Michele Payn

Michele Payn personifies passion. Known as one of North America’s leading farm and food advocates, she serves as a resource for people interested in connecting the people and science of food and agriculture. Michele encourages all of her clients and audiences to connect with people’s hot buttons and speak their language – whether it’s building a connection between farm gate and food plate, developing corporate sponsorships or growing advocacy.

Widely known as a “change agent,” Michele delivers advocacy training programs and motivational keynotes to empower organizations to build connected communities; and she measures success in conversations around the food plate by people who are willing to reach out to help make their cause matter. 


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Rob Saik

It’s been said that when it comes to Agricultural marketing, management, and technology integration, Rob Saik is “an educator, entrepreneur, innovator, visionary, consultant, advisor…” and more. Keynote speaker and author of the “The Agriculture Manifesto – 10 Key Drivers that will Shape Agriculture in the Next Decade”, as well as his latest book “Food 5.0: How We Feed The Future” Robert is truly an outspoken champion of agriculture, is also a “Distinguished Agrologist”, a Professional Agriculture Consultant, and a veteran entrepreneur; he has been hailed as an agriculture futurist with unparalleled insight into where the industry is headed.

He has leveraged these strengths to found over 15 companies in the areas of Farming, Agri-Retail, Distribution, Media and Ag Tech. He was the founder and CEO of The Agri-Trend/Agri-Data Group of Companies which was acquired by Trimble. He also served as CEO of DOT Technology Corp (Autonomous Farming) through the acquisition of DOT by Raven Industries.

Rob has given talks to agricultural groups and has visited farms all over the world, from Peru to Kazakhstan. As he highlighted in his TEDx Talk, Will Agriculture be ALLOWED to Feed 9 Billion People?, Rob is confident that agriculture can meet the challenges of providing global food security if the voices of reason and science are not drowned by the voices of fear. In his amazing talk, you will learn about apples that don’t go brown, about potatoes that don’t bruise, and about a modified strain of rice that can save malnourished children from going blind – as well as how artificial intelligence, precision agriculture, water conservation, sensor technology, satellites and data are all tools being implemented right now, on today’s “digital farm”. How is all this possible? Rob Saik’s keynote will share how, as the following list of global audiences has already found out:

Farm & Food Care | CAMA | DOW | AFWA | The Leduc Chamber of Commerce | Setterington’s |
Syngenta | FCA Group | Grow | CropLife | Canadian Animal Health Institute | Biotechnology
Industry Organization | Cornell Alliance for Science | Ag-West Bio | NorthStar Genetics | Co-op |
Wheat Growers | AAA Fieldmen | Ontario Canola Growers | Land Investment Expo | Monstanto |
Cavalier Agrow | Farms.com | Ontario Processing Vegetable Growers | Farm Bureau | RRife
Resources Ltd | Aapresid | Inland Terminal Association of Canada | Dalhousie University |
Canada-UAE | AgSmart | Pacific NorthWest Economic Region | CHTA ACCC | Women in Ag |
Banff Venture Forum | Lisbon Agri Conference …and more!


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Dr. Robert Lustig

Dr. Lustig is the author of the NY Times Bestseller “Fat Chance: Beating the Odds Against Sugar, Processed Food, Obesity, and Disease”, and his YouTube speech video called “Sugar: The Bitter Truth” has been viewed over 5 million times.  His latest book, “The Hacking of the American Mind: The Science Behind the Corporate Takeover of Our Bodies and Brains” gets into what any pleasure seeking is doing to us; not just the bad food. 

Dr. Lustig’s keynote has many takeaways: You will learn why all calories are not created equal; you will learn, astonishingly, about the record rates of obesity (and childhood obesity!) we are now facing in North America, and how this came to be. Now, with his latest research, it seems that between the sugar, processed food and the new technology, we are addicted now not just in body, but in mind, too. Will they get our souls next? Have Dr. Lustig speak at your next event to find out…


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Erik Wahl

As an internationally recognized graffiti artist, and a #1 bestselling business author, Erik redefines the term “keynote speaker.”

Pulling from his history as both a business strategist and an artist, he has grown to become one of the most sought-after corporate speakers available today. Erik’s on-stage painting seamlessly becomes a visual metaphor to the core of his message, encouraging organizations toward profitability through innovations and superior levels of performance.

