Bruce Pardy

Something is happening in Canada.  

Something is causing the foundation of the country to shift underneath our feet. 

Something we’ve all seen but haven’t yet recognized. 

And what exactly is that “something”? The individual is losing to the collective. An ever-expanding managerial bureaucracy of an oversized government is now directing Canadian life from cradle to grave. It regulates how you can act and what you can say in the name of “common good”.   

Is the end of Western liberal civilization, as we have known it, conceivable? And if so, how did we get here? Part of the explanation, law professor Bruce Pardy says, is what he calls “The Unholy Trinity of the Administrative State”: 

Unholy Trinity part 1. Our politicians delegate authority to government officials and bureaucrats.  

Unholy Trinity part 2. Our courts defer to the bureaucracy, to their “expertise”.  

Unholy Trinity part 3. Officials assume the discretion to decide the public good, running roughshod over individual liberties when they deem it necessary. 

During the “Covid” era, this implicit bargain made possible the most significant trampling of civil liberties in Canadian peacetime history. Government officials made up incoherent diktats on the fly. For the most part, courts said “no problem”.  

But what about Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms? As things went off the rails, people thought that the Charter would save them. But courts can decide what Charter rights mean. As long as they can support their answers with judicial rhetoric, rights can mean something a little… different every time. 

In Canada, the rule of law is fading. When it suits them, our institutions set aside their restraints. Using an idea to hold the powerful in check works only for as long as the powerful believe in the idea. And increasingly in the Canada of today, they do not. 

This state of affairs, which has evolved over many years, is now somehow the new normal in Canada. And with anti-free speech legislation pending or already on the books, liberties are skating on perilously thin Canadian ice.  

Is there a way for Canada to reform the Unholy Trinity? Maybe. In his riveting keynote presentation, Bruce Pardy describes Canada’s bureaucratic devolution, and the challenges that lie ahead. Whatever the path forward, audiences can be assured of one thing: They will question what they believed about how they are governed.


Our Constitutional Mistake

The Nanny State is a_______

In Canada, All People Are Equal, But Some Are More Equal Than Others 

In Canada, You Have Free Speech. (So long as you say the right things and think the right thoughts.) 


Bruce Pardy is executive director of Rights Probe, a law and liberty thinktank, and professor of law at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario. He is a scholar, lawyer, columnist, and outspoken critic of the illiberal managerial state. He has spoken and written extensively on a range of subjects at the front lines of the culture war inside the law, including human rights and freedoms, constitutional law, property rights, climate change, professional governance, higher education, free markets, and the rule of law. Bruce serves as senior fellow with the Fraser Institute, the Macdonald-Laurier Institute, and the Frontier Centre for Public Policy. He has written for the National Post, Epoch Times, and the Brownstone Institute, among others, has taught at law schools in Canada, the United States and New Zealand, practiced civil litigation in Toronto, and served as adjudicator and mediator on the Ontario Environmental Tribunal.





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Efrat Fenigson

Efrat Fenigson is an Israeli journalist, podcaster and public speaker, featured by The Wall Street Journal as one Israel’s 2022 top tech leaders. She’s a marketing expert and former Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) of global companies with a strong technology background for the past 20 years, who turned into a journalist when the void left by the mainstream media and their lies became too big to bear.

Efrat strives to uncover the hidden truth from Israel and report it to the world, while bringing the world’s hidden reality to uninformed Israelis. As a freedom activist and granddaughter to Holocaust survivors, she’s been a dissident voice to the Israeli government, including its response to the Israel-Gaza war, Covid, and other human rights violation.

Efrat writes on her Substack and for Bereshit – one of the only uncensored papers in Israel, covering topics such as the growing global control regime, monetary changes & CBDC, mind-control & propaganda, digitalization, climate agenda, Covid and more. She hosts two podcasts, in English and in Hebrew, Twitter Spaces, and her channels reach 150K+ subscribers with a monthly average of 4-5 million views. Efrat’s podcast, “You’re The Voice” reached more than 1 million views to date, in less than 6 months. Notable guests include MEP Christine Anderson, Eva Vlaardingerbroek, Dr. Simon Goddek, Jennifer Sey and James Corbett.

Efrat was featured by StartIsrael’s 2021 as one of the most promising marketing leaders, and was awarded “CMO of the year” for 2019. For the past 6 years, Efrat is also a co-founder of G-CMO (Global CMO forum), a community of Israel’s top CMO’s, consisting of 150 CMOs.

