Carol Roth

Carol Roth is a “recovering” investment banker. She’s also an entrepreneur, a TV pundit and host, and of course a keynote speaker; If that’s not enough, she’s also an economic, business, and financial commentator as well as  a content developer… AND she’s a New York Times bestselling author: Her books include The Entrepreneur Equation, The War on Small Business and now, You Will Own Nothing  (Broadside Books, available 7/18/2023)

Carol Roth has more than a quarter century of business advisory experience, which began at investment banking firm Montgomery Securities in San Francisco (subsequently Banc of America Securities- no, that’s not a typo), where she rapidly rose internally to become one of the youngest officers of the company by age 25. Her experience has encompassed a wide variety of products and services, including initial public offerings (IPOs), secondary offerings, private equity placements, private debt placements, buy-side M&A, sell-side M&A, LBOs/MBOs, recapitalizations, valuations, fairness opinions, licensing, marketing services, franchise work, start-up advisory and general strategic advisory work. She has completed licenses and joint ventures between her clients and a variety of high profile companies including Paramount, Disney, Fox, Hasbro and even the pop singer Katy Perry. 

All this serious business aside – Carol isn’t without a wry sense of humor and fun. She has coined a number of terms and phrases ranging from “Cirque-du-So-Lame” (something that is beyond pathetic and pitiful) to “jobbie” (a hobby disguised as a job, career or business) to “Business Beer Goggling,” (No explanation needed there) and deemed Harvard to be a hedge fund with a university attached to it. Offering thoughtful and witty political commentary, she advocates for small business, small government, and big hair.  She has an infectious energy on stage and is a dynamic keynote speaker. 

But back to serious business: Carol’s latest talk (Though she prefers the Q&A / Fireside Chat format) is based on her latest book, “You Will Own Nothing”. This book is based on her research into why certain globalist think tanks have been touting this mantra of owning nothing, and what that will mean for your financial and personal life. If you will own nothing, you can rest assured that you’ll be renting something from somebody who does. This is a can’t miss talk that will give your audience a framework for “Owning” their lives again – so more of us can live a rent free life, full of abundance. Hopefully her next book will be “You Will Own A Lot”! 


The Book

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Jeffrey A. Tucker

Jeffrey A. Tucker is the founder and president of Brownstone Institute, a nonprofit organization focusing on public health, economics, and the philosophical foundations of freedom, with a particular focus on post-pandemic rebuilding. He is also senior economics columnist for The Epoch Times where he writes a daily column.

He is the author of ten books in 5 languages, and speaker around the world on topics related to human liberty, he gave the Franz Čuhel Memorial Lecture at the Prague Conference on Political Economy, has been a two-time featured guest on John Stossel’s show, interviewed on Bitcoin Glenn Beck’s television show, spoken at Google headquarters, appeared frequently on Huffington Post Live, been the two-time Master of Ceremonies at Libertopia, been featured at FreedomFest and the International Students for Liberty Conference, the featured speaker at Liberty Forum for many years, keynoted the Young Americans for Liberty national convention, has spoken at many dozens of colleges and universities in the U.S. and the world, including Harvard University, Yale University, and Boston University, has been quoted in the New York Times and Washington Post, appears regularly in Newsweek and many other popular venues, and is in demand as a headline speaker at professional, political, technology, and financial conferences. Jeffrey has a large & loyal social media following, where he is able to promote his writing and upcoming personal appearances. 

He has served as a columnist at Forbes, founder of the Atlanta Bitcoin Embassy, Senior Distinguished Fellow of the Austrian Economics Center in Vienna, Austria, Research Affiliate for the RMIT University Blockchain Innovation Hub in Melbourne, Australia, Honorary Fellow of Mises Brazil, affiliate fellow of the Acton Institute and Mackinac Institute, founder and Chief Liberty Officer of, an adviser to blockchain application companies, past editorial director of the Foundation for Economic Education, AIER, and Laissez Faire Books, founder of the CryptoCurrency Conference, and author of many thousands of articles in the scholarly and popular press.

He organized the event that produced and promoted the Great Barrington Declaration and the first conference in the United States on the topic apart from Bitcoin’s core development team: the Crypto-Currency Conference, held in Atlanta, Georgia, in conjunction with BitPay. He speaks regularly at block chain and cryptocurrency conferences appears in documentaries on the topic, including the Netflix feature “Banking on Bitcoin.”.

Tucker had a close professional relationship with the Austrian economist Murray Rothbard for the ten years before his death, and published hundreds of books on economics, money, and banking during his publishing tenure. He then rebooted the bookseller Laissez Faire, during which time he wrote columns on finance, economic trends, and politics for Agora Financial. His next company,, was one of the earliest for-profit spaces to accept cryptocurrency in payment for subscriptions. Today he manages Brownstone with the goal of creating a stable sanctuary for ideas in a time of intensifying control and censorship.