His list of clients includes AT&T, Disney, London School of Business, Microsoft, FedEx, Exxon Mobil, Ernst & Young, and XPrize; Erik has even been featured as aTEDpresenter. The responses received have been nothing short of incredible, with standing ovations to prove it. Be sure to call us today for booking information. 


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Seth Mattison

Seth Mattison is an internationally renowned expert on workforce trends and generational dynamics. As Founder and Chief Movement Officer of FutureSight Labs, Seth advises many of the world’s leading brand and organizations on the key shifts happening around talent management, change and innovation, leadership, and the future of work. He’s been rated one of the top speakers at every event he’s keynoted. Most importantly, his presentations combine three essential qualities: entertainment, information, and motivation.  Recently named to the Editors’ Picks for Favorite Speakers by MeetingsNet, Seth’s presentations bring an entirely unexpected perspective on the future of work, talent, innovation, and the power of relationships. With a passion for helping to create greater understanding and collaboration in today’s workplace, Seth offers participants actionable content that can immediately impact business performance.


New! Updated for 2024:

New! ALL Updated for 2024

The Human Advantage: The Strategy for Winning in the Age of Machines

As we find ourselves propelled into the age of artificial intelligence, it can be challenging not to think that tools will define our trades and machines will take much of our work. With every passing month, jobs are changing faster than people. For humans to thrive in this new era, we must reimagine our role and the value we create by connecting to the parts of our work that only we can do. Because, while machines might replicate the work, they’ll never reflect the soul. They might take tasks, but they can’t take heart. It’s here, we find our edge.

Leveraging our human advantage isn’t just about helping to connect to more meaningful work. It’s about helping our businesses stand out in a sea of AI sameness. It’s about connecting with the market on a level that algorithms can’t. It’s about being so uniquely human that customers can’t help but pay attention and employees can’t help but love their work. Let’s unleash the power of your people.

Key Takeaways

  1. Embracing our Humanity: Tap into the irreplaceable aspects of human creativity, empathy, and emotional intelligence that drive meaningful work and innovation.
  2. Differentiating Authentically: Stand out in the AI era by forging genuine, human connections to create standout customer experiences that algorithms can’t replicate.
  3. Deepen Customer Connections: Go beyond digital to build personal human touchpoints to create a bond that feels authentic and irreplaceable.
  4. Unleashing Workforce Potential: Foster a culture where passion, purpose, and personal investment are at the forefront, making every task and interaction distinctly human and impactful.

Made With Love: The Key Ingredient to Unlocking Competitive Advantage

In a world where societal disconnection, business uniformity, and AI-induced role uncertainty converge, we face a profound crisis: individuals feel isolated and purposeless, brands grapple to differentiate and stand out, and professionals fear the diminishing essence of their work and identity.

In the wake of these changes a new strategy emerges for humans and organizations to thrive by embracing our most unique and powerful human asset – love. Not romantic love, but love as an energetic force of creation, the innate desire to build, create, express, and innovate. To put love to work by creating brands, products, and experiences that deeply resonate with customers and employees.

Through captivating stories and actionable insights, we delve into a profound realization shared by high-performing groups: love is more than a feeling; it’s a tactical advantage. This isn’t about finding work you love; it’s about infusing love into the work you do, leveraging it as a force of innovation, a nurturing tool for expansion, and a guiding principle for decision-making.

Key Takeaways

  1. Embracing Love Strategically: Learn to put love to work as a creative and strategic asset in your organization.
  2. Innovating with Passion: Discover how infusing love into work can unlock creativity and resonate with customers and employees.
  3. Differentiating Brands with Love: Leverage love to make your brand stand out and create meaningful customer experiences.
  4. Decision-Making through Love: Apply a love-centric approach to enhance empathy and compassion in strategic choices.

Obsession: Building a Business and a Brand People Love

In a world where ‘good’ is no longer good enough, the magic happens when brands crack the code on going from being liked, to being loved, from being a choice to an obsession. This isn’t just business as usual; it’s about creating movements and crafting legacies where brands don’t just exist in the market, they live in the hearts of customers.

