Keean Bexte

Keean Bexte is a journalist and the editor-in-chief of The Counter Signal, a news website known for its fearless and relentlessly honest reporting, and daring to cover the stories the MSM might not; reflecting the ethos of Keean himself.  Keean is also now a documentary film maker & keynote speaker, sought after for his observations and insights on complex global issues.

His roots trace back to an Alberta farm, and his academic background in Energy Sciences and Economics provides him a nuanced perspective on the intersection of energy, economics, and environmental policy.

Beginning his journalistic career in 2018, Bexte traveled around the world, reporting on significant events from Ottawa to Hong Kong, The Hague, and Washington, where he holds White House accreditation. Wherever he goes, Bexte has a knack for uncovering striking visual narratives from often dangerous and tumultuous locations. He has published military secrets and faced confrontations with Chinese spies in his hotel room while reporting on the democracy uprising in Hong Kong.

His keen interest in anti-authoritarian uprisings led him to be one of the only journalists to cover the Canadian “Freedom Convoy” early on, as it traversed the continent – well before it captured the world’s attention. In his upcoming documentary, “Starvation Policy,” Bexte explores in depth the threats radical climate change policies pose to the world’s food supply, critically examining the potential impact of decisions made by the “global elites” on personal freedoms, future health, and of course: Global food security. He dares to ask the really big question – Why are governments around the world seeking to restrict food output from Farmers?

Though Bexte now resides in Calgary, he remains closely tied to his rural upbringing, spending weekends at his family farm and tending to his apiary. As a speaker, he brings his passion for freedom, a wealth of on-the-ground experiences, and investigative acumen to every engagement, offering audiences a thought-provoking perspective on today’s most pressing issues.


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Jeffrey A. Tucker

Jeffrey A. Tucker is the founder and president of Brownstone Institute, a nonprofit organization focusing on public health, economics, and the philosophical foundations of freedom, with a particular focus on post-pandemic rebuilding. He is also senior economics columnist for The Epoch Times where he writes a daily column.

He is the author of ten books in 5 languages, and speaker around the world on topics related to human liberty, he gave the Franz Čuhel Memorial Lecture at the Prague Conference on Political Economy, has been a two-time featured guest on John Stossel’s show, interviewed on Bitcoin Glenn Beck’s television show, spoken at Google headquarters, appeared frequently on Huffington Post Live, been the two-time Master of Ceremonies at Libertopia, been featured at FreedomFest and the International Students for Liberty Conference, the featured speaker at Liberty Forum for many years, keynoted the Young Americans for Liberty national convention, has spoken at many dozens of colleges and universities in the U.S. and the world, including Harvard University, Yale University, and Boston University, has been quoted in the New York Times and Washington Post, appears regularly in Newsweek and many other popular venues, and is in demand as a headline speaker at professional, political, technology, and financial conferences. Jeffrey has a large & loyal social media following, where he is able to promote his writing and upcoming personal appearances. 

He has served as a columnist at Forbes, founder of the Atlanta Bitcoin Embassy, Senior Distinguished Fellow of the Austrian Economics Center in Vienna, Austria, Research Affiliate for the RMIT University Blockchain Innovation Hub in Melbourne, Australia, Honorary Fellow of Mises Brazil, affiliate fellow of the Acton Institute and Mackinac Institute, founder and Chief Liberty Officer of, an adviser to blockchain application companies, past editorial director of the Foundation for Economic Education, AIER, and Laissez Faire Books, founder of the CryptoCurrency Conference, and author of many thousands of articles in the scholarly and popular press.

He organized the event that produced and promoted the Great Barrington Declaration and the first conference in the United States on the topic apart from Bitcoin’s core development team: the Crypto-Currency Conference, held in Atlanta, Georgia, in conjunction with BitPay. He speaks regularly at block chain and cryptocurrency conferences appears in documentaries on the topic, including the Netflix feature “Banking on Bitcoin.”.

Tucker had a close professional relationship with the Austrian economist Murray Rothbard for the ten years before his death, and published hundreds of books on economics, money, and banking during his publishing tenure. He then rebooted the bookseller Laissez Faire, during which time he wrote columns on finance, economic trends, and politics for Agora Financial. His next company,, was one of the earliest for-profit spaces to accept cryptocurrency in payment for subscriptions. Today he manages Brownstone with the goal of creating a stable sanctuary for ideas in a time of intensifying control and censorship.


