexte has a knack for uncovering striking visual narratives from often dangerous and tumultuous locations. He has published military secrets and faced confrontations with Chinese spies in his hotel room while reporting on the democracy uprising in Hong Kong.

His keen interest in anti-authoritarian uprisings led him to be one of the only journalists to cover the Canadian “Freedom Convoy” early on, as it traversed the continent – well before it captured the world’s attention. In his upcoming documentary, “Starvation Policy,” Bexte explores in depth the threats radical climate change policies pose to the world’s food supply, critically examining the potential impact of decisions made by the “global elites” on personal freedoms, future health, and of course: Global food security. He dares to ask the really big question – Why are governments around the world seeking to restrict food output from Farmers?

Though Bexte now resides in Calgary, he remains closely tied to his rural upbringing, spending weekends at his family farm and tending to his apiary. As a speaker, he brings his passion for freedom, a wealth of on-the-ground experiences, and investigative acumen to every engagement, offering audiences a thought-provoking perspective on today’s most pressing issues.


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Jeffrey A. Tucker

Jeffrey A. Tucker is the founder and president of Brownstone Institute, a nonprofit organization focusing on public health, economics, and the philosophical foundations of freedom, with a particular focus on post-pandemic rebuilding. He is also senior economics columnist for The Epoch Times where he writes a daily column.

He is the author of ten books in 5 languages, and speaker around the world on topics related to human liberty, he gave the Franz Čuhel Memorial Lecture at the Prague Conference on Political Economy, has been a two-time featured guest on John Stossel’s show, interviewed on Bitcoin Glenn Beck’s television show, spoken at Google headquarters, appeared frequently on Huffington Post Live, been the two-time Master of Ceremonies at Libertopia, been featured at FreedomFest and the International Students for Liberty Conference, the featured speaker at Liberty Forum for many years, keynoted the Young Americans for Liberty national convention, has spoken at many dozens of colleges and universities in the U.S. and the world, including Harvard University, Yale University, and Boston University, has been quoted in the New York Times and Washington Post, appears regularly in Newsweek and many other popular venues, and is in demand as a headline speaker at professional, political, technology, and financial conferences. Jeffrey has a large & loyal social media following, where he is able to promote his writing and upcoming personal appearances. 

He has served as a columnist at Forbes, founder of the Atlanta Bitcoin Embassy, Senior Distinguished Fellow of the Austrian Economics Center in Vienna, Austria, Research Affiliate for the RMIT University Blockchain Innovation Hub in Melbourne, Australia, Honorary Fellow of Mises Brazil, affiliate fellow of the Acton Institute and Mackinac Institute, founder and Chief Liberty Officer of, an adviser to blockchain application companies, past editorial director of the Foundation for Economic Education, AIER, and Laissez Faire Books, founder of the CryptoCurrency Conference, and author of many thousands of articles in the scholarly and popular press.

He organized the event that produced and promoted the Great Barrington Declaration and the first conference in the United States on the topic apart from Bitcoin’s core development team: the Crypto-Currency Conference, held in Atlanta, Georgia, in conjunction with BitPay. He speaks regularly at block chain and cryptocurrency conferences appears in documentaries on the topic, including the Netflix feature “Banking on Bitcoin.”.

Tucker had a close professional relationship with the Austrian economist Murray Rothbard for the ten years before his death, and published hundreds of books on economics, money, and banking during his publishing tenure. He then rebooted the bookseller Laissez Faire, during which time he wrote columns on finance, economic trends, and politics for Agora Financial. His next company,, was one of the earliest for-profit spaces to accept cryptocurrency in payment for subscriptions. Today he manages Brownstone with the goal of creating a stable sanctuary for ideas in a time of intensifying control and censorship.


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Sean Magennis

Sean Magennis is the CEO of a 29-year-old private, multi-faceted Financial Services Firm, Mutual Capital Alliance. His mantra there is “Supporting Leaders to achieve breakthroughs through business and personal growth.”