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Derrick Kinney

Culture today screams that money is bad. And if you have a lot of it, you’re the villain in the story. The problem is that false belief is holding back your sales team and your company from achieving the sales goals you deserve. So – Derrick Kinney is changing how we feel about money. He believes money is not bad and good people should have more of it.

For too long, business owners have used the quarterly bonus as the sole motivator for their team. That’s the old way of doing business. More money is great, but creates only temporary happiness, not lasting meaning for your team. Continuing to run your business like that makes you a dime a dozen and you seem like every other company.

Your employees don’t feel engaged and are easily temped by offers from other companies. And you’re not giving your ideal customers a compelling reason to work with your company. You don’t stand out. And that’s not right.

The future of business growth is connecting meaning to your money and purpose to your profits. Do that and you’ll have higher employee engagement, retain your best people and create a runway to record revenue.

As Derrick Kinney says, he’s heard there’s a recession coming but he’s decided not to participate. And you can’t afford to either. You, your business, your team and your customers deserve better.

If you’re tired of the same old cookie-cutter message to building your business and increasing your sales, then Derrick’s keynote presentation is an absolute Must Hear. If you’re ready to engage your audience and grow your revenue in a fresh way, and make the world better so you attract more of your ideal customers, putting Derrick on your stage will be one of the best ROI”s you make this year.

Making more money to do more good is the future of business—and you can’t afford to be left behind.


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Sean Magennis

Sean Magennis is the CEO of a 29-year-old private, multi-faceted Financial Services Firm, Mutual Capital Alliance. His mantra there is “Supporting Leaders to achieve breakthroughs through business and personal growth.”

Sean began his business career in management at Farm Ag Ltd. He ran his own professional services firm for 14 years focused on organizational development consulting, people assessment and executive search, which grew to encompass operations in Canada, the USA and Mexico, serving several thousand clients. Sean has managed a family office, founded two peer-to-peer membership communities, and led an award-winning global team of CEO Coaches as company President. He is the Chairman of Lumini Network, a membership community for highly skilled Executive Assistants.

Sean is also a seasoned international business executive specializing in scaling professional services firms. He contributes 30 years of experience to entrepreneurs, founders, and senior executive teams to create realizable enterprise value. His experience encompasses professional executive management, growth strategies, exit strategies, acquisitions, and financings. He is the immediate past Global President and COO of YPO. Sean remains an active volunteer and member of YPO (Young Presidents Organization) and in 2013 was recruited as YPO Global President and COO. During his seven plus years there, he supported members around the world, established learning content and network growth, and his teams’ set records in member retention and engagement. He also successfully led the organization through the beginning stages of COVID-19.


Thriving In Turbulent Times

Sean is a highly rated speaker, covering business strategy and insights on leading, scaling, exiting, and innovating. 

He speaks regularly to YPO and EO groups as well as to associations and leadership teams. His inspiring presentation on Thriving in Turbulent Times, is particularly relevant given that turbulence seems to be a business rule, not an exception. Sean’s guiding principles can help any organization navigate through difficult times.

These are:

  1. Acknowledge & Assess Reality.
  2. Plan
  3. Grow – using “The Trust Formula”.

For leaders – he also speaks about his 30 years of experience in running and supporting two of the largest professional networks in the world.  His practical presentation on The Trust Formula, and how to leverage and activate trust in your business, is a game changer. 


Sean began his business career in management at Farm Ag Ltd. He ran his own professional services firm for 14 years focused on organizational development consulting, people assessment and executive search, which grew to encompass operations in Canada, the USA and Mexico, serving several thousand clients. Sean has managed a family office, founded two peer-to-peer membership communities, and led an award-winning global team of CEO Coaches as company President. He is the Chairman of Lumini Network, a membership community for highly skilled Executive Assistants.

Sean is also a seasoned international business executive specializing in scaling professional services firms. He contributes 30 years of experience to entrepreneurs, founders, and senior executive teams to create realizable enterprise value. His experience encompasses professional executive management, growth strategies, exit strategies, acquisitions, and financings. He is the immediate past Global President and COO of YPO. Sean remains an active volunteer and member of YPO (Young Presidents Organization) and in 2013 was recruited as YPO Global President and COO. During his seven plus years there, he supported members around the world, established learning content and network growth, and his teams’ set records in member retention and engagement. He also successfully led the organization through the beginning stages of COVID-19.

Sean has also been very active throughout his career in the Entrepreneurs Organization, EO, as a volunteer leader, innovator, and catalyst for exceptional growth. EO grew from 500 members to 5000 during his Board leadership. It now stands at over 17000.

