Justin Hart

Justin Hart is an executive consultant with more than twenty-five years of experience with Fortune 500 companies and presidential campaigns. He’s chief data analyst and founder of RationalGround.com, which helps companies, public officials, and even parents, gauge the impact of COVID-19 across the country.
In his new keynote presentation and just released book (Fall 2022) “Gone Viral: How Covid Drove The World Insane”, Justin explains how COVID-19 uncovered the decaying underbelly of confusion, panic, and fear-mongering by those in power in our American government and justice systems: Americans suffered the grave consequences of these failed policies, and the government, media, health agencies and their acolytes are all, to this day, trying to cover it up. But all is not lost – because Justin’s research of the data reveals so much that you just won’t hear in the MSM and counters the policy narratives, after listening to him you realize… there is nothing to fear!  
Justin eloquently, and with a sense of humor and humility, simply eviscerates the government’s responses over the past two and a half years. He explains:
● Why Americans have no reason to blindly “Trust the Science” just because government
bureaucrats say so
● How the data proves the ineffectiveness of masks and social distancing
● The statistics that prove there has been a severe loss in educational progress and mental
health quality of children
● How and why unchecked and undisputed government power grabs occurred



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Matt Ehret

Matthew Ehret is an author and historian who has pioneered a fresh approach to North American history with a three volume book series titled “Clash of the Two Americas”, and the four volume set, “The Untold History of Canada”. 
Matt’s work is regularly published in the media, such as the Washington Times, Strategic Culture Foundation, Lew Rockwell, The Cradle, Global Research, Unlimited Hangout, Zero Hedge, as well as sites he manages as Editor-in-Chief including The Canadian Patriot Review and Montreal-based Rising Tide Foundation. Additionally Matt hosts a weekly geopolitical program called The Great Game on Rogue News and is a regular expert commentator on The Coronavirus Investigative Committee, American Media Periscope, and The Mel K Show.
Matt has been delivering engaging lectures, presentations, and seminars for 15 years with a focus on making complex topics easy to understand for audiences of all kinds. His keynotes are enjoyed by both the general public, and have been described as “richly satisfying” for the experts as well. His work flows seamlessly between matters of science (debunking the fraud of global warming, Malthus, Darwinian evolution and other standard theory models hegemonic in our modern age of “consensus thinking”) as well as matters of art, literature, geopolitics, economics and of course, history. As such, there is always a fresh analysis on topics which you probably took for granted.





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Cheryl Chumley

Cheryl is the online opinion editor and host of the “Bold and Blunt” podcast for The Washington Times, a best-selling author, and a frequent media guest for national television and radio

Cheryl’s an in-demand public speaker and media guest, passionate about topics related to Christianity and the country’s Judeo-Christian roots, the Constitution, politics and policy, United Nations and sovereignty issues, Congress and Capitol Hill – pretty much anything that lends itself to exposing those matters that run counter to freedom, biblical principles and the preservation of America as the greatest country the world’s ever seen.

Her publication credits include the Blaze, the Washington Times, the Washington Examiner, the Heritage Foundation, the Heartland Institute, Lifezette, PamelaGeller.com and more. She has made hundreds of appearances on national and local television and radio (including Fox News, C-SPAN, CBN, Michael Savage radio, Newsmax TV, Steve Bannon’s WarRoom), and in person at various forums and events, to discuss politics and culture, the role of Christianity in government, media bias and limited government principles.

She’s worked for years in newspaper journalism – winning numerous investigative and hard news awards in the process, particularly for her use of the Freedom of Information Act and Sunshine Laws to hold government officials accountable – and in radio newsrooms as a host, producer and writer.

Cheryl was selected to join the prestigious Robert Novak journalism fellowship program (now a program of The Fund on American Studies), for the 2008-2009 year, and spent a full 12 months investigating National Heritage Areas and the state of private property rights in America. Her findings were well-published and she was ultimately asked to speak about NHAs before a group of congressional staffers in the House, where she cautioned them to look beyond the rhetoric to see the constitutional dangers of these land grabs.