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Monica Crowley

Could there be a better dot connector on what is happening in America today than Monica Crowley? Look at this quote from the back of her book, aptly titled “What the (Bleep) Just Happened?”…

“What the @$%&! just happened? What just happened to America? What happened to our strength and greatness? What happened to our constitutionally limited government? What happened to our powerful free-market system? What happened to our traditional rocket path of growth? What happened to American jobs? What happened to our prosperity? What happened to the greatest health care system in the world? What happened to our superpower status? What happened to our ability to be respected and feared? What’s up with the unprecedented spending and record-breaking deficits?”  Now, one would think that this blurb from the back of her book cover that the book was written yesterday. Except it wasn’t. It was written in 2012. It’s almost like Monica had a crystal ball, isn’t it?  

For those unfamiliar with Monica, here’s a bit more info and what sets her apart from the rest of the “Keynote” crowd: Monica Crowley is a truly unique figure on the American political, journalistic and contemporary history scene. Why? Because she has the singular distinction of having worked for TWO American presidents: Richard Nixon during his final years, and Donald Trump as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury during his Administration.  There is no one else like her – with the living history she has witnessed first-hand and the insider’s stories she’s willing to share.   

Monica’s extraordinary career at the highest levels of politics and media has given her a rare perspective – she connects dots that NO ONE else can.  Because she was – and continues to be – in the middle of it all.

Monica explains how we got here – to an unrecognizable America – in ways that will leave audiences spellbound.  With her deep love for America, Monica brings the past into the present, provides a clear-eyed analysis of the current moment – and offers an optimistic view (and action plan) for the future.

And she has some explosive predictions for the 2024 elections. This is a red-hot talk you don’t want to miss! Monica simply radiates from the podium, with an infectious energy and even a self deprecating sense of humor: Given that she has the unique experience of having worked for 2 very particular American Presidents – Monica likes to say: “Can I pick’em, or what?” 



Monica Crowley is a prominent news analyst on multiple television, radio, digital and print platforms and is the Host of the Monica Crowley Podcast.  Previously, she served as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Public Affairs at the United States Department of the Treasury.  During her tenure, she and the team she led conceived, developed and executed the policy and communications strategies for the Secretary of the Treasury, the Treasury Department, and the Trump Administration more broadly.  For exceptional service to the Treasury Department and the Nation, she received the Alexander Hamilton Award, the highest honor bestowed by the Department.  Prior to her government service, she was a popular television anchor and political and foreign affairs analyst for the Fox News Channel, Fox Business Network, ABC News, NBC News, and other national networks. For several years, she was a regular panelist on the legendary The McLaughlin Group.  On radio, she was the host of the nationally syndicated program, “The Monica Crowley Show”.  She is also the author of The New York Times bestseller, What The (Bleep) Just Happened?  The Happy Warrior’s Guide to the Great American Comeback.  While at the Washington Times, she was the Online Opinion Editor andSenior Opinion ColumnistEarlier in her career, she served as Foreign Policy Assistant to former President Richard Nixon in his final years, and wrote two bestsellers about her experiences, Nixon Off the Record and Nixon in Winter.  She has also written for many national publications, including The New Yorker, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Post, The Los Angeles Times, and Newsweek, and has lectured at Yale, Columbia, and MIT.  A member of the Council on Foreign Relations, she graduated from Colgate University and holds two Master’s degrees and a Doctorate in International Relations from Columbia University. To learn more just click here.


  • Her unique experience having worked for TWO American Presidents: Richard Nixon during his final years and Donald Trump in at the Treasury Department  
  • What is really happening in America today: an understanding based on the sweep of history
  • Her experience serving at the highest levels of government during the Trump administration 
  • Successes and lessons learned during the unprecedented economic response to the coronavirus pandemic 
  • Her earlier experience serving as Foreign Policy Assistant to former President Richard Nixon 
  • The media 
  • Leadership and decision-making in both normal times and times of crisis


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Jimmy Dore

Jimmy Dore. James Patrick Anthony Dore. He has many names… but really he remains: Citizen Jimmy. Fighting for America. Fighting for Free Speech. Fighting for Press Freedom. Fighting for Peace and not War.