Born, raised and educated in South Africa, Sean’s first port of call after graduating high school was to go into South Africa’s military service.

He found this to be an extraordinary learning experience and fostered an interest in team building, psychology and sociology, which he went on to study at university. He was then fortunate enough to work for a top South African entrepreneur who saw Sean’s entrepreneurial strengths and offered him the opportunity to work across his businesses. This experience led Sean to start his own business, which he decided to combine with a desire for an overseas experience—traveling to Canada and the USA to plant his own flag. To learn more click here.

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Michelle Makori

Michelle Makori is an internationally acclaimed broadcast journalist, news anchor, reporter, and producer and is currently both the Managing Editor and Editor-in-Chief at Kitco News, as well as Lead Anchor.

Michelle has worked as an anchor, reporter and producer for Bloomberg, CNN Money, i24News and SABC, where she has covered and analyzed the biggest global economic, financial, and geopolitical events of the past two decades. She has interviewed heads of state, CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, and other political, business, and entertainment leaders. Michelle also serves as MC, host and panel moderator for a variety of global conferences and financial events, from crypto currencies to natural resources – she’s been the default “Go-To” host of record, trusted by so many clients for years. 

And now – armed with years of financial reporting experience and deep dive interviews with some of the smartest investors, analysts, world leaders, business leaders and market prognosticators, Michelle is adding another titular notch to her already impressive resume: Keynote Speaker. 

Those of you familiar with Michelle’s interviewing style are aware that she has a profound understanding of the financial topics that are being discussed – and her interviews are really more discussions than they are simple Q&A’s with guests. Her business background, education, experience and global perspective lends to Michelle a big picture geopolitical and economic, markets driven understanding of the world today. 

No one is in the global financial trenches on a daily basis like Michelle is. Years of discussions with the experts from so many different areas of business has lead her to form her own global economic thesis; a geopolitical macro financial representation for where the economy is now, and where it might be going – all gleaned not just from discussions with world leaders and financial experts, but by her own analysis of the trends she sees forming and evolving daily. 

Michelle’s future looking keynote is highly customizable, but there is one geopolitical and financial game changer that is looming on a not too distant event horizon that has everyone watching: Central Bank Digital Currencies, and what effect this could have not just on business, and not just on how and where spend this new digital currency – but what this could mean to our daily lives. 

Michelle’s keynote’s are tantalizing and provocative, equally compelling as they are insightful and thought provoking. 


On March 9th, 2022, US president Joe Biden quietly signed into law Executive Order 14067, entitled, “Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets”, where it says in section 4 of this order that the administration “.. places the highest urgency on research and development efforts into the potential design and deployment options of a United States CBDC.” There are those who have nick-named this the creation of “Biden Bucks”, but the fact is, governments all over the world are already testing out or are creating their own CBDC’s, not just the American Government. China has one, as do many others. And all this comes at the same time that “FinTech” companies and entrepreneurs globally are creating decentralized financial (DEFI) infrastructure, for both ease of digital payments and transfers, crypto-currency exchanges, and more. These two digital directions could not appear more divergent; but are they? 
The questions CBDC’s raise are myriad, as are their possible perils. Will this lead to the end of cash? Will CBDC’s lead to a “Social Credit” system, as in  China today, where your behavior will determine what you are permitted to do? Will banks and governments be able to see all your purchases? Will your money be your own, or is a central bank digital currency going to be a dollar that the governments own, and simply permit you to use? What effect will this have on the US Dollar as being the worlds’ reserve currency? Will the BRICS countries and others who’ve joined them, create a new digital currency backed by hard assets that will compete for global payments with the US Dollar? And if so, what will this mean for the American economy? And more specifically, to the companies and countries that have dollar denominated debt? 
Michelle like none other, can paint the picture of what is to come when and if CBDC’s become a reality, and what it might mean: Could money, cold hard cash in hand, as we knew it… end? To be replaced by a cashless world where your every purchase is monitored? What happens then?
This a thought provoking keynote presentation – but if there is anyone in the world who can untangle the web of what CBDC’s mean, it’s Michelle Makori. Be sure to leave time for a Q&A after this talk. 
In this forward looking keynote presentation, Michelle will discuss what the economic indicators and headwinds might be as she looks into the future, based on her years of experience speaking with and interviewing literally dozens (if not hundreds) of top experts in finance, geopolitics, fiscal and monetary policy, foreign affairs, market analysis, including guru portfolio managers, heads of state, CEO’s, entrepreneurs and more – from a panoply of industries including metals & mining, commodities, cryptocurrency and DEFI, banking, technology, energy and of course – government.
Armed with this encyclopedic knowledge from so many brilliant minds, Michelle has been able to identify themes and trends i.e., common denominators, that most, if not all, of her guests are saying, and what they all subtly have in common. (Or what they all DON’T have in common). Either way, these will be the common denominators that form the foundation of this keynote presentation – the wisdom of the many brought together, analyzed, and discussed in a way that audiences from any sector will find both riveting and useful at the same time.
This keynote presentation can be customized to suit your audience. 