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Kim Moody

The antithesis of the status quo, Kim is driven to innovate new and better ways to do things for the clients he serves, the advancement of the firm, and other professionals in tax. His relentless obsession with getting to know everything in the Tax Act makes him a highly sought-out resource for peers and clients. In March 2020, Kim published his first book, Making Life Less Taxing: Pay Attention To Your Taxes So You Can Pay Less Tax and Build a Strong, Smarter Canada – an Amazon bestseller in a number of categories.

Kim’s primary area of expertise is tax and estate planning for owner-managers of private corporations and executives, particularly those who have entered into the tax complexities that come with being affluent. Though admittedly not one himself, Kim works with many professional athletes (a guy has got to dream after all). Kim also has expertise in trust and estate taxation and enjoys solving the complexities that arise in developing a well-thought-out estate and succession plan and dealing with testamentary taxation matters.

Deciding years ago that sleep was highly overrated, Kim makes time to share his immense knowledge through writing, speaking, teaching, and being an active, national leader in the tax profession. In 2016, he fulfilled his long-standing goal of receiving admission into law school and is currently exploring ways to fit this ambition into his busy schedule.

Kim’s unique ability is being a loyal, transparent, and honest intellectual rebel who always does the right thing. His passion to lead, teach, never settle, and both seek and speak the truth aid in his contributions to the tax landscape. Kim desires to be an inspirational example for those around him to continuously grow. And in that vein, Kim is now writing a weekly column for the Financial Post, discussing tax matters mixed in with a little political commentary. (It seems the two go hand in hand). 


*Re the video below, the name of Kim’s law firm is now “Moody’s Private Client, LLP”.

Kim’s topics centre around tax, and of course on “Making Life Less Taxing”, and all the other things that taxes affect. He asks (and answers) a number of questions in his keynote presentations, such as: 

– Does Canada’s tax system need to be so complex? How much simpler can we make it so the average Canadian can understand it better?  Why should you care? Well, when the taxman cometh…
– Politics and income tax….the never ending inextricable link.  Is there a way to reduce political interference / content in tax statutes? 
– Is there a better way to increase government revenues than personal and / or corporate income taxes?  What about value-added only taxes as the main revenue generator? 
The case for comprehensive tax reform in Canada.  Why should Canadians care? (This is a keynote presentation that Kim loves to give – the need for expansive tax reform in Canada is urgent).
– Should the tax system incentivize / encourage private business? What happened in 2017 regarding taxes and small businesses? 


Making Life Less Taxing: Pay Attention to Your Taxes So You Can Pay Less Tax and Build a Strong, Smarter Canada by [Kim G C Moody]

Making Life Less Taxing is written with the taxpayer in mind. It is your guide to become better informed about your tax situation and truly understand your tax system. Kim argues that every day should be tax day, not just April 30th!

The book will:

  • Clear up the misunderstandings out there about taxes
  • Make an argument for tax reformation and how it can benefit Canadian society on a larger scale
  • Distill the complex (and often overwhelming and scary) world of taxes into easy-to-understand material
  • Help the reader to lay out a plan of attack and consider all the what-ifs


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Peter Zeihan

Peter Zeihan is a geopolitical strategist, which is a fancy way of saying he helps people understand how the world works. Peter combines an expert understanding of demography, economics, energy, politics, technology, and security to help clients best prepare for an uncertain future.

Over the course of his career, Peter has worked for the US State Department in Australia, the DC think tank community, and helped develop the analytical models for Stratfor, one of the world’s premier private intelligence companies. Peter founded his own firm — Zeihan on Geopolitics — in 2012 in order to provide a select group of clients with direct, custom analytical products. Today those clients represent a vast array of sectors including energy majors, financial institutions, business associations, agricultural interests, universities and the U.S. military.

With a keen eye toward what will drive tomorrow’s headlines, his irreverent approach transforms topics that are normally dense and heavy into accessible, relevant takeaways for audiences of all types.

