Matt Hoy
Former vocalist for UB40 (Featuring Ali Campbell)
Matt Hoy was born and raised in Birmingham, UK and he’s been a musician all his life. In the 80’s when the band UB40 attained major success with a number of hits, he of course was in awe of them – because they too are from Birmingham, UK and they’d become known as “The Beatles of Birmingham” amongst the locals. So, it was like a dream come true when, in 2010, Matt joined the latest iteration of the band, and toured with them for almost 12 years, where he had the pleasure of singing “Red Red Wine” nearly every night to sold out venues around the world.
But in 2021, Matt Hoy was rather unjustly dismissed from the job he loved simply for not having the Covid-19 vaccine, (even though the band and management company knew he was unable to receive it) due to a medical condition! Sadly, They’d made it mandatory for all members of the band to be injected, while completely ignoring the Disability section of the UK’s Equality Act, and they also ignored Matt’s individual medical reasons for not partaking. Undaunted, this hasn’t slowed Matt down at all. He continues to perform as a solo artist and now, he speaks wherever he can to tell his story of what happened, and what we can all do to make sure that what happened to him, never happens again… to anyone.
Since being forced to leave the band (via text message, no less), Matt has made it his life’s mission to make people aware of the dangers vaccination, and also the very real impacts it has had on people’s lives, since so many were forced to abandon careers in the same way Matt was. His empathy especially goes out to all the home and health care workers, nurses, doctors, pharmacists, and medical staff who stood their ground and not only said no to it, but also and more importantly, refused to administer it, on an unsuspecting population.
Derrick Kinney
Leigh Dundas
Known the world over for her blazing & fiery speeches in defense of Freedom and Liberty, Leigh Dundas is an impassioned human rights attorney and modern-day abolitionist, who spent much of her 30 year career battling global injustices like human trafficking and the peddling of medical tyranny disguised as progress.
To say Leigh Dundas is a force to be reckoned with is an understatement: she is known as a firebrand, a one-woman legal hurricane, a Freedom Fighter Extraordinaire, and a riveting on-stage magician that always leave the audience electrified with her stories of fighting some of the biggest wrongs the world has known. If you are a lover of justice and sitting in her audience, Dundas will without fail have you on your feet – cheering for Freedom – evidenced by the standing ovations she’s gotten at the more than 100 talks she’s given since March 2020, to audiences which often number between 5,000 and 25,000 people. And for those on the wrong side of liberty, Ms. Dundas is known for her no-holds-barred, positively nuclear presentations before school boards and oversight committees … which often don’t end well for the public health “officials” she has in her sights. (Orange County & State of California, and most recently – the FAA).
Having spent many years fighting the criminal cartels responsible for running child brothels in war-torn regions of Asia – where local governments often hamstring more than help – Leigh was forced to become an expert in using creative “out-of-the-box” campaigns in order to succeed where others have failed. While most attorneys spend their days filing lawsuits which regrettably in today’s Brave New World are often unsuccessful, Ms. Dundas instead now dedicates her time and expertise to architecting novel leverage moves that capitalize on the power of the people at the grassroots level, while simultaneously exploiting her opponent’s Achilles Heels until victory ensues. To wit: when Orange County was set to adopt vaccination passports in the Spring of 2021 that would have created a modern-day Warsaw Ghetto, Leigh produced a TV Ad featuring a Holocaust Survivor exposing the situation, which move successfully defeated the Passport Plan. Similarly, Dundas architected the Nationwide Walkout – where millions of workers worldwide went on strike against vaccine mandates from November 8-11, 2021 – as well as the coast-to-coast U.S. People’s Convoy in 2022, which protested the White House’s vaccine mandates (both of which campaigns were successful in creating massive pressure on Executive and Judicial Branches that ultimately helped to defeat the mandates).
Dundas spent the three months of Summer 2021 crossing the US multiple times while anchoring the Arise Freedom Tour, touching 50 different cities in more than 25 states. And if that isn’t enough, over the past 3 years, she has spoken at live events to over 60,000 people (and an additional 20 million worldwide through podcasts, radio and television). Dundas is also well-known as possibly the brightest star on Clay Clark’s Re-Awaken America Tour, and is also a featured guest on many educational panels and press conferences, as well as on podcasts hosted by Mel K, Charlie Ward, Ann Vandersteel, Bryan Ardis, Pete Santilli, James Grundvig, Doug Billings, The Flyover Conservatives and others.
