Mike Abrashoff

At the age of 36, the Navy selected Abrashoff to become Commander of USS Benfold – at the time, the most junior commanding officer in the Pacific Fleet. The immediate challenges that faced him on this underperforming Naval war ship were staggering: exceptionally low morale, high turnover and unacceptably low performance evaluations. Few thought that this ship could improve. In many ways, the USS Benfold was actually an extreme example of the same problems facing many organizations today.

“When my crew came to me with a problem, I’d say ‘It’s your ship – how would you fix it?’.” Mike focused on the one thing he could influence: his crew’s attitude, because culture is the ultimate competitive weapon for any organization.

Mike’s established a set of management principles that he calls The Leadership Roadmap. At the core of his leadership approach on Benfold was a process of replacing command and control with commitment and cohesion, and engaging the hearts, minds, and loyalties of workers with conviction and humility. “The most important thing that a captain can do is to see the ship through the eyes of the crew. The idea is to empower every individual to share the responsibility of achieving excellence.”

The solution was to establish a system of management techniques that Abrashoff calls The Leadership Roadmap. At the core of his leadership approach on Benfold was a process of replacing command and control with commitment and cohesion, and by engaging the hearts, minds, and loyalties of workers – with conviction and humility. “The most important thing that a captain can do is to see the ship through the eyes of the crew.” According to Abrashoff, The Leadership Roadmap is a practice that empowers every individual to share the responsibility of achieving excellence. “It’s your ship,” he was known to say. His former sailors to this day still remind him of it.


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Vikram Mansharamani

Dr. Vikram Mansharamani is a global trend-watcher who shows people how to anticipate the future, manage risk, and spot opportunities. He is the author of the recently-released THINK FOR YOURSELF: Restoring Common Sense in an Age of Experts and Artificial Intelligence and BOOMBUSTOLOGY: Spotting Financial Bubbles Before They Burst.  He has been a frequent commentator on issues driving disruption in the global business environment. Vikram’s ideas and writings have also appeared in Bloomberg, Fortune, Forbes, The New York Times and a long list of other publications. Linkedin twice listed him as their #1 Top Voice for Money, Finance and Global Economics and Worth has profiled him as one of the 100 most powerful people in global finance. Millions of readers have enjoyed his unique multi-lens approach to connecting seemingly irrelevant dots.

Vikram recently wrote on Linkedin: “As I’ve stressed before, uncertainty and change are unavoidable realities of life. Yet all of us are asked to make decisions in the face of ….fluid dynamics. What’s the best way to do so? Sadly, there is no one correct answer, but I believe we must look through the day-to-day noise to have any chance of identifying signals. Long-term trends that drive seemingly disconnected developments offer a compass to guide us through the numerous cross-currents that plague our lives; and as I’ve noted several times in the past, I believe this approach is at least marginally more useful than my Ouija board or Magic 8 ball.”  Vikram is not without a sense of humor, too; which of course helps to navigate uncertainty, especially when making bold predictions about the future.


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Geoff Colvin

The best companies and leaders win by confronting reality faster than the competition. Geoff Colvin of Fortune delivers valuable insights to help them do just that. His unique perspective stems from unparalleled access to top global business leaders who tell him what they’re seeing, thinking, and doing. As a result, Geoff can provide audiences with a clearer path for an uncertain future. Geoff unpacks actionable insights on the economic, market, political, and technological forces driving disruptive change. Some of the topics and takeaways you’ll have from a Geoff Colvin keynote: 

What are the political, technological, economic, and competitive forces shaping the future of business?

Learn what the best leaders & organizations doing right now to compete and grow in spite of deep uncertainty.

What is the future of work in a world filled with robots and smart technology? How will humans fit in?

How did the great performers become great? It’s more than natural talent or hard work. Learn the truth and apply their secrets.



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Monte Solberg

With over 15 years in Government, as an MP and federal cabinet minister, Monte has heard thousands of pitches from “Government Relations” pros and amateurs alike. Therefore, there is no one better suited than Monte to explain how to actually meet politicians and officials to discuss your organization’s concerns, and how to overcome their potential objections or worse, indifference to your message – and still feel good about yourself.

Best of all, you’ll be entertained by Monte’s wry keynote while you learn: Monte was frequently selected by Parliament Hill staffers as one of the wittiest MPs on the Hill.  Yes, Monte Solberg makes “Government Relations” a quasi, semi-fun topic as no one else can.

If you are looking for a talk on “GR” or simply want a presentation on the state of the nation, the economy, and more – then don’t hesitate to contact us to book Monte for your next event.


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Todd Buchholz

Economist Todd Buchholz “lights up economics with a wickedly sparkling wit,” says the Associated Press.

The former White House senior economic advisor, Tiger hedge fund managing director and best-selling author has jousted with such personalities as James Carville and Ben Stein. His lively and informative speaking engagements have earned him a place in Successful Meetings Magazine’s “21 Top Speakers for the 21st Century, and his best-selling books on economics and financial markets have been widely translated and are taught in universities worldwide. As a frequent commentator on the state of the markets, Todd Buchholz brings his experience as a former White House director of economic policy, a managing director of the $15 billion Tiger hedge fund, and a Harvard economics teacher to the cutting edge of economics, fiscal politics, finance, and business strategy.  Buchholz is a frequent guest on ABC News, PBS, and CBS, and he recently hosted his own special on CNBC. Buchholz has debated such luminaries in the field as Lester Thurow and Nobel Laureate Joseph Stiglitz.

Buchholz has authored numerous critically acclaimed and best-selling books on the economy and leadership, many of which he has developed into successful lectures and speaking events. His books have been translated into a dozen languages and are used in universities worldwide, including at NYU, Duke, and Princeton. Author Buchholz is praised for his examination of economics, business and entrepreneurship in the context of global society.