Peter is a critically-acclaimed author whose first two books — The Accidental Superpower and The Absent Superpower — have been recommended by Mitt Romney, Fareed Zakaria and Ian Bremmer. His latest third title, Disunited Nations: The Scramble for Power in an Ungoverned World became available in March 2020.

Peter’s fourth book, The End of the World is Just the Beginning: Mapping the Collapse of Globalization, became available in June 2022.



For the past three decades our world has known ever-rising volumes of money. Whether from Wall Street, the Federal Reserve, Europe or East Asia, this rising tide of capital at ever-cheaper rates has defined the post-Cold War era. It’s ending. Now. For reasons geopolitical and demographic, the globalization of finance is in its final months just as the overall inflows are dissolving for reasons demographic. This isn’t momentary. We will not return the capital structure of the 2000s and 2010s within our lifetimes. The questions now become how deep the crash will be, which sectors will suffer the most, and what islands will be able to weather the coming financial storm?


The concept of countries being able to buy and sell their wares openly on the international marketplace is inviolable. The freedom to sail one’s products around the world is a given. Everything from the transfer of money to the accessibility of energy is sacrosanct. Yet all this and more is artificial: an unintended — if happy — side effect of the American-led global Order. With that Order in its final days, all countries and all industries must learn to operate in a world as unstructured as it is dangerous. Join us as Peter Zeihan lays out how we got to where we are, and what the future holds for sectors as diverse as energy, agriculture, finance, manufacturing and transport.


Three pillars support modern China’s success: global trade, internal political unity, and easy money. With those three pillars, China has managed to shake 2000 years of war and occupation and remake itself as one of the world’s most powerful countries. Yet none of these three pillars can stand without American assistance, and that cooperation is ending. China’s “inevitable” rise isn’t simply over, it is about to go into screeching, unrelenting, dismembering reverse. But that’s hardly the end of history. When a country falls — particularly the world’s top manufacturing power — the ripples affect countries and industries near and far. Learn who benefits and who loses in a world without China.


The Mideast wars have left the United States exhausted and leery. Immigration has become a four-letter word. Shale has severed most of the ties that bind. In sum, the United States has lost interest in the wider world and so is already hip-deep in a decade-long retrenchment. That will change not just the world, but America itself. Such evolutions will make next phase of American engagement not just more thoughtful and surgical, but also more lucrative.


The world as we know it is ending. Global trade and everything that comes from it — cheap Asian goods, international energy markets, global agriculture, stable finance — is about to unravel. Out of all this the Americans — cast in both the role of disruptor and survivor — are making decisions that will shape both themselves and the rest of the world for decades. Get a sneak peak at the future of energy, agriculture, finance, and the role America will play in the world to come.


Five recessions in nine years. A litany of debt debacles. Ossified institutions incapable of change. Rising populism. Refugee floods. Russians growling at the border. And that’s the good news. Despite a decade of crisis none of Europe’s problems have had their root causes addressed, and now time is simply up. Everything that makes modern, wealthy, cosmopolitan, democratic Europe possible is breaking apart, and the Europeans are about to lose far more than “merely” a decade. Discover what makes Europe tick, what is tearing it down, and most of all, what is next.


Supply chains are shattering like toothpicks. Energy supplies face their greatest stress of the modern era. Global agriculture is being unmade day by day. Finance has peaked, and it is a long way down. Far from expanding out of control, populations are instead crashing. We face nothing less than the end of the globalized age. Are you ready? No? You’re hardly alone. Join us as geopolitical strategist Peter Zeihan lays out the end of the old world, and the beginning of the new.


Modern agricultural patterns are the result of three largely unrelated factors: low-risk global trade, insatiable Asian demand, and unlimited cheap credit. Within the next five years, all three of these trends will not just evaporate, but invert. When that happens, the only thing that will hurt more than the gradual loss of demand will be the sudden collapse of supply. However, none of this impacts the American producer – it therefore will be the United States that will reap the benefits of its productivity and stability for decades to come.