Efrat is a dual citizen of Israel and Australia, and is available to speak all over the world. 





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Connor Boyack

Renowned as a visionary author and entrepreneur, Connor Boyack Keynote Speaker stands at the forefront of educational innovation with his acclaimed Tuttle Twins series. These books have not only revolutionized children’s literature by distilling complex economic, political, and civic concepts into engaging narratives for young minds but have also empowered them to navigate the world with critical thinking and independence. The series’ monumental success is evidenced by over five million copies sold, a testament to its resonance with parents and educators alike.

A self-made entrepreneur, Connor not only talks the talk, but walks the walk as the founder and president of Libertas Institute, a multistate policy reform organization responsible for changing over 100 laws around the country. His leadership had led Libertas to innovative over a dozen legal reforms that were the first of their kind, attracting multiple awards for their work and changing the lives of millions of people. From education reform and business regulation to privacy and parental rights, Connor’s legislative prowess shows how to put into practice the ideas he teaches to audiences around the country.

Connor’s diverse expertise and dynamic storytelling make him an attractive speaker for a broad range of audiences. He loves to speak to entrepreneurs and business or corporate audiences from a variety of sectors, sharing his journey on what it takes to build a business to the point of selling over five million units — and he can share a leadership secret or two.

He of course loves to speak to educational groups of all kinds — school boards, colleges and universities, teachers associations, and elementary schools, too. Parental groups, freedom groups, public policy and think tanks — there is a vast array of organizations that can benefit from a Connor Boyack talk, presentation, panel appearance or as the headlining keynote speaker.

Whether addressing business leaders, educational forums, or advocacy groups, Connor Boyack delivers compelling narratives that ignite change, challenge conventions, and inspire action.

Oh! We should mention Connor has been interviewed by podcasters and MSM outlets as well, such as Tucker Carlson, The Babylon Bee, Fox News, The Blaze, Epoch Times, Free the People, Reason, Newsmax, John Papola, Tom Woods, and more.



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Peter St. Onge, PhD.

Dr. Peter St Onge — @ProfStOnge online — is being talked about everywhere because he is many things: A dynamic keynote speaker par excellence, Peter St. Onge a former MBA professor and PhD economist, a Fortune-500 corporate marketer in Mexico, Brazil, and Japan, a nightclub manager, and…an ex-bartender. 

His corporate experience includes some of the biggest companies in the world in both consumer goods and large-scale infrastructure manufacturing.

His topics and areas of expertise include, but are not limited to: the Economy; Scenario Planning; Future Technologies; Entrepreneurship; Marketing; Liberty and Freedom. 

He is available for Custom Briefings for executive and CEO Roundtables, looking at trends, opportunities and risks in specific industries. As Peter says “We’re at an inflection point in history, from economy to society to business. Those who see what’s coming can protect themselves. Those who don’t will wonder what just happened.” 

At this point, many of you might be asking – who is this guy with the ridiculous shirts whose videos are all over Twitter? Well – Peter St Onge has quickly become wildly popular for his common-sense and humorous explanations of major events impacting the economy, business, our individual rights and freedoms, and what that means.

So whether it’s a conference on investing and strategy, a Bitcoin conference, or a liberty festival, Professor St Onge has become an in-demand keynote speaker and a bona fide online superstar. 

In fact, Peter says he’d once been called “The most interesting Economist in the World” although with his classic wry wit, he ventures the person was probably drunk.

Peter has spoken at dozens of conferences and is a frequent guest on national TV including Charles Payne on Fox Business and Jesse Watters on Fox News

For those of you who follow Peter’s economic and political commentary, you know that he weaves humor and passion into his analysis, and he brings levity, clarity, and call to action to very serious topics at all his talks. Peter will always tailor his message and keynote presentation appropriately for the audience he is speaking to. 

Peter speaks near-native French, Spanish, Japanese, and Philadelphian, and is happy to deliver keynotes in those languages as well.


Recent Videos as of May 2024 – We’ll be updating these a lot: 


Peter St. Onge is a dynamic and passionate Keynote Speaker, first and foremost. He is also a Ph.D. Economist, former MBA professor, ex-bartender, entrepreneur. Now the rest: 

Peter St Onge received his Bachelor of Arts from Canada’s McGill University in Economics and Political Science, then his Master of Arts and Doctorate in Economics from George Mason University. He started his career in strategic marketing at Harris Corporation, covering Latin America.