Michelle Makori is an internationally acclaimed broadcast journalist, news anchor, reporter, and producer. Currently she is Editor-in-Chief and Lead Anchor at Kitco News. Makori has worked as an anchor, reporter and producer for Bloomberg, CNN Money, i24News and SABC.

As an anchor and reporter, Michelle has covered and analyzed the biggest global economic, financial, and geopolitical events of the past two decades. She has interviewed heads of state, CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, and other political, business, and entertainment leaders. Michelle also serves as MC, host and panel moderator for conferences and events around the globe.

Michelle now brings this expertise to Kitco News as Lead Anchor and Editor -in-Chief where she manages the editorial team; covering global financial and business news across the spectrum of cryptocurrencies, commodities, equity markets, macro-economics and geopolitics. Michelle is also the host of “On the Spot with Michelle Makori”.

Based in New York, Michelle joins Kitco News from i24News where she was Editor-in-Chief and lead anchor, hosting the nightly prime-time, flagship show “ClearCut with Michelle Makori” and “ IBW” a weekly start-up and technology focused magazine show.

Michelle was instrumental in setting-up the U.S. division of i24News and helped launch the live broadcast operations in February of 2017, broadcasting across the USA and around the globe.

Michelle was also a key member of the team that launched the U.S. operations of CGTN in 2011. She was the New York-based Lead Anchor and Producer of “Global Business America”, CGTN’s flagship global economic and business news show.

Prior to joining CGTN, Makori was an anchor and reporter for Bloomberg TV for five years covering both American and Asian markets out of Bloomberg’s NYC headquarters. She was also a reporter with CNN Money based at the NASDAQ and contributed to CNN’s national and international programs. Before joining Bloomberg TV and moving to New York in 2005, Makori was one of the main anchors and producers for SABC Africa Television, based in Johannesburg South Africa and broadcasting throughout the African Continent. Michelle also brings Wall Street experience to her financial news coverage, having received her FINRA financial adviser license (Series 7) and having worked with The Beryl Consulting Group, GFI and Context Summits. Michelle holds a Post Graduate Honors Degree in Media Studies and Journalism (with distinction), and a Bachelor of Arts with a double major in Law and Psychology, both from South Africa’s University of the Witwatersrand. She graduated top of her class from Damelin Business School and graduated with distinction from Allenby Film School. Her accolades include winning the Harambee African Reporter of the Year Award for her work on micro-lending enterprises. She was also voted one of the “30 Most Outstanding Women” by Cosmopolitan magazine (South African Edition) and one of the “Sexiest Women in the World” by FHM magazine (South African Edition).

Born in Israel, raised in South Africa and now a proud American citizen, Michelle speaks five languages and brings a truly global perspective.

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Edward Dowd

Edward Dowd is currently a founding partner with Phinance Technologies. He has worked on Wall Street most of his career most notably at Blackrock as a portfolio manager where he managed a $14 billion Growth equity portfolio for ten years. His book Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden death in 2021 & 2022 propelled him as an alternative voice during the pandemic and the economic implications that continue to plague us today.  His unique alternative macroeconomic analysis of the global debt crisis and what may unfold has given many a deeper understanding of the global nature of our problems today.

He is daring to ask, out loud, the uncomfortable questions about the past 3 years that many others just won’t. Since Ed has behind the scenes Wall Street insiders who whisper in his ear what they are hearing, he is able to provide strategic and financial insights on a variety of economic topics  – whether it be the credit markets, the insurance markets, debt or equity markets, and how geopolitical and “covid” related events are affecting them, Ed can bring you insider analysis of financial, fed policy, and market trends like none other.  

Ed is a frequent guest on multiple podcasts and mainstream media outlets. He has appeared on Tucker Carlson Today, Dr. Drew, Steve Bannon’s War Room, Valuetainment’s PBD podcast, Man in America, Kitco News, American Thought Leaders on Epoch TV, CHD TV, Mel K, Kim Iverson, Alex Jones, Maria Zee, Charlie Kirk, London Real, and so many more, too numerous to mention.


New for 2024: 


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Eric Termuende

Eric Termuende is helping leaders build incredible teams and tomorrow’s greatest places to work. His one-degree shift methodology enables leaders to build trust, remove friction, and create a culture of experimentation. But – why create a culture of experimentation? Well – if there is one thing we’ve all learned in the recent years, it is that the future is impossible to predict. Knowing that, how do we build teams that thrive in the weeks, months and years to come? The answer lies in one-degree shifts: small, consistent changes that enable teams to build trust, remove friction, and build a culture of innovation. With hybrid teams, i.e., some working from home, some not, staggered days in and out of the workplace, new cultures need to be created, and the best way to do that, is to create that culture of experimentation.