As the global system evolves no country is better positioned than Canada. Very soon Canada’s choices will be about how to take advantage of opportunities, rather than how to avoid complications. But in this very silver lining is a very dark cloud. The same evolutions that will allow Canada unprecedented opportunities for wealth and respect also hold the possibility of damaging the Canadian state. This time the dangers do not originate from the United States, but from within Canada itself. And they could very well prove mortal.

Other topics, ask us for a write up: 











2019 was the last great year for the world economy.

For generations, everything has been getting faster, better, and cheaper. Finally, we reached the point that almost anything you could ever want could be sent to your home within days—even hours—of when you decided you wanted it.

America made that happen, but now America has lost interest in keeping it going.

Globe-spanning supply chains are only possible with the protection of the U.S. Navy. The American dollar underpins internationalized energy and financial markets. Complex, innovative industries were created to satisfy American consumers. American security policy forced warring nations to lay down their arms. Billions of people have been fed and educated as the American-led trade system spread across the globe.

All of this was artificial. All this was temporary. All this is ending.

In The End of the World Is Just the Beginning, author and geopolitical strategist Peter Zeihan maps out the next world: a world where countries or regions will have no choice but to make their own goods, grow their own food, secure their own energy, fight their own battles, and do it all with populations that are both shrinking and aging.

The list of countries that make it all work is smaller than you think. Which means everything about our interconnected world—from how we manufacture products, to how we grow food, to how we keep the lights on, to how we shuttle stuff about, to how we pay for it all—is about to change.

A world ending. A world beginning. Zeihan brings listeners along for an illuminating (and a bit terrifying) ride packed with foresight, wit, and his trademark irreverence. 

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Suneel Gupta

“Leaders and teams that fizzle out don’t run out of time or talent. They run out of energy.”
– Suneel Gupta

As the founding CEO of RISE, a breakthrough wellness company, Suneel Gupta helped thousands of people build better habits for life and work. Now as a bestselling author and Harvard Medical School visiting scholar, Suneel has taken his mission one step further – helping organizations reach sustainable peak performance by bolstering their people’s emotional resilience. He asks the question, “How can an organization excel on the outside if its people are exhausted on the inside?” Suneel challenges our reliance on grit and hustle, which are also scientifically associated with exhaustion. Instead, he offers leaders and teams new, science-based ideas for the changing world of work – habits for beating burnout and boosting long-term creativity, innovation, and productivity.


Leading Change:





“I didn’t know what to expect and I’m still in awe. This wasn’t just a keynote – it was a unique experience. I’d strongly recommend that every emerging leader go through this experience; it’s inspirational and transformative.” – President of Human Resources, HARMAN International

“Suneel Gupta is one of the highest-rated speakers we’ve ever had. His talk was filled with great insights on the essential ingredients for successfully accomplishing your goals by winning support from others along the way. I plan to put many of his ideas into action to become a more “backable” leader, and I know others who heard his talk plan to do the same. But, beyond all of the practical lessons, the lasting impression our audience had was that Suneel is a genuine, caring person who understands leadership challenges. His stories were filled with humility, empathy, and emotion, traits we rarely encounter from our keynote presenters. If you’re looking for an excellent talk delivered with a strong sense of humanity, I recommend Suneel Gupta.” – President, Association for Advancing Automation

“Suneel is a true master of storytelling and his message was delivered to our audience at just the right time. Creating engagement at annual conferences can be tough. But when you couple that with a virtual conference environment, connecting with the audience is no easy feat. Suneel’s keynote on beating burnout to drive innovation was timely and his ability to draw in the audience resulted in the highest engagement numbers of all the sessions for our event. Some speakers can be too in the weeds, while others tend to speak over attendees’ heads. Suneel provided the perfect mix of actionable insights with passion for the topic. Attendees left refreshed, energized and appreciative of the experience.” – Freddie Mac