Sean began his business career in management at Farm Ag Ltd. He ran his own professional services firm for 14 years focused on organizational development consulting, people assessment and executive search, which grew to encompass operations in Canada, the USA and Mexico, serving several thousand clients. Sean has managed a family office, founded two peer-to-peer membership communities, and led an award-winning global team of CEO Coaches as company President. He is the Chairman of Lumini Network, a membership community for highly skilled Executive Assistants.

Sean is also a seasoned international business executive specializing in scaling professional services firms. He contributes 30 years of experience to entrepreneurs, founders, and senior executive teams to create realizable enterprise value. His experience encompasses professional executive management, growth strategies, exit strategies, acquisitions, and financings. He is the immediate past Global President and COO of YPO. Sean remains an active volunteer and member of YPO (Young Presidents Organization) and in 2013 was recruited as YPO Global President and COO. During his seven plus years there, he supported members around the world, established learning content and network growth, and his teams’ set records in member retention and engagement. He also successfully led the organization through the beginning stages of COVID-19.


Thriving In Turbulent Times

Sean is a highly rated speaker, covering business strategy and insights on leading, scaling, exiting, and innovating. 

He speaks regularly to YPO and EO groups as well as to associations and leadership teams. His inspiring presentation on Thriving in Turbulent Times, is particularly relevant given that turbulence seems to be a business rule, not an exception. Sean’s guiding principles can help any organization navigate through difficult times.

These are:

  1. Acknowledge & Assess Reality.
  2. Plan
  3. Grow – using “The Trust Formula”.

For leaders – he also speaks about his 30 years of experience in running and supporting two of the largest professional networks in the world.  His practical presentation on The Trust Formula, and how to leverage and activate trust in your business, is a game changer. 


Sean began his business career in management at Farm Ag Ltd. He ran his own professional services firm for 14 years focused on organizational development consulting, people assessment and executive search, which grew to encompass operations in Canada, the USA and Mexico, serving several thousand clients. Sean has managed a family office, founded two peer-to-peer membership communities, and led an award-winning global team of CEO Coaches as company President. He is the Chairman of Lumini Network, a membership community for highly skilled Executive Assistants.

Sean is also a seasoned international business executive specializing in scaling professional services firms. He contributes 30 years of experience to entrepreneurs, founders, and senior executive teams to create realizable enterprise value. His experience encompasses professional executive management, growth strategies, exit strategies, acquisitions, and financings. He is the immediate past Global President and COO of YPO. Sean remains an active volunteer and member of YPO (Young Presidents Organization) and in 2013 was recruited as YPO Global President and COO. During his seven plus years there, he supported members around the world, established learning content and network growth, and his teams’ set records in member retention and engagement. He also successfully led the organization through the beginning stages of COVID-19.

Sean has also been very active throughout his career in the Entrepreneurs Organization, EO, as a volunteer leader, innovator, and catalyst for exceptional growth. EO grew from 500 members to 5000 during his Board leadership. It now stands at over 17000.

Born, raised and educated in South Africa, Sean’s first port of call after graduating high school was to go into South Africa’s military service.

He found this to be an extraordinary learning experience and fostered an interest in team building, psychology and sociology, which he went on to study at university. He was then fortunate enough to work for a top South African entrepreneur who saw Sean’s entrepreneurial strengths and offered him the opportunity to work across his businesses. This experience led Sean to start his own business, which he decided to combine with a desire for an overseas experience—traveling to Canada and the USA to plant his own flag. To learn more click here.

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Michelle Makori

Michelle Makori is an internationally acclaimed broadcast journalist, news anchor, reporter, and producer and is currently both the Managing Editor and Editor-in-Chief at Kitco News, as well as Lead Anchor.

Michelle has worked as an anchor, reporter and producer for Bloomberg, CNN Money, i24News and SABC, where she has covered and analyzed the biggest global economic, financial, and geopolitical events of the past two decades. She has interviewed heads of state, CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, and other political, business, and entertainment leaders. Michelle also serves as MC, host and panel moderator for a variety of global conferences and financial events, from crypto currencies to natural resources – she’s been the default “Go-To” host of record, trusted by so many clients for years. 

