Cheryl’s an in-demand public speaker and media guest, passionate about topics related to Christianity and the country’s Judeo-Christian roots, the Constitution, politics and policy, United Nations and sovereignty issues, Congress and Capitol Hill – pretty much anything that lends itself to exposing those matters that run counter to freedom, biblical principles and the preservation of America as the greatest country the world’s ever seen.
Her publication credits include the Blaze, the Washington Times, the Washington Examiner, the Heritage Foundation, the Heartland Institute, Lifezette, PamelaGeller.com and more. She has made hundreds of appearances on national and local television and radio (including Fox News, C-SPAN, CBN, Michael Savage radio, Newsmax TV, Steve Bannon’s WarRoom), and in person at various forums and events, to discuss politics and culture, the role of Christianity in government, media bias and limited government principles.
She’s worked for years in newspaper journalism – winning numerous investigative and hard news awards in the process, particularly for her use of the Freedom of Information Act and Sunshine Laws to hold government officials accountable – and in radio newsrooms as a host, producer and writer.
Cheryl was selected to join the prestigious Robert Novak journalism fellowship program (now a program of The Fund on American Studies), for the 2008-2009 year, and spent a full 12 months investigating National Heritage Areas and the state of private property rights in America. Her findings were well-published and she was ultimately asked to speak about NHAs before a group of congressional staffers in the House, where she cautioned them to look beyond the rhetoric to see the constitutional dangers of these land grabs.
Speech Topics
If you had to sum up American Exceptionalism in one short phrase, it’s this: God-given rights. Take that away and America becomes just another plot of land, like any other country. And this is the overall war with the left — God-given rights versus government-granted rights. Want to know why our public schools are a disaster; why socialism is becoming increasingly embraced; why the free market is crumbling; why globalists are winning and U.S. sovereignty is failing — and more? It’s because we’re losing the war for God-given liberties. If we want to maintain individualism, and keep away the cancer of collectivism, so as to preserve an America the free, God must be at the forefront of society. And if it is not in the forefront of American society, it must at least be it’s back bone.
There’s a reason why leftists have been attacking the nuclear family and traditional values in recent years: the family unit is the foundation of a civil society. Destroy the family — destroy the traditional, biblical concept of family — and society shifts into chaos. And that’s great for leftists who want to exploit the chaos as cause to send in big, bigger, and biggest government to take over and assume control. This talk is also for educators, who can attest to what the destruction of the family has wrought in schools.
Take it from someone who’s worked in media for more than two decades, from the ground levels of local coverage all the way up to national news: the media is indeed evil. That’s not to say everyone working in media is evil — but enough of the leadership is anti-American, anti-conservative, even anti-truth that the entire system has become tainted and rotted. In this hard hitting and compelling keynote, Cheryl asks: How can society remain free if the information fed to citizens is false and tainted in favor of socialism and Marxism? This is the peril of modern information flow: the Democrats and far leftists know their water carriers in most of the media will be dependable bulldogs in advancing lies and leftist agendas.
Her second book, ”The Devil in DC: Winning Back the Country From the Beast in Washington,” with a foreword by Mike Huckabee, former governor and White House hopeful, tells Christians and patriots how exactly to put the nation back under God’s control and wrench power from the atheists and progressives who have taken root.
She’s worked for years in newspaper journalism – winning numerous investigative and hard news awards in the process, particularly for her use of the Freedom of Information Act and Sunshine Laws to hold government officials accountable – and in radio newsrooms as a host, producer and writer.
Cheryl was selected to join the prestigious Robert Novak journalism fellowship program (now a program of The Fund on American Studies), for the 2008-2009 year, and spent a full 12 months investigating National Heritage Areas and the state of private property rights in America. Her findings were well-published and she was ultimately asked to speak about NHAs before a group of congressional staffers in the House, where she cautioned them to look beyond the rhetoric to see the constitutional dangers of these land grabs.
And finally … she’s an Army veteran who currently lives in Northern Virginia with two of her four children and their Goldendoodle. In her spare time, Cheryl spent more than four years serving as a CASA volunteer – a court appointed special advocate – to help judges make the difficult decision about where abused and neglected children should live.