Wikipedia describes him as “…an American stand-up comedian, political commentator, podcaster, YouTube personality, and conspiracy theorist. He is the host of The Jimmy Dore Show, a comedic political talk show on YouTube.” Conspiracy Theorist? Really? Jimmy thinks that’s funny, actually because whatever “It” is, it’s not a conspiracy… when it’s true. 

Jimmy had long been dubbed as “The Comedy Darling of America’s Progressive Left”, because he had always stood up for the average Joe, advocating on his show for health care for all, better wages for workers, and other common sense causes that everyone can get behind – even railing against some public sector unions whose perpetual greed surpasses any good they might do for their members. But then, something happened. All of sudden, he wasn’t the darling anymore. What happened? Why did he fall out of favor with those who had supported him, and his political comedy and analysis, for so many years? Could it be for simply asking questions about what has happened since 2020? 

Jimmy explains it like this: 

Comedy Club: “Jimmy, you can do your show, but everyone in the audience has to be in a mask”.

Jimmy D: “Why do they have to be in a mask? The public health officials say they don’t”. 

Comedy Club: “We just canceled your show”. 

Undaunted, Jimmy continues to tour, still doing stand up comedy at different clubs, as well as bringing the live version of The Jimmy Dore Show to a variety of venues. And now, he is available for events and conferences as a keynote speaker, where his talk will be laced with his usual political observations, wit, anger/rage/rant/smiles, cultural commentary, and bold insights into what is happening in Dystopia America today. He also loves the moderated Q&A “Fireside Chat” format, which can get as raucous and fun as any keynote. He loves taking questions from the audience and engaging with his fans. 

Finally, Jimmy is available to MC your event, too. (How much fun would that be?). 


The Book

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Dr. Andrew Huff

Soldier. Scientist. Author. Whistleblower. 

There aren’t many people in America that have the pedigree that Dr. Andrew Huff does. What he has accomplished in his 40 years is absolutely remarkable. With boundless energy he served his country, got his PhD, worked in labs and in private industry, and more. Today, he is serving his country again, but… perhaps not in ways everyone will like. Nevertheless, it was his sense of duty that led him to write “The Truth About Wuhan: How I Uncovered The Biggest Lie In History”. 

Dr. Huff is a rising star in politics, business, science, national security, healthcare, and technology – as he understands complex subjects, and can therefore communicate highly technical and complicated material in an accessible manner. Because of his ability to make difficult concepts easy to understand, and also due to the popularity of his book, Dr. Huff has made over 200 appearances in the media over the past four months, including regular appearances on Fox News with both Sean Hannity and Jesse Watters, Fox Business, Glen Beck’s the Blaze Network, Alex Jones’ INFOWARS, Steve Bannon’s WarRoom, Channel Rion with OAN, and Brannon House on Lindell TV.

His keynote on The Truth About Wuhan… and why he had to write this book, is as compelling, emotional and gut wrenching as it is eye opening. In this talk and in his book, he exposes some ugly truths about the world we live in, that most would not have ever seen or heard. 

He also reveals why he had to write the book. He says “The day I left my senior scientist and vice president role at EcoHealth Alliance was one of the happiest days of my life! I could no longer tolerate the corruption I was witnessing there, every day.”

Fasten your seat belts, audiences. 







Derrick Kinney

Culture today screams that money is bad. And if you have a lot of it, you’re the villain in the story. The problem is that false belief is holding back your sales team and your company from achieving the sales goals you deserve. So – Derrick Kinney is changing how we feel about money. He believes money is not bad and good people should have more of it.

For too long, business owners have used the quarterly bonus as the sole motivator for their team. That’s the old way of doing business. More money is great, but creates only temporary happiness, not lasting meaning for your team. Continuing to run your business like that makes you a dime a dozen and you seem like every other company.

Your employees don’t feel engaged and are easily temped by offers from other companies. And you’re not giving your ideal customers a compelling reason to work with your company. You don’t stand out. And that’s not right.

The future of business growth is connecting meaning to your money and purpose to your profits. Do that and you’ll have higher employee engagement, retain your best people and create a runway to record revenue.