And now – armed with years of financial reporting experience and deep dive interviews with some of the smartest investors, analysts, world leaders, business leaders and market prognosticators, Michelle is adding another titular notch to her already impressive resume: Keynote Speaker. 

Those of you familiar with Michelle’s interviewing style are aware that she has a profound understanding of the financial topics that are being discussed – and her interviews are really more discussions than they are simple Q&A’s with guests. Her business background, education, experience and global perspective lends to Michelle a big picture geopolitical and economic, markets driven understanding of the world today. 

No one is in the global financial trenches on a daily basis like Michelle is. Years of discussions with the experts from so many different areas of business has lead her to form her own global economic thesis; a geopolitical macro financial representation for where the economy is now, and where it might be going – all gleaned not just from discussions with world leaders and financial experts, but by her own analysis of the trends she sees forming and evolving daily. 

Michelle’s future looking keynote is highly customizable, but there is one geopolitical and financial game changer that is looming on a not too distant event horizon that has everyone watching: Central Bank Digital Currencies, and what effect this could have not just on business, and not just on how and where spend this new digital currency – but what this could mean to our daily lives. 

Michelle’s keynote’s are tantalizing and provocative, equally compelling as they are insightful and thought provoking. 


On March 9th, 2022, US president Joe Biden quietly signed into law Executive Order 14067, entitled, “Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets”, where it says in section 4 of this order that the administration “.. places the highest urgency on research and development efforts into the potential design and deployment options of a United States CBDC.” There are those who have nick-named this the creation of “Biden Bucks”, but the fact is, governments all over the world are already testing out or are creating their own CBDC’s, not just the American Government. China has one, as do many others. And all this comes at the same time that “FinTech” companies and entrepreneurs globally are creating decentralized financial (DEFI) infrastructure, for both ease of digital payments and transfers, crypto-currency exchanges, and more. These two digital directions could not appear more divergent; but are they? 
The questions CBDC’s raise are myriad, as are their possible perils. Will this lead to the end of cash? Will CBDC’s lead to a “Social Credit” system, as in  China today, where your behavior will determine what you are permitted to do? Will banks and governments be able to see all your purchases? Will your money be your own, or is a central bank digital currency going to be a dollar that the governments own, and simply permit you to use? What effect will this have on the US Dollar as being the worlds’ reserve currency? Will the BRICS countries and others who’ve joined them, create a new digital currency backed by hard assets that will compete for global payments with the US Dollar? And if so, what will this mean for the American economy? And more specifically, to the companies and countries that have dollar denominated debt? 
Michelle like none other, can paint the picture of what is to come when and if CBDC’s become a reality, and what it might mean: Could money, cold hard cash in hand, as we knew it… end? To be replaced by a cashless world where your every purchase is monitored? What happens then?
This a thought provoking keynote presentation – but if there is anyone in the world who can untangle the web of what CBDC’s mean, it’s Michelle Makori. Be sure to leave time for a Q&A after this talk. 
In this forward looking keynote presentation, Michelle will discuss what the economic indicators and headwinds might be as she looks into the future, based on her years of experience speaking with and interviewing literally dozens (if not hundreds) of top experts in finance, geopolitics, fiscal and monetary policy, foreign affairs, market analysis, including guru portfolio managers, heads of state, CEO’s, entrepreneurs and more – from a panoply of industries including metals & mining, commodities, cryptocurrency and DEFI, banking, technology, energy and of course – government.
Armed with this encyclopedic knowledge from so many brilliant minds, Michelle has been able to identify themes and trends i.e., common denominators, that most, if not all, of her guests are saying, and what they all subtly have in common. (Or what they all DON’T have in common). Either way, these will be the common denominators that form the foundation of this keynote presentation – the wisdom of the many brought together, analyzed, and discussed in a way that audiences from any sector will find both riveting and useful at the same time.
This keynote presentation can be customized to suit your audience. 