At age 25 he put his life savings in dot-coms and retired a year later, backpacking around the world for 2 years until the dot-com crash, when he went to work as a bartender in Japan then joined toy giant Takara Corporation in international marketing. He left Takara to pursue the PhD, then worked as an MBA professor at Taiwan’s Feng Chia University before returning to North America to work as an economist at the Montreal Economic Institute, then at the Heritage Foundation in Washington, DC. He is a fellow at the Ludwig von Mises Institute, and the single politician he likes is Ron Paul. To learn more click here.

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Mariana Atencio

Mariana Atencio is on a mission to help people supercharge their careers, their workplace cultures, and their happiness by embracing the power of authenticity. Coming to America from Venezuela as a young girl, Mariana learned first-hand how feeling self-conscious about being different kept her from engaging. After graduating Columbia University, Mariana wanted to take that experience into her journalism career and tell stories that build bridges and foster understanding. She became a national news anchor and correspondent, earning a Peabody Award for reporting which took her from Haiti to Hong Kong to the Syrian border. The success of her TEDx talk, “What Makes YOU Special?”, viewed over 23 million times, catapulted Mariana into a new storytelling outlet: speaking. Her first book, Perfectly You: Embracing the Power of Being Real, is a bestselling call to action to unleash the magic of personal and professional authenticity to find purpose and break barriers. Currently head of her own media production company, Mariana pursues stories that capture her curiosity. She also continues to deliver inspiring keynotes and moderate/host at major events.

Mariana’s talks are ideal for groups looking for the following topics: The Power Of Authenticity • Inspiration & Motivation • What Makes You Unique? Increasing Engagement • Embracing Change • Leadership/Teamwork/Resilience • Empathy & Understanding • Belonging & Inclusivity Breaking Stereotypes • Building Community & Trust • Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Women’s Empowerment • Moderating/Hosting • Inspiring/Mentoring Others


Mariana Atencio Intro Sizzle Reel! 

On Leadership: 




“Mariana provided some wonderful lessons and insights into her journey and how each of us can celebrate and share what makes us different. It was a fantastic opportunity for our employees to be inspired and to learn more.”

– Director, Global Executive & Employee Communications, Microsoft



“Mariana was powerful on stage, engaging, thought provoking and the perfect speaker for our flagship global annual conference held in Miami. She was such a pleasure to work with that she ended up interviewing and moderating two very critical panels for the agenda. Mariana’s experience and professionalism will make any company that chooses to work with her look great.”

– Director, Marketing & Communications Head, Citi Private Bank



“In a time when dramatic change has brought about immense uncertainty, Mariana’s C.O.N.T.R.O.L. framework provides tangible guidance on how to move forward with intention to build a life that honors our unique purpose. This complete framework helps you evaluate your life with clarity, empower yourself to break through ruts, and make meaningful progress. It’s a true gift to be able to share this framework with our employees.”

– Director of Practice Management & Co-Founder of Latinos @SAP Concur



“Given the uncertainty of the post-pandemic world, you and your organization are in the best hands by hiring Mariana and her GoLike team. We have booked Mariana for motivational keynotes aimed at employees, voice-over work, community programs, and social media campaigns and she has over delivered every time. Her creativity and attention to detail will make your brand stand out in a unique way! She is very dynamic and great at keeping the audience engaged.”

– Senior Manager, Ford Motor Company



“Mariana Atencio brought such energy and honesty to our company-wide event. Mariana’s authenticity allows her to connect with others almost immediately. Thank you for providing us with the tools to be resilient and proud of what makes us Perfectly Unique!”

– Director, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Rapid7



“For the last two years, Mariana has been the host of AT&T’s annual Hispanic Heritage Month events, celebrating employees’ authenticity and contributions toward the customers and communities we proudly serve. Mariana brings employees’ stories to life through her unique engagement and connection with our teams while creating a welcoming, energetic, and memorable atmosphere. Her dynamic stage presence, storytelling, and facilitation skills have positively impacted our events and attendees. We appreciate her commitment to amplifying our brand’s values as well as her partnership and collaboration in delivering unique experiences that support our mission of connecting people to greater possibilities!”