As Derrick Kinney says, he’s heard there’s a recession coming but he’s decided not to participate. And you can’t afford to either. You, your business, your team and your customers deserve better.

If you’re tired of the same old cookie-cutter message to building your business and increasing your sales, then Derrick’s keynote presentation is an absolute Must Hear. If you’re ready to engage your audience and grow your revenue in a fresh way, and make the world better so you attract more of your ideal customers, putting Derrick on your stage will be one of the best ROI”s you make this year.

Making more money to do more good is the future of business—and you can’t afford to be left behind.


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Christina Bobb

Christina Bobb is an attorney, investigative journalist and author of “Stealing Your Vote: The Inside Story Of The 2020 Election And What It Means for 2024” (Jan. 2023) She is also a compelling keynote speaker and as you’ll discover in her talk, a relentless optimist for the future of not just America, but also, for the world. 

Christina’s presentation takes the audience through time, an almost surreal journey that began for her on election night 2020, when she was providing election coverage in Washington, DC., for OAN – watching and reporting on vote results on that fateful Tuesday night in early November 2020. As the vote tallies came in that night and in the wee hours of the next morning, (which is when her story really begins…) Christina began to sense something was.. off. Very off.

What happened over the following days, weeks and months is her mind boggling, almost dystopian but surprisingly bi-partisan trek through a morass of legal entanglements, media obfuscation and perhaps worst of all, trekking into and bumping up against a political class on both sides of the aisle that wanted more than anything to maintain the status quo. While evidence that was blocked from being presented by both the mainstream media, social media, and the courts (!), it was becoming blatantly obvious that there were, to say the least, “Irregularities” in the 2020 presidential election voting process that should have been illuminated, at the very least, to the courts. It had also become clear that there were a plethora of politicians who would not rock the post-election boat and help expose the election irregularities that clearly took place – not just that night – but before hand as well – such as problems associated with ballot harvesting, drop boxes and mail in ballots: She meticulously documents them in her book. It’s there for everyone to see. 

But all is not lost. Christina also presents a way forward to make sure that this kind of election “irregularity” never happens again. She talks about the future in a way that you seldom hear – brighter than ever for America and the world. A future that is filled with renewed optimism and hope, and a future that provides a sense of certainty that seems to be missing today. However, it is a future that we all must help create, and in her riveting keynote, she shares with audiences real, tangible, actionable takeaways that they can do in order to prevent a repeat of 2020’s flawed election from ever happening again.

Christina’s official title is presently: “Trump 2024 Campaign Attorney & Grassroots Coordinator”. 


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Sean Magennis

Sean Magennis is the CEO of a 29-year-old private, multi-faceted Financial Services Firm, Mutual Capital Alliance. His mantra there is “Supporting Leaders to achieve breakthroughs through business and personal growth.”

Sean began his business career in management at Farm Ag Ltd. He ran his own professional services firm for 14 years focused on organizational development consulting, people assessment and executive search, which grew to encompass operations in Canada, the USA and Mexico, serving several thousand clients. Sean has managed a family office, founded two peer-to-peer membership communities, and led an award-winning global team of CEO Coaches as company President. He is the Chairman of Lumini Network, a membership community for highly skilled Executive Assistants.

Sean is also a seasoned international business executive specializing in scaling professional services firms. He contributes 30 years of experience to entrepreneurs, founders, and senior executive teams to create realizable enterprise value. His experience encompasses professional executive management, growth strategies, exit strategies, acquisitions, and financings. He is the immediate past Global President and COO of YPO. Sean remains an active volunteer and member of YPO (Young Presidents Organization) and in 2013 was recruited as YPO Global President and COO. During his seven plus years there, he supported members around the world, established learning content and network growth, and his teams’ set records in member retention and engagement. He also successfully led the organization through the beginning stages of COVID-19.


Thriving In Turbulent Times

Sean is a highly rated speaker, covering business strategy and insights on leading, scaling, exiting, and innovating. 

He speaks regularly to YPO and EO groups as well as to associations and leadership teams. His inspiring presentation on Thriving in Turbulent Times, is particularly relevant given that turbulence seems to be a business rule, not an exception. Sean’s guiding principles can help any organization navigate through difficult times.