Eric has delivered over 400 keynotes to organizations including IBM, The Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Zoom, TD, BMO and The Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals. A perfect conference opener, Eric kickstarts the day, unites the audience, and leaves attendees with memorable stories, and a refreshingly unique take on leadership, culture, and the future of work.



Eric Termuende is the co-founder of NoW of Work, author of the bestselling book Rethink Work, and global keynote speaker. Having been on hundreds of stages and worked with and studied the greatest places to work in the world he knows what it takes to build incredible teams that are resilient, innovative, and ready for the future of work.

A former World Economic Forum Global Shaper and recognized as one of the Top 100 Emerging Innovators under 35 by American Express, his ideas have been featured in Forbes, Thrive Global, The Huffington Post, The Globe and Mail, and many more.


One-Degree Shifts: Building Tomorrow’s Greatest Places to Work

If there is one thing we’ve all learned in the past months, it is that the future is impossible to predict. Knowing that, how do we build teams that thrive in the weeks, months and years to come? The answer lies in one-degree shifts: small, consistent changes that enable teams to build trust, remove friction, and build a culture of innovation.

In this engaging, and takeaway-loaded presentation, workplace expert Eric Termuende shares what years of research, stories, and insights uncover about the one-degree shifts leaders use to adapt to an ever-changing world around them and build incredible teams. From Domino’s Pizza to the British Cycling Team, discover how the consistent application of small, incremental changes improves camaraderie, belonging, psychological safety, and engagement. While the future of work is certain to be uncertain, there is nothing to say we can’t still thrive in it.

In this presentation, leaders will learn the secret of a one-degree shift to: 

-Reduce friction and build trust

-Increase effectiveness of remote/hybrid teams

-Build a culture of innovation

-Understand your role in creating a ‘greatest place to work’

-Discover what cilantro teaches us about strong workplace culture


The Perfect Storm: What Is Really Causing the Talent Shortage and What to Do About It

It is no secret that the world of work has evolved an incredible amount in the past two years. From how we communicate, where we work, and what is expected from our leaders, trying to keep up with the changes has been downright exhausting. And while managing the day-to-day has been challenging enough, a storm has been brewing and the clouds are rolling in. A talent crisis is on the horizon and COVID isn’t the only thing to blame. 

In this research-heavy, eye-opening, and actionable presentation, learn from leadership and workplace culture expert Eric Termuende as he shares what is really casing The Great Resignation, a looming national talent shortage, and the key steps we can take today to build incredible teams, sustain growth, and thrive in the future of work. 

Attendees will learn: 

– 6 factors contributing to the talent crisis

– Why COVID is only partly responsible for The Great Resignation

– How to attract top talent and stand out

– Why the best attraction strategy is a good retention strategy and how to build it

– What key actions leaders can take to build trust, engagement, and belonging on their teams

Leading Remote Teams: Maintaining Engagement, Productivity, and Happiness

Having studied some of the world’s best leaders and surveyed thousands of employees, workplace expert and bestselling author Eric Termuende knows that those who lead remote teams do three things effectively: They communicate well, reduce friction, and build a deep sense of trust. With the world changing at a break-neck pace, there are key steps we can take today to ensure that we’re mitigating burnout and getting the most out of our teams whether working remotely or together in the office.

In this fully customized, insightful, and takeaway-filled keynote, Eric Termuende shares leadership stories from the Cleveland Browns to Chicago’s Holy Cross Hospital to uncover what separates incredible hybrid workplaces from those that are losing talent and suffering as a result. Building stronger remote teams requires a deeper understanding of how we use our time, connect with our people, and tie recognition back to our values. While the future is anything but certain, the actions we take today are sure to prepare us for whatever the world throws our way.

Leaders will learn: 

– Three simple shifts to deepen trust, belonging, and psychological safety

– A framework to boost innovation and creativity

– What to expect in the future of work and how to evolve accordingly

– The difference in communication with remote and in-person team members

– How to get more smiles from the team and reduce friction

The Great Resignation: Why This is the Biggest Opportunity We’ve Never Seen to Attract and Retain Incredible Teams

Regardless of which research we subscribe to; the outlook is bleak: employees coast-to-coast are transitioning jobs at rates we haven’t seen since the Vietnam War. And while many of us think this is a threat to our workplace culture and organizational success, the truth is that the opportunity has never been greater to establish a one-of-a-kind culture that attracts and keeps an incredible team. Instead of calling it ‘The Great Resignation’, perhaps it should be called ‘The Great Reconfiguration’. After all, people aren’t leaving the workforce, they’re aligning with a lifestyle that suits them. This is where the secrets lie.  