Michelle Makori is an internationally acclaimed broadcast journalist, news anchor, reporter, and producer. Currently she is Editor-in-Chief and Lead Anchor at Kitco News. Makori has worked as an anchor, reporter and producer for Bloomberg, CNN Money, i24News and SABC.

As an anchor and reporter, Michelle has covered and analyzed the biggest global economic, financial, and geopolitical events of the past two decades. She has interviewed heads of state, CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, and other political, business, and entertainment leaders. Michelle also serves as MC, host and panel moderator for conferences and events around the globe.

Michelle now brings this expertise to Kitco News as Lead Anchor and Editor -in-Chief where she manages the editorial team; covering global financial and business news across the spectrum of cryptocurrencies, commodities, equity markets, macro-economics and geopolitics. Michelle is also the host of “On the Spot with Michelle Makori”.

Based in New York, Michelle joins Kitco News from i24News where she was Editor-in-Chief and lead anchor, hosting the nightly prime-time, flagship show “ClearCut with Michelle Makori” and “ IBW” a weekly start-up and technology focused magazine show.

Michelle was instrumental in setting-up the U.S. division of i24News and helped launch the live broadcast operations in February of 2017, broadcasting across the USA and around the globe.

Michelle was also a key member of the team that launched the U.S. operations of CGTN in 2011. She was the New York-based Lead Anchor and Producer of “Global Business America”, CGTN’s flagship global economic and business news show.

Prior to joining CGTN, Makori was an anchor and reporter for Bloomberg TV for five years covering both American and Asian markets out of Bloomberg’s NYC headquarters. She was also a reporter with CNN Money based at the NASDAQ and contributed to CNN’s national and international programs. Before joining Bloomberg TV and moving to New York in 2005, Makori was one of the main anchors and producers for SABC Africa Television, based in Johannesburg South Africa and broadcasting throughout the African Continent. Michelle also brings Wall Street experience to her financial news coverage, having received her FINRA financial adviser license (Series 7) and having worked with The Beryl Consulting Group, GFI and Context Summits. Michelle holds a Post Graduate Honors Degree in Media Studies and Journalism (with distinction), and a Bachelor of Arts with a double major in Law and Psychology, both from South Africa’s University of the Witwatersrand. She graduated top of her class from Damelin Business School and graduated with distinction from Allenby Film School. Her accolades include winning the Harambee African Reporter of the Year Award for her work on micro-lending enterprises. She was also voted one of the “30 Most Outstanding Women” by Cosmopolitan magazine (South African Edition) and one of the “Sexiest Women in the World” by FHM magazine (South African Edition).

Born in Israel, raised in South Africa and now a proud American citizen, Michelle speaks five languages and brings a truly global perspective.

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Cheryl Chumley

Cheryl is the online opinion editor and host of the “Bold and Blunt” podcast for The Washington Times, a best-selling author, and a frequent media guest for national television and radio

Cheryl’s an in-demand public speaker and media guest, passionate about topics related to Christianity and the country’s Judeo-Christian roots, the Constitution, politics and policy, United Nations and sovereignty issues, Congress and Capitol Hill – pretty much anything that lends itself to exposing those matters that run counter to freedom, biblical principles and the preservation of America as the greatest country the world’s ever seen.

Her publication credits include the Blaze, the Washington Times, the Washington Examiner, the Heritage Foundation, the Heartland Institute, Lifezette, and more. She has made hundreds of appearances on national and local television and radio (including Fox News, C-SPAN, CBN, Michael Savage radio, Newsmax TV, Steve Bannon’s WarRoom), and in person at various forums and events, to discuss politics and culture, the role of Christianity in government, media bias and limited government principles.

She’s worked for years in newspaper journalism – winning numerous investigative and hard news awards in the process, particularly for her use of the Freedom of Information Act and Sunshine Laws to hold government officials accountable – and in radio newsrooms as a host, producer and writer.