These are:

  1. Acknowledge & Assess Reality.
  2. Plan
  3. Grow – using “The Trust Formula”.

For leaders – he also speaks about his 30 years of experience in running and supporting two of the largest professional networks in the world.  His practical presentation on The Trust Formula, and how to leverage and activate trust in your business, is a game changer. 


Sean began his business career in management at Farm Ag Ltd. He ran his own professional services firm for 14 years focused on organizational development consulting, people assessment and executive search, which grew to encompass operations in Canada, the USA and Mexico, serving several thousand clients. Sean has managed a family office, founded two peer-to-peer membership communities, and led an award-winning global team of CEO Coaches as company President. He is the Chairman of Lumini Network, a membership community for highly skilled Executive Assistants.

Sean is also a seasoned international business executive specializing in scaling professional services firms. He contributes 30 years of experience to entrepreneurs, founders, and senior executive teams to create realizable enterprise value. His experience encompasses professional executive management, growth strategies, exit strategies, acquisitions, and financings. He is the immediate past Global President and COO of YPO. Sean remains an active volunteer and member of YPO (Young Presidents Organization) and in 2013 was recruited as YPO Global President and COO. During his seven plus years there, he supported members around the world, established learning content and network growth, and his teams’ set records in member retention and engagement. He also successfully led the organization through the beginning stages of COVID-19.

Sean has also been very active throughout his career in the Entrepreneurs Organization, EO, as a volunteer leader, innovator, and catalyst for exceptional growth. EO grew from 500 members to 5000 during his Board leadership. It now stands at over 17000.

Born, raised and educated in South Africa, Sean’s first port of call after graduating high school was to go into South Africa’s military service.

He found this to be an extraordinary learning experience and fostered an interest in team building, psychology and sociology, which he went on to study at university. He was then fortunate enough to work for a top South African entrepreneur who saw Sean’s entrepreneurial strengths and offered him the opportunity to work across his businesses. This experience led Sean to start his own business, which he decided to combine with a desire for an overseas experience—traveling to Canada and the USA to plant his own flag. To learn more click here.

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Leigh Dundas

Known the world over for her blazing & fiery speeches in defense of Freedom and Liberty, Leigh Dundas is an impassioned human rights attorney and modern-day abolitionist, who spent much of her 30 year career battling global injustices like human trafficking and the peddling of medical tyranny disguised as progress.

To say Leigh Dundas is a force to be reckoned with is an understatement:  she is known as a firebrand, a one-woman legal hurricane, a Freedom Fighter Extraordinaire, and a riveting on-stage magician that always leave the audience electrified with her stories of fighting some of the biggest wrongs the world has known.  If you are a lover of justice and sitting in her audience, Dundas will without fail have you on your feet – cheering for Freedom – evidenced by the standing ovations she’s gotten at the more than 100 talks she’s given since March 2020, to audiences which often number between 5,000 and 25,000 people. And for those on the wrong side of liberty, Ms. Dundas is known for her no-holds-barred, positively nuclear presentations before school boards and oversight committees … which often don’t end well for the public health “officials” she has in her sights. (Orange County & State of California, and most recently – the FAA). 

Having spent many years fighting the criminal cartels responsible for running child brothels in war-torn regions of Asia – where local governments often hamstring more than help – Leigh was forced to become an expert in using creative “out-of-the-box” campaigns in order to succeed where others have failed.  While most attorneys spend their days filing lawsuits which regrettably in today’s Brave New World are often unsuccessful, Ms. Dundas instead now dedicates her time and expertise to architecting novel leverage moves that capitalize on the power of the people at the grassroots level, while simultaneously exploiting her opponent’s Achilles Heels until victory ensues.  To wit:  when Orange County was set to adopt vaccination passports in the Spring of 2021 that would have created a modern-day Warsaw Ghetto, Leigh produced a TV Ad featuring a Holocaust Survivor exposing the situation, which move successfully defeated the Passport Plan.  Similarly, Dundas architected the Nationwide Walkout – where millions of workers worldwide went on strike against vaccine mandates from November 8-11, 2021 – as well as the coast-to-coast U.S. People’s Convoy in 2022, which protested the White House’s vaccine mandates (both of which campaigns were successful in creating massive pressure on Executive and Judicial Branches that ultimately helped to defeat the mandates).