In this head-scratching, insight-filled, and unexpectedly funny keynote, workplace culture and future of work expert Eric Termuende takes us on a journey filled with out-of-the-box ideas that are budget-free and immediately actionable as we work to not just survive ‘The Great Resignation’ but thrive through it. Just because there is a national talent shortage, doesn’t mean our team has to have one too.

In this presentation, attendees will learn:

-What it means to ‘plant your flag’ and how to do it

-How to tell a better story to attract top talent

-Why the best defence is a good offence and how to retain your best people

-Where your best recruiters are (hint* they’re closer than you think) and how to give them the free tools they need to build the team

-What cilantro teaches us about workplace culture and attracting top talent

-Why all of your eggs should actually be in one basket


This is feedback from our CEO:

“Please share the following feedback with Eric. People really liked him and found him very inspirational. He energized everyone and was definitely a highlight of the afternoon!

  • Relevant
  • Great stories, powerful
  • Very articulate
  • Relatable 


We had Eric Termuende speak at two of our national leadership events in 2023. His message was a total hit as we continue to win and grow in the future of work. His engaging and entertaining keynotes were tailored, relevant, and gave all of our leaders the insights and tools they needed to build incredible teams and remain excited about the uncertain future we’re all trying to navigate.

Today’s presentation was great and I’m delighted at the response from the Team. The videos, the

customization, and of course, your presence, knowledge, and energy made it a huge success! I’ve

contracted and supported many Executive Leadership Summits for the agency over the years and it is not often that they say…”This is the best Summit we’ve ever had!” There’s been a lot of that type of feedback today and it is much deserved and well-earned praise.


In October 2020, in the middle of this Pandemic crisis, we had the pleasure to work with Eric for one of our episodes of our Dell Technologies Thought Leader Series. In addition to being a very fun person to work with, Eric was very generous of his time and an amazing presenter that our customers love!!!! His story was very inspiring and helped people with a different perspective during these difficult times.


Wow, just WOW. Safe to say that was the best virtual presentation we’ve done yet, and not just

for this event! The comments section definitely showcased that.

Thank you very much for that incredible presentation. I will be in touch again very soon.


We had the opportunity to bring Eric in as the keynote speaker for our annual strategic planning

workshop with all of our Senior Leaders. Eric did an excellent job of helping us understand and

connect the links between strategy and culture with some “one degree shifts” in our thinking

about people and process. This slight change in our thinking was a great catalyst for the

subsequent discussions as we built out our strategies for the coming year.


Eric delivered an engaging, inspiring and thought-provoking session to our audience. It was

a pleasure working with Eric – he delivered the perfect presentation. Eric is a charismatic and

passionate storyteller with great insights, real-world experience and exceptional presentation

skills. It was a pleasure to work with Eric and I would highly encourage any organization to

invite Eric to present to their community!



Rethink Work tackles one of the big problems’ employers face today: finding and keeping the best employees, especially at a time when young workers typically quit after only three years on the job. Targeted at those entering the workforce, in job transition, or anyone looking for that perfect candidate, Rethink Work stands out from other books in this category because the author is one of those young people: Eric Termuende, a rising star on the international speakers’ circuit. Click here for more info.


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Bruce Dickinson

747 Pilot, Aviation Businessman and incidentally, ROCK STAR lead singer of the legendary rock band icons, IRON MAIDEN. 

Bruce Dickinson is widely regarded as a true polymath, and for very good reason. He has a myriad of experience in business, entrepreneurialism, mentoring and creative thinking, alongside his larger-than-life persona as lead singer for Iron Maiden, all of which makes him unique in his ever-expanding professional fields and consequently being always in great demand, as a Keynote Speaker, to share the secrets of his proficiency, insight and knowledge. In fact, Bruce will be taking his Keynote Presentation / spoken word tour ‘An Evening With Bruce Dickinson’ on an extensive US and Canada run in early 2022, and hopefully beyond. He also did a recent “virtual” Ted talk – see the video below. 

And yes, Bruce has been known to fly the band on the 747 to various concert dates all over the world! 

Aside from his aviation and music accomplishments, some of Bruce’s other achievements include: an award-winning beer brewer, film scriptwriter, international fencer, TV presenter & sports commentator, and Sunday Times #1 best-selling author with the publication of his autobiography What Does This Button Do? 

Truly a new age iconoclast, there is much to learn from Bruce, and many takeaways from his talks. A throat cancer survivor, he discusses overcoming adversity and persevering when things look bleakest, especially for a rock singer! Though, while always inspirational, his wealth of business experience, rock star and aviation experience, the business takeaways are many as well – and encompassed in a talk with self deprecating humor, nuance, and infused with the energy and soul only a true hard rocker can bring.  To learn more click here.