“Thought-provoking and inspiring. He resonated deeply with our audience.” – Global Head of Wealth, Dow Jones

“Suneel was a keynote speaker at our most recent #AssetMark #GoldForum conference, and he was incredible! Suneel was able to share key insights from his best selling book “Backable”, while incorporating those insights with his personal experiences. He took time to learn about our business, the great work that financial advisors do for their clients, and made his lessons impactful for the entire audience. We loved his energy, story telling and spirit! Thank you Suneel!!” – President, AssetMark


Just Released! Sept 2023:

Everyday Dharma: 8 Essential Practices for Finding Success and Joy in Everything You Do by [Suneel Gupta]

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Edward Dowd

Edward Dowd is currently a founding partner with Phinance Technologies. He has worked on Wall Street most of his career most notably at Blackrock as a portfolio manager where he managed a $14 billion Growth equity portfolio for ten years. His book Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden death in 2021 & 2022 propelled him as an alternative voice during the pandemic and the economic implications that continue to plague us today.  His unique alternative macroeconomic analysis of the global debt crisis and what may unfold has given many a deeper understanding of the global nature of our problems today.

He is daring to ask, out loud, the uncomfortable questions about the past 3 years that many others just won’t. Since Ed has behind the scenes Wall Street insiders who whisper in his ear what they are hearing, he is able to provide strategic and financial insights on a variety of economic topics  – whether it be the credit markets, the insurance markets, debt or equity markets, and how geopolitical and “covid” related events are affecting them, Ed can bring you insider analysis of financial, fed policy, and market trends like none other.  

Ed is a frequent guest on multiple podcasts and mainstream media outlets. He has appeared on Tucker Carlson Today, Dr. Drew, Steve Bannon’s War Room, Valuetainment’s PBD podcast, Man in America, Kitco News, American Thought Leaders on Epoch TV, CHD TV, Mel K, Kim Iverson, Alex Jones, Maria Zee, Charlie Kirk, London Real, Natalie Brunel, Julia La Roche and many, many more.  





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Zuby is best known as a rapper, author, keynote speaker, entrepreneur, socio/political commentator and if that’s not enough, he’s also the host of the ‘Real Talk with Zuby’ podcast. He is also a social media business and marketing expert and… a health guru, whose no nonsense approach to fitness and nutrition has helped countless people look better, feel better, and become more confident. 

Zuby is a rising public figure (AKA a rising star, in multiple arenas – from music to politics and business…), and has fast become a respected and influential voice of reason – whose unique perspective, authenticity and positive energy has earned him over one million followers on social media and 15 million+ online video views. He has caught the attention of some of the most popular media personalities in the world, appearing on The Joe Rogan Experience, The Adam Carolla Show, The Glenn Beck Podcast, The Rubin Report, The Ben Shapiro Show, and The Candace Owens Show, as well as other news outlets such as BBC, Fox News, Sky News and RT. 

Zuby has, over the past few years, been a voice of common sense and sanity. He has helped so many of his listeners, readers and followers make sense of, and cope with, our constantly changing world. And on that note, his newest keynote presentation is based on a social media thread he wrote, that went completely viral – literally, millions of people read that post. This talk is based on the post “20 Things I’ve Learned or Had Confirmed About Humanity During the Pandemic” and it is a must hear keynote, no matter what side of the fence you might be on.

Zuby’s talks appeals to many different kinds of audiences. He’s spoken everywhere from college campuses to corporations, and has been a featured keynote speaker at large, multi day events, gracing the same stages with some of the worlds most popular speakers.  



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Eric Termuende

Eric Termuende is helping leaders build incredible teams and tomorrow’s greatest places to work. His one-degree shift methodology enables leaders to build trust, remove friction, and create a culture of experimentation. But – why create a culture of experimentation? Well – if there is one thing we’ve all learned in the recent years, it is that the future is impossible to predict. Knowing that, how do we build teams that thrive in the weeks, months and years to come?