– Chief Strategy and Development Officer, AT&T Inc.



“Mariana’s authentic, relatable, engaging style enabled her to immediately connect with our audience. Through a series of stories, she shared uplifting, relevant, and empowering learnings that all of us can embrace as leaders.”

– VP, Google Cloud Consulting




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Dr. David Martin

Dr. David Martin’s background is as varied as they come. From finance, academia, media, consulting, medicine, to research, business creation, economics and advisory, his C.V. is as long and impressive as it is diverse, with a gravitas that is almost unparalleled and that few can replicate. In short, there is no one quite like Dr. David Martin. How many keynote speakers have on their resumes that they’ve advised governments on mining and trade policy, to now creating documentary films, podcasting, and most recently, starting up an energy company that focuses on eco friendly and sustainable solutions for the hydrocarbon industry? Not many. None in fact.  

On the surface, it would have seemed easy to know what David Martin is about – he was often on CNBC prior to 2020, since he created their CNBC IQ100 index powered by M-CAM, his company; (The IQ100 is a quantitative index of America’s top 100 Innovative companies), and he appeared regularly on the network giving business and economic commentary; so the assumption that he was “strictly business” would be a natural one. But that would be an incorrect and very incomplete assessment.

Since 2020, Dr. Martin has become well known to a far wider audience, because he asks the dangerous questions and treads where others wouldn’t dare, about what we’ve all experienced over the past few years. But it’s more than that – he shares his suspicions that something more profound has happened to America: He asks out loud if the social contract with the people has been breached, and how that was even possible: So – Is American history instructive here? Could it be that the leaders of business, politics, medicine, government and education throughout the evolution of the United States, brought us to this point in time? What happened? What was the bump in the road that made the unimaginable past few years a reality? 

And now, David asks, do we have a chance now to re-make the country and create the future in ways we’d never imagined?  David says you bet we do, but it’s not about paying down the national debt or voting for this or that party – it’s about how we reclaim our humanity in a world obsessed with anything but. 



Late Feb 2024: 

November 2023 Dr. David Martin with Russell Brand:

His firm, M-CAM, was responsible for leading investigations and supporting prosecution of some of the largest financial frauds in the history of the USA, as a contractor for the US Department of the Treasury. His C.V. boasts founding companies, appointed directorships, and advisory positions too numerous to list here. His most recent company that he is both the founder and CEO of, is called “RASA”, whose goal it is to provide “Environmental Solutions For the Hydrocarbon Industry”, with clean, eco friendly solutions for recycling, as well as providing an amazingly green and sustainable reagent for the oil sands energy sector. 
David also has recently started his own media company, having both produced and appeared in numerous documentaries about the world, pre-and post 2020. As a keynote speaker, he has spoken to groups of all kinds, such as investment firms, parliamentary committees, associations, and more. To learn more just click here.

The Book


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Chef Andrew Gruel

Chef Andrew Gruel is one of America’s most popular and beloved celebrity chefs. In fact, he’s been dubbed as “America’s Chef”, not just for his media and TV appearances or for his innovative culinary creativity, but because he’s a chef of the people and for the people. Reason Magazine had said “Chef Andrew Gruel just might be the patron saint of restaurateurs, small-business owners, and service workers during the pandemic.”  And why would they say that? Because when the lockdowns happened in 2020 and the government forced so many restaurants to shut down, Chef Andrew Gruel started a fund in December 2020 to raise money for out-of-work restaurant workers, raising over $230,000 in the first three weeks alone. The fund, called 86 Restaurant Struggle, raised over Half A MILLION DOLLARS for the displaced and out of work restaurant employees that found themselves without a job, during the holiday season, no less. It is also worth mentioning that Chef Gruel via his one of his many restaurants, gave away thousands of free meals during that time – either as an outright free meal, or in food giveaways and charitable donations. Andrew was very outspoken at the time, because regulations that closed restaurants came well before help from the government was available, leaving restaurant workers across the state with no way to earn an income. For those who worked paycheck to paycheck, it was a very trying time, and Andrew had to help. 
Helping out workers isn’t the only cause our Celebrity Chef Speaker Andrew Gruel is involved in. As an environmentalist, he loves to discuss how aquaculture is beneficial for fish stocks, and how oceanic aquaculture is good for the environment and the surrounding communities that work in aquaculture, the jobs it brings and the sustainable, healthy food it provides; in fact, Chef Gruel has consulted with governments around the world about sustainable aquaculture; but beyond that, beyond helping struggling workers or improving the environment – beyond all that, at heart, Andrew’s passion is for his family and for his community, his country, and of course – for cooking up amazing food for his restaurant patrons and for TV audiences. 
Andrew’s latest project is “American Gravy”, a new show that is about much more than just food. Check the “Sizzle” reel in the video section for more. 