The Sunday TIMES (UK) called The Price of Prosperity: Why Rich Nations Fail and How to Renew Them “highly entertaining, far-sighted and enjoyably acerbic.” The Wall Street Journal named the book to its exclusive list of “Eight Summer Must-Reads” for 2016. Market Shock: 9 Economic and Social Upheavals that Will Shake Our Financial Future, was released to rave reviews and dubbed “outstanding” by the Wall Street Journal.

Buchholz has also published the best-selling New Ideas from Dead Economists, New Ideas from Dead CEOs, From Here to Economy, and Lasting Lessons from the Corner Office, which garnered high praise from The New York Times and Financial Times. Named by Publishers Weekly as a “top ten” book for 2011, his book Rush: Why You Need and Love the Rat Race has been praised by the Financial Times, Toronto Globe & Mail, Los Angeles Times and the BBC, among many others. Buchholz has penned articles for the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Forbes, and Reader’s Digest.


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Josh Linkner

Business leader, NY Times bestselling author, tech entrepreneur, venture capitalist, and keynote speaker on a mission to drive creativity, innovation, and reinvention.

Josh Linkner is a business leader, venture capitalist, tech entrepreneur, top-rated keynote speaker, and author of two New York Times bestsellers: Disciplined Dreaming and The Road to Reinvention. As CEO and Managing Partner of Detroit Venture Partners, he helps startups disrupt the old guard while helping to rebuild his hometown of Detroit, Michigan. Josh has twice been named the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year and is a President Barack Obama Champion of Change award recipient. He is a regular columnist for Forbes, The Detroit Free Press, and Inc. Magazine. His work on innovation has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, Harvard Business Review, CNN, and more.

Josh is on a mission to drive creativity, innovation, and reinvention. And he also plays a mean jazz guitar.


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Mike Walsh

Mike has delivered close to 1,000 keynote speeches around the world to companies in almost every industry.

With a background in research and strategic consulting, Mike first leads his clients through a pre-event research process, designed to pinpoint the most relevant issues impacting their business and the strategies with the best chance of delivering meaningful change.

Once the research is complete, Mike will have everything he needs to deliver a high-energy, thought-provoking keynote that provides relevant solutions for your audience and sets the tone for your entire event.

Rather than focusing on the distant future, Mike takes an anthropological approach – scanning the near horizon for emerging technologies and disruptive shifts in human behavior, and then translating these into pragmatic plans for business transformation. A prolific winter and commentator, Mike’s views have appeared in a wide range of international publications including BusinessWeek, Forbes and the Wall Street Journal.


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Michele Payn

Michele Payn personifies passion. Known as one of North America’s leading farm and food advocates, she serves as a resource for people interested in connecting the people and science of food and agriculture. Michele encourages all of her clients and audiences to connect with people’s hot buttons and speak their language – whether it’s building a connection between farm gate and food plate, developing corporate sponsorships or growing advocacy.

Widely known as a “change agent,” Michele delivers advocacy training programs and motivational keynotes to empower organizations to build connected communities; and she measures success in conversations around the food plate by people who are willing to reach out to help make their cause matter. 


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J.J. McCullough

One look at that hair tells you this guy is not your father’s “un-left” quasi-conservative type. J.J. McCullough is an ex-pundit turned youtuber (with over 775k subscribers!) who defies all the stereotypes about what it means to be a… quasi-conservative Canadian Youtuber with a hip and decidedly funky edge.

J.J.’s unique west-coast perspective, unobstructed by the conventional wisdom of the country’s eastern “media elites”, J.J. calls Canada as he sees it, and what he sees is a nation often in denial about its unique problems.  From discriminatory bilingualism to a broken parliamentary system to the strange cult of Canadian anti-Americanism, immigration, Covid Policy and more, J.J. isn’t afraid to tackle the sacred cows too often deemed immune from criticism in Canada. Because really, as J.J. says… someone’s got to. Politics aside though, J.J.’s success lies in the fact there are a myriad of topics that he speaks about, and he has a sense of fun that separates him from other speakers, pundits and journalists. Over the past year, JJ has been speaking out against the Canadian Governments new Bill, Bill C-11. In fact, his expertise on the subject of this Bill is profound; so much so that he was invited to, and then delivered, his testimony at a Canadian Senate Hearing on the effects Bill C-11 will have, and why it will have a deleterious effect on all Canadians – not just those of us engaged on Social Media.

Also, you can now find J.J. writing about Canada in the Washington Post, as a global opinion contributing columnist. To see more of J.J.’s youtube videos, you can check out a number of his videos below, or go to his amazing Youtube channel, where he covers topics as “Speaking English” to the “History of American Ice Cream” to the Queen of England, and much, much more!


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Sharyl Attkisson

Sharyl Attkisson is an Emmy award winning investigative journalist, host of the Sunday morning news program “Full Measure,” who tries to give you information others don’t want you to have.  She says: “ What you do with it (the information) is your own business. Do your own research. Seek advice from those you trust. Make up your own mind”

Sharyl is the author of the New York Time’s Bestseller, “Stonewalled: My Fight For the Truth Against the Forces of Obstruction, Intimidation and Harassment in Obama’s Washington”   From the back of the book cover -…”Sharyl Attkisson fought tirelessly to uncover wrongdoing by those in power, whether major corporations, government officials, or presidential administrations of both parties. But when she started looking into stories involving the Obama administration’s mistakes and misjudgments in a series of high-profile cases—stories few in mainstream journalism would touch—she was confronted with the administration’s use of hardball tactics to discourage, block, and actively suppress her investigative work.”

This is a keynote speech you do not want to miss. 


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