Bruce Dickinson is widely regarded as a true polymath, and for very good reason. He has a myriad of experience in business, entrepreneurialism, mentoring and creative thinking, alongside his larger-than-life persona as lead singer for Iron Maiden, all of which makes him unique in his ever-expanding professional fields and consequently being always in great demand to share the secrets of his proficiency, insight and knowledge.

As a qualified pilot and commercial airline captain, Bruce took advantage of this know-how to set up his own aircraft business Caerdav (formerly Cardiff Aviation) to provide maintenance, repair and overhaul of aircraft as well as pilot training. He has invested in the British manufacturer of the Airlander HAV (hybrid air vehicle), an eco-friendly helium airship currently in development which will be capable of transporting cargo or people to remote corners of the earth, and in Pouncer – an edible drone developed by Windhorse Aerospace which can carry humanitarian aid into hard to access disaster areas. Furthermore Bruce was recently appointed as an RAF honorary group captain in the prestigious 601 Squadron, a position which involves him giving advice, acting as an advocate and fulfilling an ambassadorial role.

Aside from his aviation and music accomplishments, some of Bruce’s other achievements include: an award-winning beer brewer, film scriptwriter, international fencer, TV presenter & sports commentator, and Sunday Times #1 best-selling author with the publication of his autobiography What Does This Button Do?

With this wealth of experience to draw upon for inspiration, Bruce delivers world class speeches to corporations around the globe, explaining how the challenges of operating in the seemingly disparate realms of rock music and commercial aviation mirror those of everyday business worlds, be it a multi-national corporation, local company or start-up initiative; emphasizing the importance of teamwork, communication, forward planning and recognizing that inevitable setbacks can and should be an incentive to learn, adapt and move on successfully.


Split into two parts, the first section of the keynote presentation sees Bruce taking a humorous and often satirical look at the world from his own very personal perspective, treating the audience to private insights into his drive and ambition, peppered with plenty of Maiden anecdotes, and a myriad of other experiences encompassing not just the giddy heights but also the extreme lows, told first-hand in his inimitable anarchic style, punctuated with photographs and sometimes even erupting into song acapella, to illustrate a point.

The final section of his talk is devoted entirely to a Q&A session, with the opportunity to pose questions on any subject whatsoever. As Bruce’s answers will all be completely improvised – the more left-field and quirky the question, the more interesting and compelling the response is likely to be!

Topics include: 

  • From Rock Star to Businessman
  • Turning Your Customers into Fans
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Corporate Culture
  • Business Start-Ups
  • Business Turnaround
  • Risk Management
  • The Travel & Aviation Industry
  • Team Building
  • The Life and Times of Bruce
  • Motivation & Inspiration
  • Business Creativity
Bruce was excellent, very entertaining and absolutely perfect for our marketing and media event.

-Literary Event Organisers

Armed only with his humor, charm and a simple slideshow, Bruce Dickinson offers an intimate idea of his dazzling life.

-Media Group

In a generally risk averse environment, it was inspiring to hear Bruce talking about risk and almost embracing it as a strategy for managing it and maximising on the opportunities it can bring.

-Travel Industry Forum

‘What Does This Button Do?’  is the long-awaited memoir from the larger-than-life, multifaceted lead vocalist of Iron Maiden, one of the most successful, influential and enduring rock bands ever.

Pioneers of Britain’s nascent Rock & Metal scene back in the late 1970s, Iron Maiden smashed its way to the top, thanks in no small part to the high-octane performances, operatic singing style, and stage presence of its second, but twice-longest-serving, lead singer, Bruce Dickinson.

Dickinson turns his unbridled creativity, passion, and anarchic humor to reveal some fascinating stories from his life, including his thirty years with Maiden, his solo career, his childhood within the eccentric British school system, his early bands, fatherhood and family, and his recent battle with cancer.

Bold, honest, intelligent and very funny, his memoir is an up-close look inside the life, heart, and mind of one of the most unique and interesting men in the world; a true icon of rock.

This book reached No. 1 on The Sunday Times Bestselling Autobiography list.


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Liv Boeree

Think Like a Poker Player

Liv first caught the poker bug when she was picked to take part in a reality poker TV show in the UK back in 2005. Soon after she became a regular host on various poker coverage shows, and it wasn’t long before she was making waves at the table herself. Liv’s first major live cash came when she won the European Ladies Championship in 2008 for $42,000, followed by a string of other impressive money finishes at events around the world. Highlights included an impressive run at the 2009 Five Star World Poker Classic in Las Vegas, where she final tabled two side tournaments and made a top 40 finish in the $25,000 WPT Championship Main Event.