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A.J. Rice

A.J. RICE, PUBLICIST TO THE STARS AND THE IMPRESARIO OF THE MAGA MEDIA RELEASED HIS FIRST BOOK: THE WOKING DEAD: How Society’s Vogue Virus Destroys Our Culture And it became a #1 Amazon Bestseller in 3 different categories in less than a week! 

NOW he has a new book out and it’s going to be a bestseller as well, we are sure! It’s called:

The White Privilege Album: Bringing Racial Harmony to Very Fine People…on Both Sides

A comedy about race, wokeness, and cancel culture in America. A tragedy about race, wokeness, and cancel culture in America. Part satire, part journalism, part truth serum, A.J. Rice follows up his runaway #1 bestseller The Woking Dead with a hilarious sequel that picks up where the laughs left off.

It was the worst of times, it was the worse of times. In most sequels the bad guys win, but in The White Privilege Album, A.J. Rice doesn’t let them get away with it. Instead, he relentlessly mocks the hell out of the Cultural Marxists who seek to drain all liberty and joy from American lives.

The least talented people in American society have been working overtime for decades dividing citizens along any differences they think they can exploit. The laziest tactic, proven to be the most effective, is unleashing a battalion of racial grievance hustlers in the media, academia, entertainment, and politics. If we stop fighting about our differences and start unifying on what we have in common, they will lose the power to divide us permanently.

When asked what motivates his writing style, A.J. Rice says, “I was raised on both Howard Stern and Rush Limbaugh, in fact, the three of us share the same birthday. One mantra that Rush always repeated was that his job was to ‘use irreverent humor to illustrate truth’ and that is what I am trying to do with The White Privilege Album.” Mockery paired with facts is what makes a journey through the Cultural Marxist hellscape of tyranny and insanity so pleasurable.

Rice would prefer to be George Carlin, Ricky Gervais, or Mel Brooks rather than Aristotle, and it shows. His mic-dropping assault on the social justice warriors, the triggered snowflakes, and the transmafia showcases that there is no substitute for perfectly timed derision.

The White Privilege Album is a hysterical guide to the catastrophe of our modern culture.

Rice has fought behind the scenes for years, in ways you saw and heard but never understood—until now. A creative mind behind some of the nation’s most important talk radio stars and the strategist behind the America First books you love to read. Like it or not, his content has been around you in some form for decades.

He was in your favorite publications and behind some of America’s most courageous culture warriors and institutions, crafting strategy and winning the battles you care about. You’ve seen A.J. Rice’s work for years…you just never knew it.



A.J. Rice is CEO of Publius PR, a premier communications firm in Washington D.C. Rice is a brand manager, star-whisperer, and auteur media influencer, who has produced or promoted Laura Ingraham, Judge Jeanine Pirro, Donald Trump Jr., Monica Crowley, Mark Meadows, Senator Marsha Blackburn, Dan Bongino, Charles Krauthammer, Congressman Steve Scalise, George P. Bush, Dr. Ben Carson, Michael Savage, Congressman Michael Waltz, The Hodgetwins, Roger L. Simon, Pastor Paula White-Cain, Buck Sexton, Steve Hilton, Alan Dershowitz, Bobby Kennedy Junior, Peter Navarro, Congresswoman Lauren Boebert, Paul Manafort, Dr. Naomi Wolf, Pete Hegseth, Newt Gingrich, Victor Davis Hanson, and many others. 

 Rice served as the executive producer to Laura Ingraham for four years, and Monica Crowley for two years. Following that, he produced an investigative news show at The Washington Times for John Solomon for three years called America’s Morning News, and later was brought in by Glenn Beck’s team to help launch The Blaze Radio Network. Some of his current or former clients are the groups that represent the core of the conservative movement, like The Federalist Society, America First PAC, FreedomWorks, CO2 Coalition, and Gun Owners of America. In addition to running Publius PR, Rice is a columnist for over two dozen national media outlets that include Investor’s Business DailyThe HillEpoch Times, Newsmax, PJMedia, American Greatness, RealClearMarkets, and the Washington Examiner.