The journey is about making every transaction a story of transformation, kindling a fire of loyalty and passion in your audience by reflecting their innermost desires and values through your brand. Authenticity isn’t just a buzzword here; it’s the linchpin of this strategy, making each interaction not just memorable but transformative. The goal is to elevate your brand from a mere option in the marketplace to a symbol of devotion and obsession, resonating deeply and meaningfully with those it serves.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Elevating Brand Experience: Transform your brand from just another option to an essential part of customers’ lives. It’s about creating experiences that resonate deeply, turning customers into passionate advocates.
  2. Crafting Transformative Stories: Make every interaction a story of transformation. It’s about connecting your brand’s narrative with your customers’ desires and values, creating a powerful emotional bond.
  3. Fostering Authentic Connections: Build authenticity into every aspect of your brand. Genuine, heartfelt engagements are key to moving from mere transactions to memorable, transformative experiences.
  4. Igniting Customer Passion: Kindle a fire of loyalty and devotion in your audience. Aim to reflect and amplify their innermost desires through your brand, making it a symbol of their own values and aspirations.

Teams on Fire: Igniting High Performance Cultures

In a world of rapid transformation, hyper competition, and a labor market tighter than ever, leaders today face the difficult task of not only attracting and retaining great people but enabling those individuals to perform at their highest potential in and across teams.

But what sets apart the highly successful, resilient, and agile teams from the rest? Surprisingly, it’s not about individual team member’s skills, competencies or even potential. The secret to enabling high performance lies in leadership’s ability to foster the routines, rituals and habits that unlock connection, trust, belief, standards of excellence, and a compelling vision of the future.

Backed by two decades of research on the future of work, leadership and teams, this program will unpack the key drivers needed to help leaders create exceptional teams capable of delivery results and committed to the customer, the mission and each other.

Attendees will gain:

Insight on the new state of talent.

Actions for attracting and retaining top talent.

Strategies for unlocking connection and greater collaboration.

Perspective on the key drivers of high-performance.

The Heart of Leadership:  Charting a New Course in a Changed World

In a world that’s rapidly evolving, understanding how to navigate the new landscape is crucial. We’re all aware of the change, but the real task is developing a future-ready strategy that’s attuned to the shifting expectations of customers and employees. This is an era calling for a shift in leadership focus – placing people and their needs at the forefront.

Traditional leadership models are becoming outdated amidst these changes. What’s needed now is a leadership style that’s as dynamic and adaptable as the environment we operate in. This new paradigm of leadership is about more than just management; it’s about forging genuine human connections, aligning teams around a shared vision, and cultivating a workplace where every individual is acknowledged and valued.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Understanding Emotional Intelligence is Key: Learn how to ditch the old playbook and embrace emotional intelligence. It’s about listening, really listening, to your team and understanding what makes them tick.
  2. Unlocking Fearless Freedom: When we create environments where people feel free to take shots, make mistakes, speak up, step back, and lean in, we unlock next level performance.
  3. Recognizing Empowerment is the New Control: Discover how letting go is the new holding on. Empower your team to take the reins, make decisions, and drive outcomes. It’s about trust, and it’s about time.
  4. Embracing Authenticity Above All: Learn how to lead with authenticity. Cut the corporate speak and connect with your team as real people. It’s about building trust, fostering genuine connections, and creating a culture where everyone can thrive.

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Eric O’Neill

Eric is an accomplished public speaker and the inspiration behind the Universal Studios’ feature film, Breach. Eric is a  security expert that lectures internationally about espionage and national security, cybersecurity, fraud, corporate diligence and defense, hacking, pursuing ones dreams and surviving Hollywood.

In February 2001, Eric helped capture the most notorious spy in United States history, Robert Phillip Hanssen. In the three months preceding Hanssen’s arrest, Eric was selected to work with the spy within the newly minted information assurance division, created to protect all classified FBI intelligence. Eric was charged with gaining Hanssen’s trust and then using that relationship to slowly draw the traitor out of deep cover.  Eric’s investigative skill led to the arrest and ultimate conviction of the master spy.



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Jim Carroll

Jim is the world’s leading global futurist, trends and innovation expert, with a massive global blue chip client list. Over the last 20 years, more than 2 million people have shared his insight with his events on stage. Jim helps transform growth-oriented organizations into high-velocity innovation heroes! Jim assists in organizations in dealing with the future, trends and innovation through three distinct types of events: As a keynote speaker, panelist, or workshop facilitator. Jim specializes in speaking at corporate round tables with business leaders.