The answer lies in one-degree shifts: small, consistent changes that enable teams to build trust, remove friction, and build a culture of innovation. With hybrid teams, i.e., some working from home, some not, staggered days in and out of the workplace, new cultures need to be created, and the best way to do that, is to create that culture of experimentation.

Eric delivers a powerful, practical roadmap for building exceptional teams and leading in the future of work. Drawing on years of in-depth research and collaboration with hundreds of industry-leading companies and associations,

Eric combines intellect, heart, and real-world strategies to help audiences navigate today’s rapidly changing workplace. 

His keynotes have energized organizations like IBM, Zoom, Amazon, and Nationwide, among many others. A dynamic conference opener, Eric captivates audiences, sets an energizing tone for the rest of your conference or event.



Eric Termuende is the Co-Founder of NoW of Work, author of Rethink Work, trusted advisor, and award-winning speaker on leadership, culture, and the future of work. His research into the DNA of top performing workplaces reveals the secrets of exceptional leadership and building resilient, forward-thinking teams.

Eric has worked with leading brands like Amazon, Coca-Cola, IBM, Zoom, and Toyota, helping them embrace the future with confidence and optimism. His expertise has been featured in Forbes, Fast Company, and Inc., cementing his reputation as a global thought leader shaping the future of work.

As co-founder of NoW of Work, Eric drives workplace innovation and has been recognized as one of American Express’s Top 100 Emerging Innovators. His influence extends beyond the stage, helping organizations navigate change and build thriving cultures.

Eric’s keynotes combine entertainment, actionable insights, and practical strategies. Audiences consistently praise his talks as inspiring and immediately impactful, leaving them equipped to create and excel in the workplaces of tomorrow.



Leading in a New World of Work

Whether it is next week’s weather or the yet-to-be created technology that is sure to evolve how we work, the future is truly impossible to predict. And while the trends, charts, and forecasting are interesting, we must shift from trying to anticipate what future looks like to a focus on building resilient systems and teams that can help us navigate whatever the future may bring.

In this engaging, insight-filled, and actionable presentation, workplace culture and leadership expert Eric Termuende delivers a customized and research-backed blueprint that has helped thousands of category-leading teams build trust, remove friction, and prepare for a future that is changing constantly, unpredictably, and faster than ever before.

Attendees will receive a practical guide to building teams that are more productive, engaged, creative, and innovative. They’ll learn from the experiences of industry leaders, icons, and trailblazers from around the world about the importance of building trust, removing friction, and creating a culture of experimentation.


  • Practical strategies to boost trust, resilience, and camaraderie
  • Research-backed insights on building team agility and excitement toward impending change
  • An understanding of how to harness the power of one-degree shifts
  • Methods for finding and reducing friction within teams
  • Actionable steps to cultivate a culture of experimentation, risk free


Complete Leadership: A Human-Centric Approach to Navigating the New World of Work

It is no secret that technology is changing faster than it ever has before, that a new generation with new expectations are entering the workplace, and that uncertainty is around every corner. And while the skills and characteristics of yesterday served us well, those same skills are quickly becoming antiquated, outdated, and incomplete.

The leader that thrives in 2030 and beyond will need to master what workplace culture and leadership expert Eric Termuende calls Complete Leadership, adding an imperative dimension of tomorrow’s highest performing leaders.

In this high-energy, actionable keynote, attendees will learn that Complete Leadership adds the ever-important dimension of human-centricity and expands well beyond team performance and the success of the job that needs to get done. This final element includes an empathy factor that transforms our teams to be the best versions of themselves, deepens connection, trust, relatability, and belonging, and simultaneously improves performance while reducing friction and stress across the team.

Leaders that learn and embody Complete Leadership simply build the strongest teams, are remembered long past their tenure, and navigate change and perform the best.