Cheryl was selected to join the prestigious Robert Novak journalism fellowship program (now a program of The Fund on American Studies), for the 2008-2009 year, and spent a full 12 months investigating National Heritage Areas and the state of private property rights in America. Her findings were well-published and she was ultimately asked to speak about NHAs before a group of congressional staffers in the House, where she cautioned them to look beyond the rhetoric to see the constitutional dangers of these land grabs.




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Edward Dowd

Edward Dowd is currently a founding partner with Phinance Technologies. He has worked on Wall Street most of his career most notably at Blackrock as a portfolio manager where he managed a $14 billion Growth equity portfolio for ten years. His book Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden death in 2021 & 2022 propelled him as an alternative voice during the pandemic and the economic implications that continue to plague us today.  His unique alternative macroeconomic analysis of the global debt crisis and what may unfold has given many a deeper understanding of the global nature of our problems today.

He is daring to ask, out loud, the uncomfortable questions about the past 3 years that many others just won’t. Since Ed has behind the scenes Wall Street insiders who whisper in his ear what they are hearing, he is able to provide strategic and financial insights on a variety of economic topics  – whether it be the credit markets, the insurance markets, debt or equity markets, and how geopolitical and “covid” related events are affecting them, Ed can bring you insider analysis of financial, fed policy, and market trends like none other.  

Ed is a frequent guest on multiple podcasts and mainstream media outlets. He has appeared on Tucker Carlson Today, Dr. Drew, Steve Bannon’s War Room, Valuetainment’s PBD podcast, Man in America, Kitco News, American Thought Leaders on Epoch TV, CHD TV, Mel K, Kim Iverson, Alex Jones, Maria Zee, Charlie Kirk, London Real, and so many more, too numerous to mention.


New for 2024: 


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Kyle Kemper

Kyle Kemper is truly a 21st century renaissance man.

His mission is to connect with us, and collaborate with us, and perhaps, to help us… to facilitate what Kyle calls “this great awakening of humanity”, which is really just a unique collaboration together towards building new systems of governance and finance – to usher in a new era, creating more health, wealth and spiritual fulfillment for everyone. And yes, cryptocurrencies will be a big part of it.

Kyle is a visionary strategist, technologist, artist, and of course, a family-man. (More on that in his biography section; he has quite the pedigree!). He is also the founder of Swiss Key crypto wallet, and is the co-host of the new Love and Freedom Show. He is a serial entrepreneur, a keynote speaker, and an advisor to many projects – both big and small.

Kyle is committed to seeing the world have an easy and secure way to use and benefit from crypto, NFTs and blockchain – while assuring these technologies are used for the betterment of people- for liberty, for value creation, and abundant new systems that can change the world.

Kyle Kemper has been featured in major media, podcasts, and as a speaker at conferences. Right now he has published part 1 of his newest book as a booklet. In it, he explores how blockchain technology, DAOs, and NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) make liquid democracy and delegative democracy possible, and how we implement it to become radically abundant as a nation and as a civilization.


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Gordon Chang

There are speakers who can talk about the Chinese economy…but then, there is Forbes Magazine contributor and columnist at The Daily Beast, Gordon Chang.

Gordon lived in China for 20 years and is the author of the book,  “The Coming Collapse of China”.  If you want to know what’s in store for China’s future( Politically, socially, and economically ), and how it might affect us in the West,  then Gordon Chang is a must hear.

His writings on China and North Korea have appeared in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, the Far Eastern Economic Review, the International Herald Tribune, Commentary, The Weekly Standard, National Review, and Barron’s.  Gordon once wrote in a Forbes column:

“Chinese leaders do not distrust us because they have insufficient contact with us.  They distrust us because they see themselves as the protector of a political system threatened by free societies and their vibrant economies. The mistrust is inherent in their one-party state.  It can never be relieved as long as the Communist Party remains in power.  As Ronald Reagan taught us, the nature of regimes matters.”


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