As well, Dundas was asked to testify in January of 2022 at the U.S. Senate Building before Senator Ron Johnson concerning the alarming rise in military diseases after the COVID-vaccine mandate, and also previously testified before the California State Senate on similar issues. Leigh’s first autobiographical book detailing her work as a young attorney, that ultimately resulted in her moving part-time to Asia to fight the child sex trafficking industry – before equipping her to join the fight of our lives in restoring Freedom in America – is due to be released mid-2023.
- Motivation to make changes in their communities at the grassroots level
- Inspiration to fight for freedom whenever it is being threatened by elected and unelected “officials”
- Awareness of “mandates” that can be legally challenged on multiple levels
- Hope for the future for themselves and their families
- And finally… a sense of their own power as individuals to help create real, positive and lasting change in their lives & in the lives of others, by taking action…
Leigh Dundas is a veteran litigation attorney who spent a majority of the last two decades of counsel to international law firms. Beginning her career in the early 90’s as litigation counsel at Irell & Manella, LLP, Leigh handled multi-million dollar cases for Fortune 500 clients including Volkswagen of America, Advanta Bank, and William Lyon Company, as well as high-profile work for government municipalities and sports teams including The St. Louis Rams and City of West Covina. While much of her work related to general business matters, Ms. Dundas also focused on litigation that involved hi tech, environmental, and trade secret aspects. She continued this focus when she joined Brobeck, Phleger & Harrison in 2000 of counsel.
Thereafter, Ms. Dundas was asked to join The A21 Campaign in the dual capacity of General Counsel and Prosecutions Director for Asia. In that role, Leigh spent a significant amount of time on the ground in south-east Asia, liaising with foreign governments to reach bilateral Memoranda of Understanding allowing for operation of undercover surveillance of child brothels by former US law enforcement assets. While inAsia, Leigh also arranged meetings with high-ranking executives at major banking institutions – including heads of in-house counsel for some of the world’s largest financial institutions – who remained concerned that Asian banking conglomerates were being used by human traffickers to launder cash from the illicit sex trade. In that capacity, Leigh worked closely with both NGOs and Asian banks in the formulation of a plan to have on-the-ground investigators amass evidence of money laundering by child brothels and then use secure protocols to relay said data to the banking institutions – as banks are required to place holds on accounts when there is credible evidence such accounts are being utilized to launder monetary proceeds of crimes. Currently, this evidence is being automatically relayed to over 7,000 banks worldwide – via Thomson Reuters World Check and other premier providers of intelligence profiles – so that banks may perform due diligence and ensure trafficking proceeds are not being laundered through their accounts.
In the last half-decade, Leigh’s first-hand knowledge of the trafficking problems in southeast Asia- as well as her extensive network in the region – have proven invaluable to the U.S. government. In 2013, Leigh was appointed by the House Foreign Affairs Chairperson, Congressman Ed Royce, to the 113th Congressional Human Trafficking Congressional Advisory Committee, to assist in the identification of trafficking problems worldwide and help formulate US policy to combat same, and has performed similar work for the US Department of Homeland Security. In February 2014, Leigh spent three weeks in Sun Gai Kolok – a modern day Sodom & Gomorrah that is comprised of 140 child brothels on the Thai-Malay border- traveling in excess of 100 mph to avoid road-side insurgent violence while en route to meet with sex slaves trapped in the brothels, and to interview the Mafia-connected brothel owners. Leigh then led a group of VIPs and film crew back into Sun Gai Kolok later that month to document first-hand the horrors of the child-sex trade, until Thailand’s coup d’etat and threatened closure of the Bangkok International Airport forced a retreat. In early 2016, Ms. Dundas co-founded the American office of Liberty Global to work in tandem with her human rights non-profit, Justice Be Done, in continuing to forward the above initiatives. Click here for more info.