Then came the moment that would change Liv’s life forever, and make the poker world give her the credit her game deserves. Liv travelled to Italy to play at the European Poker Tour (EPT) Season 6 Sanremo event in 2010 – a tournament that proved to be one of the biggest ever, with a packed field of 1,240 runners. After days of intense action, Liv found herself on the final table, and duly went on to crush the remaining players to take the title and a massive seven figure payday, confirming Liv’s status as one of the finest players the UK has ever produced.

Liv Boeree is a science communicator and games specialist. Now, she’s a former professional poker player who has won multiple championship titles on the international poker circuit, and was the #1 ranked female player in 2016. Previously, she studied astrophysics and became fascinated with applying scientific thinking to everyday life. This introduced her to effective altruism: a philosophical movement that uses evidence and reason to identify and mitigate the world’s most pressing problems. In 2014, she co-founded Raising for Effective Giving, a non-profit that fund raises for the most globally impactful charities and research organizations.


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Daymond John

From his wildly successful role on ABC’s smash hit, Shark Tank, to his distinguished status as a Presidential Ambassador for Global Entrepreneurship, Daymond John has become globally recognized for his relentless commitment to promoting and supporting entrepreneurs.

Daymond initially made his mark as the entrepreneur and branding expert behind the groundbreaking lifestyle brand, FUBU, which eclipsed more than $6 billion in global retail sales. From the streets of Hollis, Queens, Daymond started a global movement from the basement of his mother’s house by capitalizing on the then fledgling hip-hop culture. Today, the streetwear market that FUBU pioneered is a $20 billion dollar industry.

Since then, Daymond has continued to challenge himself and the business world in which he operates. In 2009, Daymond was tapped by lauded television producer, Mark Burnett, to join the cast of a new business-reality concept, Shark Tank. After 11 seasons, 4 Emmy Awards, multiple Critic’s Choice Awards and millions of dollars in investments, the show has become the most watched program on Friday nights, and one of the most successful business reality series of all time. Over the course of the series, Daymond has been a mainstay of the cast of Sharks and is now affectionately referred to as, “The People’s Shark.”

As a dynamic speaker with more than twenty-five years of proven business experience, Daymond has become one of the most highly sought after speakers in the country. He regularly speaks at Fortune 100 companies, conferences, universities, and independent businesses alike. Daymond’s high energy presentations give audiences relatable advice and practical takeaways. His S.H.A.R.K. Points are actionable principles that bring long term results. Entrepreneurship, marketing and branding, financial literacy and goal-setting are among his most popular topics.



An entrepreneur in every sense of the word, Daymond John has come a long way from taking out a $100,000 mortgage on his mother’s house and moving his business operation into its basement. John is CEO and Founder of FUBU, a much-celebrated global lifestyle brand, and a pioneer in the fashion industry with over $6 billion in product sales world-wide. Former President Barack Obama appointed Daymond John a Presidential Ambassador for Global Entrepreneurship (PAGE) to harness his energy, ideas, and experience to help develop the next generation of entrepreneurs both at home and abroad.

John is an award-winning entrepreneur and has received 100s of awards including the Brand Week Marketer of the Year, Advertising Age Marketing 1000 Award for Outstanding Ad Campaign, Ernst & Young’s New York Entrepreneur of the Year Award, and was named #2 on LinkedIn’s Top 20 Voices, a list of the top influencers, who are using their voice to help us analyze today’s changing world of work, navigate our industries, and find balance.  Most recently, Real Leaders Magazine named Daymond John one of the Top 50 Keynote Speakers in the World in 2022, a list of “real teachers — people who speak from experience.”

His marketing strategies and ability to build successful brands has made him a highly influential consultant and motivational speaker today. His marketing firm The Shark Group offers advice on how to effectively communicate to consumers through innovative means and connects brands with the world’s top celebrities for everything from endorsements to product extensions.

John is also an author of 5 best-selling books including his New York Times best-selling books, The Power of Broke (2016) and Rise and Grind (2018). In 2020, John released his fifth book, Powershift, that walks through his tried-and-true process of how to transform any situation, close any deal and achieve any outcome.  John’s most recent book is his first for kids.  Little Daymond Learns to Earn (March 2023) illustrates the process of starting a business and provides a glossary of financial literacy terms for kids 4-8 years old.

Finally, John is celebrating his 14th season on ABC TV’s critically acclaimed business reality show Shark Tank by renowned producer Mark Burnett, which has reinvigorated entrepreneurship around the world. Shark Tank has now gone on to win five Emmy® in the US and millions of weekly viewers world-wide tune into the show as John demonstrates his marketing prowess and entrepreneurial insights.


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