Dundas spent the three months of Summer 2021 crossing the US multiple times while anchoring the Arise Freedom Tour, touching 50 different cities in more than 25 states. And if that isn’t enough, over the past 3 years, she has spoken at live events to over 60,000 people (and an additional 20 million worldwide through podcasts, radio and television). Dundas is also well-known as possibly the brightest star on Clay Clark’s Re-Awaken America Tour, and is also a featured guest on many educational panels and press conferences, as well as on podcasts hosted by Mel K, Charlie Ward, Ann Vandersteel, Bryan Ardis, Pete Santilli, James Grundvig, Doug Billings, The Flyover Conservatives and others. 

As well, Dundas was asked to testify in January of 2022 at the U.S. Senate Building before Senator Ron Johnson concerning the alarming rise in military diseases after the COVID-vaccine mandate, and also previously testified before the California State Senate on similar issues. Leigh’s first autobiographical book detailing her work as a young attorney, that ultimately resulted in her moving part-time to Asia to fight the child sex trafficking industry – before equipping her to join the fight of our lives in restoring Freedom in America – is due to be released mid-2023.


Leigh’s most personal and poignant speaking point concerns a lesson she learned in southeast Asia that she has never forgotten, and that resonates today more than ever:  “When you are facing a locked and loaded, double barreled weapon – full of hate and anger and tyranny and upset – which is ready to do you in, what do you do?  You… Stand… Up.  Always.  Because you are better off standing on your feet and fighting for your life, than ever taking a knee.”  Leigh is a unique keynote speaker – a woman who has taken the lessons she learned fighting evildoers that were hell-bent on destroying children in Asia … to the streets of America in 2020 – where she joined with others to defeat an even greater threat:  a second Holocaust designed to eradicate our very humanity, and to silence all who would speak against it.  To which Leigh resolutely believes:  Fiat Justitia, Ruat Caelum … “Let Justice Be Done, Though the Heavens May Fall.”  
The takeaways from a Leigh Dundas keynote are many, depending on the audience. But event professionals and organizers can be assured attendees will leave with at least 5 takeaways:
  • Motivation to make changes in their communities at the grassroots level
  • Inspiration to fight for freedom whenever it is being threatened by elected and unelected “officials”
  • Awareness of “mandates” that can be legally challenged on multiple levels
  • Hope for the future for themselves and their families
  • And finally… a sense of their own power as individuals to help create real, positive and lasting change in their lives & in the lives of others, by taking action…


Leigh Dundas is a veteran litigation attorney who spent a majority of the last two decades of counsel to international law firms. Beginning her career in the early 90’s as litigation counsel at Irell & Manella, LLP, Leigh handled multi-million dollar cases for Fortune 500 clients including Volkswagen of America, Advanta Bank, and William Lyon Company, as well as high-profile work for government municipalities and sports teams including The St. Louis Rams and City of West Covina. While much of her work related to general business matters, Ms. Dundas also focused on litigation that involved hi­ tech, environmental, and trade secret aspects. She continued this focus when she joined Brobeck, Phleger & Harrison in 2000 of counsel.

Thereafter, Ms. Dundas was asked to join The A21 Campaign in the dual capacity of General Counsel and Prosecutions Director for Asia. In that role, Leigh spent a significant amount of time on the ground in south-east Asia, liaising with foreign governments to reach bilateral Memoranda of Understanding allowing for operation of undercover surveillance of child brothels by former US law enforcement assets. While inAsia, Leigh also arranged meetings with high-ranking executives at major banking institutions – including heads of in-house counsel for some of the world’s largest financial institutions – who remained concerned that Asian banking conglomerates were being used by human traffickers to launder cash from the illicit sex trade. In that capacity, Leigh worked closely with both NGOs and Asian banks in the formulation of a plan to have on-the-ground investigators amass evidence of money laundering by child brothels and then use secure protocols to relay said data to the banking institutions – as banks are required to place holds on accounts when there is credible evidence such accounts are being utilized to launder monetary proceeds of crimes. Currently, this evidence is being automatically relayed to over 7,000 banks worldwide – via Thomson Reuters World­ Check and other premier providers of intelligence profiles – so that banks may perform due diligence and ensure trafficking proceeds are not being laundered through their accounts.