Justin Hart
Matt Ehret
Kim Moody
The antithesis of the status quo, Kim is driven to innovate new and better ways to do things for the clients he serves, the advancement of the firm, and other professionals in tax. His relentless obsession with getting to know everything in the Tax Act makes him a highly sought-out resource for peers and clients. In March 2020, Kim published his first book, Making Life Less Taxing: Pay Attention To Your Taxes So You Can Pay Less Tax and Build a Strong, Smarter Canada – an Amazon bestseller in a number of categories.
Kim’s primary area of expertise is tax and estate planning for owner-managers of private corporations and executives, particularly those who have entered into the tax complexities that come with being affluent. Though admittedly not one himself, Kim works with many professional athletes (a guy has got to dream after all). Kim also has expertise in trust and estate taxation and enjoys solving the complexities that arise in developing a well-thought-out estate and succession plan and dealing with testamentary taxation matters.
Deciding years ago that sleep was highly overrated, Kim makes time to share his immense knowledge through writing, speaking, teaching, and being an active, national leader in the tax profession. In 2016, he fulfilled his long-standing goal of receiving admission into law school and is currently exploring ways to fit this ambition into his busy schedule.
Kim’s unique ability is being a loyal, transparent, and honest intellectual rebel who always does the right thing. His passion to lead, teach, never settle, and both seek and speak the truth aid in his contributions to the tax landscape. Kim desires to be an inspirational example for those around him to continuously grow. And in that vein, Kim is now writing a weekly column for the Financial Post, discussing tax matters mixed in with a little political commentary. (It seems the two go hand in hand).
Kim’s topics centre around tax, and of course on “Making Life Less Taxing”, and all the other things that taxes affect. He asks (and answers) a number of questions in his keynote presentations, such as:
Making Life Less Taxing is written with the taxpayer in mind. It is your guide to become better informed about your tax situation and truly understand your tax system. Kim argues that every day should be tax day, not just April 30th!
The book will:
- Clear up the misunderstandings out there about taxes
- Make an argument for tax reformation and how it can benefit Canadian society on a larger scale
- Distill the complex (and often overwhelming and scary) world of taxes into easy-to-understand material
- Help the reader to lay out a plan of attack and consider all the what-ifs
Peter Zeihan
Peter Zeihan is a geopolitical strategist, which is a fancy way of saying he helps people understand how the world works. Peter combines an expert understanding of demography, economics, energy, politics, technology, and security to help clients best prepare for an uncertain future.
Over the course of his career, Peter has worked for the US State Department in Australia, the DC think tank community, and helped develop the analytical models for Stratfor, one of the world’s premier private intelligence companies. Peter founded his own firm — Zeihan on Geopolitics — in 2012 in order to provide a select group of clients with direct, custom analytical products. Today those clients represent a vast array of sectors including energy majors, financial institutions, business associations, agricultural interests, universities and the U.S. military.
With a keen eye toward what will drive tomorrow’s headlines, his irreverent approach transforms topics that are normally dense and heavy into accessible, relevant takeaways for audiences of all types.
Peter is a critically-acclaimed author whose first two books — The Accidental Superpower and The Absent Superpower — have been recommended by Mitt Romney, Fareed Zakaria and Ian Bremmer. His latest third title, Disunited Nations: The Scramble for Power in an Ungoverned World became available in March 2020.
Peter’s fourth book, The End of the World is Just the Beginning: Mapping the Collapse of Globalization, became available in June 2022.
For the past three decades our world has known ever-rising volumes of money. Whether from Wall Street, the Federal Reserve, Europe or East Asia, this rising tide of capital at ever-cheaper rates has defined the post-Cold War era. It’s ending. Now. For reasons geopolitical and demographic, the globalization of finance is in its final months just as the overall inflows are dissolving for reasons demographic. This isn’t momentary. We will not return the capital structure of the 2000s and 2010s within our lifetimes. The questions now become how deep the crash will be, which sectors will suffer the most, and what islands will be able to weather the coming financial storm?
The concept of countries being able to buy and sell their wares openly on the international marketplace is inviolable. The freedom to sail one’s products around the world is a given. Everything from the transfer of money to the accessibility of energy is sacrosanct. Yet all this and more is artificial: an unintended — if happy — side effect of the American-led global Order. With that Order in its final days, all countries and all industries must learn to operate in a world as unstructured as it is dangerous. Join us as Peter Zeihan lays out how we got to where we are, and what the future holds for sectors as diverse as energy, agriculture, finance, manufacturing and transport.