Attendees will learn:

  • The difference between Complete and Partial Leadership
  • How to unlock the Empathy Factor
  • What a 2030 high-performing leader embodies that today’s leaders don’t
  • How to build peak performance on increasingly diverse teams
  • What to lean into, and what to avoid in tomorrow’s world of work



Building Incredible Teams for the Future of Work

Uncertainty is inevitable in the new world of work. In the face of ongoing change, will we see our people running for the exits, or will they be there to support and help each other? Change is happening faster than ever before and building unwavering teams that are resilient, ultra-collaborative, and even excited about that change has never been more important. But how do we build unwavering teams? Trust, empathy, and ongoing experimentation.

Workplace culture and leadership expert Eric Termuende has spent nearly a decade decoding exactly what creates unwavering teams: those that are resilient, rooted in belonging, and have a deep sense of safety and inclusivity. These are the types of teams that thrive through change because they know that while change may be difficult, the only thing worse is standing still. Eric has created a playbook for cultivating unwavering teams, and in this session, attendees will both learn it and be able to take it home with them.

By discovering how to enhance collaboration, developing excitement for all of the possibilities experimentation yields, and deciphering the root of trust across a team, attendees will come away from this session understanding how to become the incredible leader who inspires their teams to perform at their best and stand strong through anything the future may hold.

What audiences come away with:

  • Deep knowledge about the root of collaboration and how to enhance it across the team
  • Research-backed insights around trust, psychological safety, and belonging at work
  • How to enhance excitement about change and how to involve the whole team in the process
  • The most important question to ask to get engagement and buy-in
  • Why the future is something to be excited about, not scared of



Building High-performing Teams in the New World of Work

Weaving its way into nearly every conversation from the boardroom to the dinner table, we talk about AI like we talk about any news story of the day. AI isn’t just a news story though, nor is it a flash-in-the-pan. It is a revolutionary technology that is turning the page and starting a brand-new chapter in the world of work and leadership.

Today, leaders of category-leading companies, associations, and non-profits need to not only understand what AI truly is, they’ll also need to know how it will change the world of work in the years to come, and how the foundations of building trust, belonging, and connection haven’t changed one bit.

The very best leaders don’t just know what AI is, they know how to build high-performing teams as AI continues to invade the workplace. AI isn’t just about technology and tools; it is about change like we’ve never seen before, and leaders need to know exactly what to do about it. Eric will show them the way.

In this insightful, actionable, and eye-opening keynote, leaders will understand specifically how to build resilient, trusting, and engaged teams both because of and despite AI in a world that is changing faster than we’ll ever understand. While AI won’t replace us, the leaders that understand AI and know what to do about it most certainly will. In this keynote, Eric Termuende will teach exactly how to be a better leader in a world dominated by AI.


  • What AI really is, how it is changing the world of work, and what to watch out for
  • How to build trust on their team when change appears to be constant
  • 3 tips to boost engagement, remove friction, and navigate uncertainty
  • Why AI is a tool and not a threat
  • Strategies to boost camaraderie and experimentation across teams
  • The ethics of AI and what we truly need to know



How to Attract Top Talent in the Future of Work

Regardless of where we look, talent shortages are impacting nearly every industry, and competition is fierce. With an entire generation on the precipice of retirement, and not enough workers ready to replace them, the situation is only going to get fiercer. More than ever before, we need to do whatever we can to attract and retain top talent. But what is that?

After a decade of research on the world’s greatest places to work, workplace culture and leadership expert Eric Termuende has the answer.

Like snowflakes and fingerprints, it all comes down to uniqueness. The days of job listings demanding an extensive list of skills and attributes from potential employees are gone. Instead, we need to talk about the larger workplace experience and the difference our organizations are making in the world. To attract the right talent in today’s environment, we must plant our metaphorical flag in the ground and emphasize what makes us, as employers, different from the rest.

In this fun and takeaway-filled presentation, attendees will not only learn how to create their own compelling stories to attract the right talent to their organization, but they’ll also leave with a talent attraction framework they can continue to refine as the world of work keeps evolving.