In the last half-decade, Leigh’s first-hand knowledge of the trafficking problems in southeast Asia- as well as her extensive network in the region – have proven invaluable to the U.S. government. In 2013, Leigh was appointed by the House Foreign Affairs Chairperson, Congressman Ed Royce, to the 113th Congressional Human Trafficking Congressional Advisory Committee, to assist in the identification of trafficking problems worldwide and help formulate US policy to combat same, and has performed similar work for the US Department of Homeland Security. In February 2014, Leigh spent three weeks in Sun Gai Kolok – a modern day Sodom & Gomorrah that is comprised of 140 child brothels on the Thai-Malay border- traveling in excess of 100 mph to avoid road-side insurgent violence while en route to meet with sex slaves trapped in the brothels, and to interview the Mafia-connected brothel owners. Leigh then led a group of VIPs and film crew back into Sun Gai Kolok later that month to document first-hand the horrors of the child-sex trade, until Thailand’s coup d’etat and threatened closure of the Bangkok International Airport forced a retreat. In early 2016, Ms. Dundas co-founded the American office of Liberty Global to work in tandem with her human rights non-profit, Justice Be Done, in continuing to forward the above initiatives. Click here for more info.

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Michelle Makori

Michelle Makori is an internationally acclaimed broadcast journalist, news anchor, reporter, and producer and is currently both the Managing Editor and Editor-in-Chief at Kitco News, as well as Lead Anchor.

Michelle has worked as an anchor, reporter and producer for Bloomberg, CNN Money, i24News and SABC, where she has covered and analyzed the biggest global economic, financial, and geopolitical events of the past two decades. She has interviewed heads of state, CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, and other political, business, and entertainment leaders. Michelle also serves as MC, host and panel moderator for a variety of global conferences and financial events, from crypto currencies to natural resources – she’s been the default “Go-To” host of record, trusted by so many clients for years. 

And now – armed with years of financial reporting experience and deep dive interviews with some of the smartest investors, analysts, world leaders, business leaders and market prognosticators, Michelle is adding another titular notch to her already impressive resume: Keynote Speaker. 

Those of you familiar with Michelle’s interviewing style are aware that she has a profound understanding of the financial topics that are being discussed – and her interviews are really more discussions than they are simple Q&A’s with guests. Her business background, education, experience and global perspective lends to Michelle a big picture geopolitical and economic, markets driven understanding of the world today. 

No one is in the global financial trenches on a daily basis like Michelle is. Years of discussions with the experts from so many different areas of business has lead her to form her own global economic thesis; a geopolitical macro financial representation for where the economy is now, and where it might be going – all gleaned not just from discussions with world leaders and financial experts, but by her own analysis of the trends she sees forming and evolving daily. 

Michelle’s future looking keynote is highly customizable, but there is one geopolitical and financial game changer that is looming on a not too distant event horizon that has everyone watching: Central Bank Digital Currencies, and what effect this could have not just on business, and not just on how and where spend this new digital currency – but what this could mean to our daily lives. 

Michelle’s keynote’s are tantalizing and provocative, equally compelling as they are insightful and thought provoking. 