Three pillars support modern China’s success: global trade, internal political unity, and easy money. With those three pillars, China has managed to shake 2000 years of war and occupation and remake itself as one of the world’s most powerful countries. Yet none of these three pillars can stand without American assistance, and that cooperation is ending. China’s “inevitable” rise isn’t simply over, it is about to go into screeching, unrelenting, dismembering reverse. But that’s hardly the end of history. When a country falls — particularly the world’s top manufacturing power — the ripples affect countries and industries near and far. Learn who benefits and who loses in a world without China.
The Mideast wars have left the United States exhausted and leery. Immigration has become a four-letter word. Shale has severed most of the ties that bind. In sum, the United States has lost interest in the wider world and so is already hip-deep in a decade-long retrenchment. That will change not just the world, but America itself. Such evolutions will make next phase of American engagement not just more thoughtful and surgical, but also more lucrative.
The world as we know it is ending. Global trade and everything that comes from it — cheap Asian goods, international energy markets, global agriculture, stable finance — is about to unravel. Out of all this the Americans — cast in both the role of disruptor and survivor — are making decisions that will shape both themselves and the rest of the world for decades. Get a sneak peak at the future of energy, agriculture, finance, and the role America will play in the world to come.
Five recessions in nine years. A litany of debt debacles. Ossified institutions incapable of change. Rising populism. Refugee floods. Russians growling at the border. And that’s the good news. Despite a decade of crisis none of Europe’s problems have had their root causes addressed, and now time is simply up. Everything that makes modern, wealthy, cosmopolitan, democratic Europe possible is breaking apart, and the Europeans are about to lose far more than “merely” a decade. Discover what makes Europe tick, what is tearing it down, and most of all, what is next.
Supply chains are shattering like toothpicks. Energy supplies face their greatest stress of the modern era. Global agriculture is being unmade day by day. Finance has peaked, and it is a long way down. Far from expanding out of control, populations are instead crashing. We face nothing less than the end of the globalized age. Are you ready? No? You’re hardly alone. Join us as geopolitical strategist Peter Zeihan lays out the end of the old world, and the beginning of the new.
Modern agricultural patterns are the result of three largely unrelated factors: low-risk global trade, insatiable Asian demand, and unlimited cheap credit. Within the next five years, all three of these trends will not just evaporate, but invert. When that happens, the only thing that will hurt more than the gradual loss of demand will be the sudden collapse of supply. However, none of this impacts the American producer – it therefore will be the United States that will reap the benefits of its productivity and stability for decades to come.
As the global system evolves no country is better positioned than Canada. Very soon Canada’s choices will be about how to take advantage of opportunities, rather than how to avoid complications. But in this very silver lining is a very dark cloud. The same evolutions that will allow Canada unprecedented opportunities for wealth and respect also hold the possibility of damaging the Canadian state. This time the dangers do not originate from the United States, but from within Canada itself. And they could very well prove mortal.
Other topics, ask us for a write up:
2019 was the last great year for the world economy.
For generations, everything has been getting faster, better, and cheaper. Finally, we reached the point that almost anything you could ever want could be sent to your home within days—even hours—of when you decided you wanted it.
America made that happen, but now America has lost interest in keeping it going.
Globe-spanning supply chains are only possible with the protection of the U.S. Navy. The American dollar underpins internationalized energy and financial markets. Complex, innovative industries were created to satisfy American consumers. American security policy forced warring nations to lay down their arms. Billions of people have been fed and educated as the American-led trade system spread across the globe.
All of this was artificial. All this was temporary. All this is ending.
In The End of the World Is Just the Beginning, author and geopolitical strategist Peter Zeihan maps out the next world: a world where countries or regions will have no choice but to make their own goods, grow their own food, secure their own energy, fight their own battles, and do it all with populations that are both shrinking and aging.
The list of countries that make it all work is smaller than you think. Which means everything about our interconnected world—from how we manufacture products, to how we grow food, to how we keep the lights on, to how we shuttle stuff about, to how we pay for it all—is about to change.
A world ending. A world beginning. Zeihan brings listeners along for an illuminating (and a bit terrifying) ride packed with foresight, wit, and his trademark irreverence.