  • Actionable ways to create and share a unique, sticky, and impactful employee value proposition
  • Key strategies for leveraging your best recruiters (a.k.a. your existing team)
  • An understanding of why creating a ‘best’ place to work might not mean what you think it does (and what licorice, cilantro, and pineapple pizza has to do with it)
  • Knowledge of where culture lives, and how to adapt your story based on the team/location you’re hiring for

This is feedback from our CEO:

“Please share the following feedback with Eric. People really liked him and found him very inspirational. He energized everyone and was definitely a highlight of the afternoon!

  • Relevant
  • Great stories, powerful
  • Very articulate
  • Relatable 


We had Eric Termuende speak at two of our national leadership events in 2023. His message was a total hit as we continue to win and grow in the future of work. His engaging and entertaining keynotes were tailored, relevant, and gave all of our leaders the insights and tools they needed to build incredible teams and remain excited about the uncertain future we’re all trying to navigate.

Today’s presentation was great and I’m delighted at the response from the Team. The videos, the

customization, and of course, your presence, knowledge, and energy made it a huge success! I’ve

contracted and supported many Executive Leadership Summits for the agency over the years and it is not often that they say…”This is the best Summit we’ve ever had!” There’s been a lot of that type of feedback today and it is much deserved and well-earned praise.


In October 2020, in the middle of this Pandemic crisis, we had the pleasure to work with Eric for one of our episodes of our Dell Technologies Thought Leader Series. In addition to being a very fun person to work with, Eric was very generous of his time and an amazing presenter that our customers love!!!! His story was very inspiring and helped people with a different perspective during these difficult times.


Wow, just WOW. Safe to say that was the best virtual presentation we’ve done yet, and not just

for this event! The comments section definitely showcased that.

Thank you very much for that incredible presentation. I will be in touch again very soon.


We had the opportunity to bring Eric in as the keynote speaker for our annual strategic planning

workshop with all of our Senior Leaders. Eric did an excellent job of helping us understand and

connect the links between strategy and culture with some “one degree shifts” in our thinking

about people and process. This slight change in our thinking was a great catalyst for the

subsequent discussions as we built out our strategies for the coming year.


Eric delivered an engaging, inspiring and thought-provoking session to our audience. It was

a pleasure working with Eric – he delivered the perfect presentation. Eric is a charismatic and

passionate storyteller with great insights, real-world experience and exceptional presentation

skills. It was a pleasure to work with Eric and I would highly encourage any organization to

invite Eric to present to their community!



Rethink Work tackles one of the big problems’ employers face today: finding and keeping the best employees, especially at a time when young workers typically quit after only three years on the job. Targeted at those entering the workforce, in job transition, or anyone looking for that perfect candidate, Rethink Work stands out from other books in this category because the author is one of those young people: Eric Termuende, a rising star on the international speakers’ circuit. Click here for more info.



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Kyle Kemper

Kyle Kemper is truly a 21st century renaissance man.

His mission is to connect with us, and collaborate with us, and perhaps, to help us… to facilitate what Kyle calls “this great awakening of humanity”, which is really just a unique collaboration together towards building new systems of governance and finance – to usher in a new era, creating more health, wealth and spiritual fulfillment for everyone. And yes, cryptocurrencies will be a big part of it.

Kyle is a visionary strategist, technologist, artist, and of course, a family-man. (More on that in his biography section; he has quite the pedigree!). He is also the founder of Swiss Key crypto wallet, and is the co-host of the new Love and Freedom Show. He is a serial entrepreneur, a keynote speaker, and an advisor to many projects – both big and small.

Kyle is committed to seeing the world have an easy and secure way to use and benefit from crypto, NFTs and blockchain – while assuring these technologies are used for the betterment of people- for liberty, for value creation, and abundant new systems that can change the world.

Kyle Kemper has been featured in major media, podcasts, and as a speaker at conferences. Right now he has published part 1 of his newest book as a booklet. In it, he explores how blockchain technology, DAOs, and NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) make liquid democracy and delegative democracy possible, and how we implement it to become radically abundant as a nation and as a civilization.


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