On March 9th, 2022, US president Joe Biden quietly signed into law Executive Order 14067, entitled, “Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets”, where it says in section 4 of this order that the administration “.. places the highest urgency on research and development efforts into the potential design and deployment options of a United States CBDC.” There are those who have nick-named this the creation of “Biden Bucks”, but the fact is, governments all over the world are already testing out or are creating their own CBDC’s, not just the American Government. China has one, as do many others. And all this comes at the same time that “FinTech” companies and entrepreneurs globally are creating decentralized financial (DEFI) infrastructure, for both ease of digital payments and transfers, crypto-currency exchanges, and more. These two digital directions could not appear more divergent; but are they? 
The questions CBDC’s raise are myriad, as are their possible perils. Will this lead to the end of cash? Will CBDC’s lead to a “Social Credit” system, as in  China today, where your behavior will determine what you are permitted to do? Will banks and governments be able to see all your purchases? Will your money be your own, or is a central bank digital currency going to be a dollar that the governments own, and simply permit you to use? What effect will this have on the US Dollar as being the worlds’ reserve currency? Will the BRICS countries and others who’ve joined them, create a new digital currency backed by hard assets that will compete for global payments with the US Dollar? And if so, what will this mean for the American economy? And more specifically, to the companies and countries that have dollar denominated debt? 
Michelle like none other, can paint the picture of what is to come when and if CBDC’s become a reality, and what it might mean: Could money, cold hard cash in hand, as we knew it… end? To be replaced by a cashless world where your every purchase is monitored? What happens then?
This a thought provoking keynote presentation – but if there is anyone in the world who can untangle the web of what CBDC’s mean, it’s Michelle Makori. Be sure to leave time for a Q&A after this talk. 
In this forward looking keynote presentation, Michelle will discuss what the economic indicators and headwinds might be as she looks into the future, based on her years of experience speaking with and interviewing literally dozens (if not hundreds) of top experts in finance, geopolitics, fiscal and monetary policy, foreign affairs, market analysis, including guru portfolio managers, heads of state, CEO’s, entrepreneurs and more – from a panoply of industries including metals & mining, commodities, cryptocurrency and DEFI, banking, technology, energy and of course – government.
Armed with this encyclopedic knowledge from so many brilliant minds, Michelle has been able to identify themes and trends i.e., common denominators, that most, if not all, of her guests are saying, and what they all subtly have in common. (Or what they all DON’T have in common). Either way, these will be the common denominators that form the foundation of this keynote presentation – the wisdom of the many brought together, analyzed, and discussed in a way that audiences from any sector will find both riveting and useful at the same time.
This keynote presentation can be customized to suit your audience. 


Michelle Makori is an internationally acclaimed broadcast journalist, news anchor, reporter, and producer. Currently she is Editor-in-Chief and Lead Anchor at Kitco News. Makori has worked as an anchor, reporter and producer for Bloomberg, CNN Money, i24News and SABC.

As an anchor and reporter, Michelle has covered and analyzed the biggest global economic, financial, and geopolitical events of the past two decades. She has interviewed heads of state, CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, and other political, business, and entertainment leaders. Michelle also serves as MC, host and panel moderator for conferences and events around the globe.

Michelle now brings this expertise to Kitco News as Lead Anchor and Editor -in-Chief where she manages the editorial team; covering global financial and business news across the spectrum of cryptocurrencies, commodities, equity markets, macro-economics and geopolitics. Michelle is also the host of “On the Spot with Michelle Makori”.

Based in New York, Michelle joins Kitco News from i24News where she was Editor-in-Chief and lead anchor, hosting the nightly prime-time, flagship show “ClearCut with Michelle Makori” and “ IBW” a weekly start-up and technology focused magazine show.

Michelle was instrumental in setting-up the U.S. division of i24News and helped launch the live broadcast operations in February of 2017, broadcasting across the USA and around the globe.

Michelle was also a key member of the team that launched the U.S. operations of CGTN in 2011. She was the New York-based Lead Anchor and Producer of “Global Business America”, CGTN’s flagship global economic and business news show.

Prior to joining CGTN, Makori was an anchor and reporter for Bloomberg TV for five years covering both American and Asian markets out of Bloomberg’s NYC headquarters. She was also a reporter with CNN Money based at the NASDAQ and contributed to CNN’s national and international programs. Before joining Bloomberg TV and moving to New York in 2005, Makori was one of the main anchors and producers for SABC Africa Television, based in Johannesburg South Africa and broadcasting throughout the African Continent. Michelle also brings Wall Street experience to her financial news coverage, having received her FINRA financial adviser license (Series 7) and having worked with The Beryl Consulting Group, GFI and Context Summits. Michelle holds a Post Graduate Honors Degree in Media Studies and Journalism (with distinction), and a Bachelor of Arts with a double major in Law and Psychology, both from South Africa’s University of the Witwatersrand. She graduated top of her class from Damelin Business School and graduated with distinction from Allenby Film School. Her accolades include winning the Harambee African Reporter of the Year Award for her work on micro-lending enterprises. She was also voted one of the “30 Most Outstanding Women” by Cosmopolitan magazine (South African Edition) and one of the “Sexiest Women in the World” by FHM magazine (South African Edition).

Born in Israel, raised in South Africa and now a proud American citizen, Michelle speaks five languages and brings a truly global perspective.

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