Suneel Gupta
“Leaders and teams that fizzle out don’t run out of time or talent. They run out of energy.”
– Suneel Gupta
As the founding CEO of RISE, a breakthrough wellness company, Suneel Gupta helped thousands of people build better habits for life and work. Now as a bestselling author and Harvard Medical School visiting scholar, Suneel has taken his mission one step further – helping organizations reach sustainable peak performance by bolstering their people’s emotional resilience. He asks the question, “How can an organization excel on the outside if its people are exhausted on the inside?” Suneel challenges our reliance on grit and hustle, which are also scientifically associated with exhaustion. Instead, he offers leaders and teams new, science-based ideas for the changing world of work – habits for beating burnout and boosting long-term creativity, innovation, and productivity.
Leading Change:
“I didn’t know what to expect and I’m still in awe. This wasn’t just a keynote – it was a unique experience. I’d strongly recommend that every emerging leader go through this experience; it’s inspirational and transformative.” – President of Human Resources, HARMAN International
“Suneel Gupta is one of the highest-rated speakers we’ve ever had. His talk was filled with great insights on the essential ingredients for successfully accomplishing your goals by winning support from others along the way. I plan to put many of his ideas into action to become a more “backable” leader, and I know others who heard his talk plan to do the same. But, beyond all of the practical lessons, the lasting impression our audience had was that Suneel is a genuine, caring person who understands leadership challenges. His stories were filled with humility, empathy, and emotion, traits we rarely encounter from our keynote presenters. If you’re looking for an excellent talk delivered with a strong sense of humanity, I recommend Suneel Gupta.” – President, Association for Advancing Automation
“Suneel is a true master of storytelling and his message was delivered to our audience at just the right time. Creating engagement at annual conferences can be tough. But when you couple that with a virtual conference environment, connecting with the audience is no easy feat. Suneel’s keynote on beating burnout to drive innovation was timely and his ability to draw in the audience resulted in the highest engagement numbers of all the sessions for our event. Some speakers can be too in the weeds, while others tend to speak over attendees’ heads. Suneel provided the perfect mix of actionable insights with passion for the topic. Attendees left refreshed, energized and appreciative of the experience.” – Freddie Mac
“Thought-provoking and inspiring. He resonated deeply with our audience.” – Global Head of Wealth, Dow Jones
“Suneel was a keynote speaker at our most recent #AssetMark #GoldForum conference, and he was incredible! Suneel was able to share key insights from his best selling book “Backable”, while incorporating those insights with his personal experiences. He took time to learn about our business, the great work that financial advisors do for their clients, and made his lessons impactful for the entire audience. We loved his energy, story telling and spirit! Thank you Suneel!!” – President, AssetMark
Just Released! Sept 2023:
Zuby is best known as a rapper, author, keynote speaker, entrepreneur, socio/political commentator and if that’s not enough, he’s also the host of the ‘Real Talk with Zuby’ podcast. He is also a social media business and marketing expert and… a health guru, whose no nonsense approach to fitness and nutrition has helped countless people look better, feel better, and become more confident.
Zuby is a rising public figure (AKA a rising star, in multiple arenas – from music to politics and business…), and has fast become a respected and influential voice of reason – whose unique perspective, authenticity and positive energy has earned him over one million followers on social media and 15 million+ online video views. He has caught the attention of some of the most popular media personalities in the world, appearing on The Joe Rogan Experience, The Adam Carolla Show, The Glenn Beck Podcast, The Rubin Report, The Ben Shapiro Show, and The Candace Owens Show, as well as other news outlets such as BBC, Fox News, Sky News and RT.
Zuby has, over the past few years, been a voice of common sense and sanity. He has helped so many of his listeners, readers and followers make sense of, and cope with, our constantly changing world. And on that note, his newest keynote presentation is based on a social media thread he wrote, that went completely viral – literally, millions of people read that post. This talk is based on the post “20 Things I’ve Learned or Had Confirmed About Humanity During the Pandemic” and it is a must hear keynote, no matter what side of the fence you might be on.
Zuby’s talks appeals to many different kinds of audiences. He’s spoken everywhere from college campuses to corporations, and has been a featured keynote speaker at large, multi day events, gracing the same stages with some of the worlds most popular speakers.