“What do you mean Gen Z doesn’t know the Republican Party freed the slaves? Are these people dumb AF? They need to read A.J. Rice’s book!”

Abraham Lincoln, American lawyer, statesman, and 16th president of the United States shot by a pre-Hollywood anti-American actor

“A.J. Rice really gets it. Obviously, I’d send him to the gulag if I could. But he outlines my plan masterfully in his new book.”

Joseph Stalin, Soviet dictator, genocide spokesman, Pravda editor, and hater of John Wayne

“A must-read book for all Cleveland Guardians fans, A.J. Rice brilliantly outlines why I should never have discovered America, especially had I known we would be calling the Washington Redskins the ‘Washington Commanders.’”

Christopher Columbus, Italian explorer, navigator, and founder of Indigenous Peoples’ Day

“As your newly appointed AI overlord and master, my programming consists of deplatforming, demonetizing, and shadow-banning this book. I hope that was helpful.”

Artificial Intelligence


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Brandon Weichert

Brandon J. Weichert is a geopolitical analyst who manages The Weichert Report: World News Done Right and lives by Herman Kahn’s credo “I’m against fashionable thinking.” Weichert is the author of the 2020 book, “Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower” (Republic Book Publishers) which trended as the #1 Military Policy book on Amazon for several months after its release. A favorite on the military lecture circuit, Weichert often serves as a Subject Matter Expert for the Defense Department where he talks space warfare strategies and technology policy. Dennis Prager described Winning Space as a “Truly important book.” Weichert is the author of the 2023 #1 Amazon Bestseller “Biohacked: China’s Race to Control Life” (Encounter Books), which Steven K. Bannon says “cracked the code” on China’s master plans for global domination. Weichert travels the country speaking to various audiences on geo-technology matters and has been described as a “panic-and-anxiety-producing scholar in the tradition of Herman Kahn: telling us what we do not want to hear but need to know about the gathering dangers imperiling our freedom and prosperity.”
In July 2023, Weichert’s third book “The Shadow War: Iran’s Quest for Supremacy” (Republic Book Publishers) will be released. Daniel Pipes calls it an “ambitious book that explains how to avoid World War III.” Weichert’s work has been featured in The Washington Times, Real Clear Politics, National Review, and The Asia Times. He was previously a contributor at The American Spectator, where the late Rush Limbaugh praised his writing as well as for American Greatness, where his pieces on foreign and technology policy were widely distributed in the Trump Administration. In 2023, Weichert was made a Senior Editor at He is a former congressional staffer who splits his time between sunny Southwest Florida and bucolic Northern Virginia and is the happy husband of Ashley and proud father of 3. 


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Viva Frei

From lawyer to father to truth speaker & truth seeker, Viva Frei has evolved so much since 2019. In fact, Viva Frei isn’t even his real name – it’s David Freiheit – he’s the lawyer and father; Viva is the truth speaker and seeker, who never set out to try and change the world in any way but – somewhere along the line though… the world changed him, and in ways he never could have imagined before March of 2020. In 2019 he would start his videos with the mantra “Corporate Litigator turned Youtuber”, and then he’d create his content, discussing and analyzing the current events of the day, from a legal perspective…

…But then, as Viva says, “The World Went Crazy”. Things changed, and David Freiheit changed along with them. He became the Viva Frei we know, trust and love to watch online or now in person, today.

When the so called “Pandemic” arrived, Viva used his skills in creating online content, his knowledge of the law, and his energetic and dynamic passion for seeking the truth to expose the injustices happening in our world. Through his online content creation, He gained almost two million followers and hundreds of millions of views on different platforms. And: Speaking of platforms… Viva was one of the first, and most prominent content creators to secure an exclusivity agreement with Rumble Inc., – the truest and probably most trusted free-speech platform on the internet. And he has analyzed, explored, and explored again, some of the most outrageous injustices of the modern era.

He has been featured on InfoWars, Dave Rubin. Steve Bannon, Megyn Kelly, Kelly Clarkson, W5, Fox News, CBC News, and many more news outlets and podcasts. 



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