As Jim will discuss, we have seen more change in the last 5 years than we have seen in the last 100 – and yet there is much more yet to come. But with economic, political, career and business model volatility all around us, it’s all too easy to fall prey to a swirl of negative thinking — with the result that you lose sight of the fascinating opportunities from what comes next. The best antidote? An uplifting, hopeful and motivational view into the future with futurist Jim Carroll. Also – Jim is always one to stay on the cutting edge of what is coming next – and this includes the next biggest, and potentially the MOST game changing megatrend ever: A.I. 

Jim says we need to be thinking about the BIG future – and those are the A.I. Megatrends that have been transforming entire industries for a while now, but these changes are happening faster now. We have entered what Jim calls the “Era of Acceleration”.  Jim has not one but 2 keynotes on this topic, and if you want to know how these changes may affect your business or industry, Jim Carroll’s keynotes are not to be missed.


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Peter Sheahan

Peter says “Companies don’t transform; leaders do. I have never seen strategy and structure outperform the limitations of a misaligned leadership team. However, an aligned leadership team will consistently outperform the limitations of strategy, structure, capital allocation and even market conditions. The role of a leadership team is not to protect the status quo, but to successfully migrate their organization from one competitive advantage to the next.”

Perhaps his most important message for leaders is on his tough but thoughtful approach on transformation; how to do it, and why it can be such a challenge for all kinds of leaders:  Transformation is a psychological journey first, and a strategic challenge second. Leaders often confuse awareness of change, with taking ownership for leading it. Have the courage to accept reality and then unleash an ambition worthy of your disruptive potential.

Peter has advised leaders from companies as diverse as Apple, Goldman Sachs, Microsoft, Hyundai, IBM, Pfizer, Wells Fargo, and Cardinal Health. He is the author of seven books, including Flip, Generation Y, Making it Happen, and his latest release, Matter.  Peter has delivered more than 2,500 presentations to over 500,000 people in 20 different countries, and he has been named one of the 25 Most Influential Speakers in the World by the National Speakers Association, and is the youngest person ever to be inducted into their industry Hall of Fame.

  • Bestselling Author and World Renowned Speaker on Exploiting Business Trends and New Market Opportunities
  • Founder, Karrikins Group
  • CPAE Speaker Hall of Fame®


Here is a sample of Peter’s virtual content; when it comes to virtual, Peter says: Creating an engaging digital experience with lasting impact is more complex than simply taking an offline experience and putting it online. It is critical to take a fit-for-purpose approach to each individual opportunity, and to think beyond the presentation itself to find creative ways to achieve the ultimate objective. With the current isolation caused by COVID-19, now more than ever, we need to connect with our teams, inspire our leaders, and add value to our clients and member. We believe that in economic and social crisis there is opportunity…

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Jeff Havens

Jeff’s expert insights about how you can supercharge your business – coupled with an engaging, high-energy, and wildly entertaining delivery – create a unique environment for real learning and lasting change. His impactful keynote addresses go in depth on the most pressing challenges in the modern business world. Learn how to kickstart innovation, perfect your customer experience, improve your leadership, or solve generational issues — all while laughing more than ever before.

Delivering well-researched and relevant business insight is something a lot of keynote speakers do, but combining that with the entertainment value of a comedy show is not. Engaging, charismatic, and full of energy, Jeff Havens is the only business growth expert who provides serious solutions in a seriously funny way.

But even more than that, Jeff makes things easy. All of us are constantly being asked to do more with less, so the last thing you need is someone to tell you how difficult your challenges are.

Jeff has a unique ability to simplify seemingly complex problems in a way that will provide your audience with a fresh perspective, one that runs counter to the conventional wisdom of the business world. He’ll show you that we’re not actually creating a completely new type of person every 15 years, and that being innovative is not something only a few special people know how to do. Both exceptional leadership and customer experiences are built on surprisingly slender foundations.

You will leave Jeff’s keynotes refreshed, relaxed, happy, and more confident than ever, feeling prepared for the road ahead.


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Robert Herjavec

Robert Herjavec, dynamic entrepreneur and Shark, customizes each speech to fit the objectives and vision of the client. His sense of humor, energy and interaction with the audience will engage and inspire anyone willing to keep up with the pace of change. Robert leverages his life and business experiences as he navigates his presentation, giving audiences practical and tangible tools they can incorporate into their own professional and personal aspirations.

Robert’s motivational business advice has received millions of impressions through TV, print, radio and digital media. He shares his expertise with other entrepreneurs each week as a leading Shark on ABC’s Emmy Award-winning hit Shark Tank.


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